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Old 12-02-2003, 07:52 PM
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StoneDeaf StoneDeaf is offline
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Originally Posted by DevilsSon
ueah, there was a pretyty big post here, people saying they like Avril Lavigne.
It pretty much shocked me. But I found out she writes her music herself and that's a good part.
Still, i don't like her music...but least she writes her crap alone compared to Christina or i don't know who have their 1000s of writers!

Well, the way i see it, anyone who writes his/her own stuff is worth a big "cheers" it seems nowadays, industry raises most of these "new" stars and starlets who just has no abilities other than singing & posing. Them people are nothing but mindless puppets used for milking the cash from the paying herd.

What do you mean, I aint kind?
Im just not your kind.

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