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Old 09-23-2006, 03:01 AM
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Originally Posted by yomamasofat
They played Have You Ever in the Rock of Ages tour in USA. Seems that the song was a bigger hit in USA than Europe. Whereas WLAHC was huge in the UK but not US. The band based their setlist on the chart position. Which is annoying.
Did they do it regularly? I went to two shows on that tour and that was not played at either and i don't remember seeing it on that many sets.
Albany, NY 12/12/05. JBJ to me from the stage: "You been a good girl this year?" (Reads my sign) "Jon, It's almost Xmas I've been a very good girl! Play Blood on Blood please!" (cue me on the big screen) JBJ: "How good have you been? Oh My God!" (laughs, more teasing) JBJ: "You want it huh, you want it huh? Blood on Blood just for you, the good girl in the front row? The all request hour, the girl in the front row has just asked for Blood on Blood, ok, Merry Christmas young lady!" Amazing <3
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Old 09-23-2006, 03:05 AM
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Originally Posted by Captain_jovi
On a side note, apparently the amount of seats their selling today is the same amount as they did for the Hysteria tour which is just mindblowing. Im glad they're having a good year.
No way can that be true. People on the DL message boards constantly bitch and moan about the size of venues they play... small venues which come nowhere near to being sold out. I saw them on the double bill with Bryan Adams and there were maybe 7,000 people. I also saw them at a casino, The Turning Stone which only holds 5,000 and it was not sold out and i'm sure in the Hysteria heyday in the 80's they played to more people than that. Just wondering where did you read this info?
Albany, NY 12/12/05. JBJ to me from the stage: "You been a good girl this year?" (Reads my sign) "Jon, It's almost Xmas I've been a very good girl! Play Blood on Blood please!" (cue me on the big screen) JBJ: "How good have you been? Oh My God!" (laughs, more teasing) JBJ: "You want it huh, you want it huh? Blood on Blood just for you, the good girl in the front row? The all request hour, the girl in the front row has just asked for Blood on Blood, ok, Merry Christmas young lady!" Amazing <3
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Old 09-25-2006, 02:41 AM
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Originally Posted by SamboraQueen21
Did they do it regularly? I went to two shows on that tour and that was not played at either and i don't remember seeing it on that many sets.
I can't remember, they probably played it on and off. I didn't go see that tour because I hate double bills.
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Old 09-25-2006, 02:41 AM
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Originally Posted by SamboraQueen21
No way can that be true. People on the DL message boards constantly bitch and moan about the size of venues they play... small venues which come nowhere near to being sold out. I saw them on the double bill with Bryan Adams and there were maybe 7,000 people. I also saw them at a casino, The Turning Stone which only holds 5,000 and it was not sold out and i'm sure in the Hysteria heyday in the 80's they played to more people than that. Just wondering where did you read this info?
Joe claimed that. We all should know that if it comes from the lead singer's mouth, it's not to be trusted.
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Old 09-25-2006, 04:00 AM
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Originally Posted by Captain_jovi
On a side note, apparently the amount of seats their selling today is the same amount as they did for the Hysteria tour which is just mindblowing. Im glad they're having a good year.
I don't tihnk that's accurate, especially when Hysteria was in the round and they had more seats for sale.

I love DL, but the only reason they're doing well this year is because they're touring with Bryan Adams and Journey. And it's sad to say, but Bryan Adams absolutely put them to shame at the show I saw. When I saw them by themselves a couple years ago, there was maybe, MAYBE, 2,000 people at the arena.

Even if they WERE selling as many tickets, it's not really mindblowing. Lots of bands are still selling lots of tickets that have been around for as long:

U2, Bon Jovi, Aerosmith, Motley Crue, Jimmy Buffett, etc.
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Old 09-25-2006, 04:09 PM
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def leppards shelf life is getting closer and closer to its end

joe just isnt the singer he used to be
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Old 09-26-2006, 03:13 AM
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Originally Posted by danfan
I don't tihnk that's accurate, especially when Hysteria was in the round and they had more seats for sale.

I love DL, but the only reason they're doing well this year is because they're touring with Bryan Adams and Journey. And it's sad to say, but Bryan Adams absolutely put them to shame at the show I saw. When I saw them by themselves a couple years ago, there was maybe, MAYBE, 2,000 people at the arena.
Thank you. I knew that quote couldn't have been right. Like i said they failed to sell out the 5,000 seat arena i saw them at. It's a shame. Can you imagine what is must feel to go from playing Wembley and huge arenas in the 80's to barely selling 2,000 tix?

Totally agree about Bryan too. I love DL and BA but BA stole the show last time i saw them.
Albany, NY 12/12/05. JBJ to me from the stage: "You been a good girl this year?" (Reads my sign) "Jon, It's almost Xmas I've been a very good girl! Play Blood on Blood please!" (cue me on the big screen) JBJ: "How good have you been? Oh My God!" (laughs, more teasing) JBJ: "You want it huh, you want it huh? Blood on Blood just for you, the good girl in the front row? The all request hour, the girl in the front row has just asked for Blood on Blood, ok, Merry Christmas young lady!" Amazing <3
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Old 09-27-2006, 02:25 PM
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Originally Posted by SamboraQueen21
Totally agree about Bryan too. I love DL and BA but BA stole the show last time i saw them.
It's no surprise. I've been to well over 100 concerts, and Bryan Adams is right near the top. The guy is amazing live. The only singer I've heard come close to sounding as good live is maybe Steve Perry.
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Old 09-28-2006, 12:21 AM
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Def Leppard setlists these days are basically the greatest hits with one or two other songs thrown in which is a pain in the ass. I hate the way people react in concerts to a song they don't know by not making an effort to add to the atmosphere regardless, so when the new stuff or something of Slang or Retro Active gets played the place goes dead (bar in Japan apparently).

I thought X was a good album, writing was pretty lame but the music and melody to the songs was awesome, Euphoria was the disaster for me bar the 4 killer tracks, Paper Sun, Kings Of Oblivion, Day After Day and To Be Alive. Hope they get back and do a proper UK tour next time, two shows the last time was pathetic and then they piss off to the US and tour there inside out.
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def leppard, live

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