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Old 08-03-2005, 02:06 AM
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Originally Posted by SomethingToBelieveIn
Fav: Master Of Puppets
Underated: St. Anger

We should be thankful their still making music.
not if they're making crappy music.

anyway my fav. metallica album as a whole deffinately has to be Master of Puppets, but my fav. song is Fade to Black from Ride the Lightning.(I know no from the same album, so what??
In my view, Metallica went to sh!t with st. anger, I don't understand how that album is going back into their roots when It's comepletely opposite to everything they did when they were finding their roots.
Ryan please listen to this sh!t carefully, Loads guitar work is in no way shape or form more complex than any of MOP of RTL solo's, at all, maybe more thought out in a way, but learn to play guitar and you'll se a real difference. Kirk discovered the slide, big deal.
But I will add one thing, I like both load and reload, there's still a trace of metallica in those albums, and both have songs with I love, but they also have songs which I hate, and that had never happened with a Metallica album for me (I owned all the metallica albums before this one had been released and was already a fan, it's a long story let's just say I inherited this from my uncle).
What I really don't get are the no solo's on st. anger, sucky production, and seven minute songs that only have 2 or 3 (horrible) lines in them and could have made the same point in 2 or 3 minutes. But that's just me.

Metallica doesn't have an underrated album IMO, they have all garnered the recognition they deserve, in some cases more. But they do have one underrated song and That's Fixxxer, yes Fixxer the last track on Reload.
The fact that the album alienated a lot of fans and was a bit too commercial for Metallica hides the fact that this song is freakin genious.
Just my opinion by the way, all of this.
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