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Old 11-07-2007, 04:40 AM
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Technically, I prefer Tico to Rick (I told a friend I think if Tico got his arm lopped off so they both had the same holyshit factor, Tico'd end up with more press in the long run because he's better), and I'd say Alec vs Sav is no contest in Sav's favor but I'm not sure about Hugh vs. Sav. Guitars, I'm torn...I think for the most part if you sat Richie, Phil and Viv all down and had them play the exact same thing it'd be a closer match - Phil and Viv are still better, but I think it's emphasized more thanks to their chemistry and I think more allowance for guitar showing-off in Lepp songs than Jovi songs. And Jon vs Joe depends entirely on my mood, although I won't argue that Jon beats Joe live now. Jovi's lyrics tend to be less...well, stupid.

I think Jovi just got lucky with IML, they just managed to hit at the right time and place with the right song to blow up. Lepp could've done it, they just...didn't for any number of reasons.
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