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Old 07-07-2006, 02:38 AM
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Originally Posted by david2k86
IMO, X was their weakest effort along with Adrenalize, but is not without it's merits. I lke Now and Long Long Way To Go and I liked the videos aswell. I don't dislike any of the track on the album but they just all seem to blur into one.
I like Now and Kiss the Day. I'd like Torn To Shreds if the lyrics didn't make me gag like the rest of the album does. Scar.....I would normally love something like that...but that track was actually obligatory....imposed by the record company. I have my moments where I can get completely into it, but there is just something about it that leaves a bad it falls in the same category as White Lightening....tolerable and enjoyable at times..falling flat at other times. I do think that middle guitar break is way too much like Die Hard the if they weren't even trying. "Let's just slow down the tempo and tack it on at the beginning of the solo rather than in the middle." Of course it's not exactly like it..but it's just too similar to avoid thinking of anything else everytime I hear it instead of just enjoying the change of pace within the song.
I said, all it's about is the boy checked out, he couldn't handle reality.
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Old 07-11-2006, 12:18 AM
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Originally Posted by Bleeding Purist
Actually the rest of your post there explains why you don't like Rock On. You're a fan of their 80's material. That song they didn't write on X that was released as a single... is one of the worst things they've ever done....cliche and totally what people who don't get Leppard (not referring to you) think that Leppard is. "Oh this sounds like something Def Leppard would do!" the 80s. It's been a decade and half since those days.

Euphoria was where the fans of their past and the fans of their present/future could come together. Those who hated it tended to focus on particular songs that put them off so they then wrote the entire album off. It wasn't Slang II, but it wasn't Hysteria II or Pyromania II either. They managed to cover their entire history and present and meld it. That's why I love that album. Paper Sun, Day After Day and Demolition Man rank quite high on my list of faves along with most of the rest of the album being favorable. 21st Century Girl was a blatant attempt at recreating Pour Some Sugar On Me so I've never been able to stomach it. The rest of the songs that echo previous efforts, Promises for example, just don't put me off because they are done so well with enough freshness.
Yes I'm a bigger fan of their 80s material. I do like most of Adrenalize which was released in the 90s (except maybe Make Love Like A Man which is horrible). I can stomach some of Slang (Truth, Gift of Flesh, Breathe A Sigh and Where Does Love Goes When It Dies) and X (You're So Beautiful, Long Long Way To Go, Everyday and Scar). I agree with you on Euphoria. 21st Century Girl isn't really one of their shining moments. Promises, Demolition Man, Guilty are all excellent tracks from Euphoria.
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1970's, 2006, covers album, def leppard, yeah!

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