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Old 09-25-2006, 03:00 AM
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danfan danfan is offline
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Originally Posted by Captain_jovi
On a side note, apparently the amount of seats their selling today is the same amount as they did for the Hysteria tour which is just mindblowing. Im glad they're having a good year.
I don't tihnk that's accurate, especially when Hysteria was in the round and they had more seats for sale.

I love DL, but the only reason they're doing well this year is because they're touring with Bryan Adams and Journey. And it's sad to say, but Bryan Adams absolutely put them to shame at the show I saw. When I saw them by themselves a couple years ago, there was maybe, MAYBE, 2,000 people at the arena.

Even if they WERE selling as many tickets, it's not really mindblowing. Lots of bands are still selling lots of tickets that have been around for as long:

U2, Bon Jovi, Aerosmith, Motley Crue, Jimmy Buffett, etc.
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