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Old 08-03-2005, 04:05 AM
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Originally Posted by jeb865

SpunkyWho - I think One could have been on Black as much as it was overplayed. I'd ask for your thoughts but you already gave it
I actually liked Black, but considering that they played that album to death on the radio, I don't want it mentioned as a Metallica album
Justice for All - One, Yeah, how predictable, I'm a chick.
Just joking!!!
Well, it is quite true though!! 'One' could have been on the Black album and it was the song that attracted a whole new fanbase, it also was their first video, wasn't it?

My theory is that girls like emotional songs and there can't be a more emotional song than 'One' Of all the videos I've seen in my lifetime, One is most definitely the one that's been etched in my brain permanently - I might be a drooling vegetable one day, wearing diapers and not remembering my name, but you bet I'll play 'One' over and over and over in my brain (how appropriate) lol. It was quite the moment...
Why won’t you say something now
Don’t leave me hanging
Cut me down
I miss the fire that was once in your eyes
Well come on and say something now
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