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Old 08-16-2006, 01:02 AM
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Default Def Leppard - Deluxe Editions and Box Sets Thread

Welcome to the OFFICIAL Def Leppard Deluxe Editions and Box Sets thread.

This is now a thread for information about ALL Deluxe Editions, not just Hysteria, as Deluxe Editions and Box Sets of other albums have since been released.

Pyromania and Adrenalize Deluxe Editions (released June 23rd, 2009) revealed, released and discussed from page 8.

The band talk about preparation for the Slang Deluxe Edition. Released in February 2014. See page 12.

Joe Elliott mentions Euphoria Deluxe Edition in radio interview, though no such release as of 2024. See page 20.

Hysteria 30th Anniversary Edition released August 3rd, 2017. See page 22.

Career-Spanning Box Set Series announced. First of four volumes will include band's Eighties LPs, along with rare B-sides and live cuts. See page 22.

Volume One released June 1st, 2018. See page 22.

Volume Two, which covers the Nineties, released June 21st, 2019. See page 22.

The Early Years 79-81, released March 20th, 2020. See page 24.

Volume 3, which covers the 2000’s, released June 11th, 2021. See page 24.

Pyromania 40th Anniversary Super Deluxe Edition discussed here.

"HYSTERIA" DELUXE EDITION (posted 08-23-2006)

Originally Posted by

PRESS RELEASE -- On the 3rd August 1987 British rock band Def Leppard released the album "HYSTERIA". Already a major force in rock music, "HYSTERIA" catapulted the band into the stratosphere. The statistics for "Hysteria" are astounding. The album has sold in excess of 17 million copies and counting. Due to the incredible success of previous album "PYROMANIA" (released in 1983) and "HYSTERIA" Def Leppard are one of only five rock groups who can claim two separate original 10 million plus selling albums in the US. The others are The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd and Van Halen. The "Hysteria" album also spawned 7 hit singles! Enormous hits such as "POUR SOME SUGAR ON ME", "ANIMAL", "LOVE BITES", "ARMAGEDDON IT" and "ROCKET" are rock staples that still enjoy huge popularity today and have helped make Def Leppard Britain's greatest ever arena rock band. The album remains Def Leppard's best loved.

Mercury Records is set to release the "HYSTERIA DELUXE EDITION" on October 16, 2006. The double album will feature the full album remastered and a host of extras including all the "HYSTERIA" single b-sides, live b-sides and remixes together for the first time. The deluxe edition will also feature exclusive expanded booklet and artwork (including a forward by Rolling Stone senior editor David Fricke).

Having sold over 65 million albums worldwide since their debut release in 1980 and proved themselves one of rock music's hardest working and consistently powerful live bands (playing to over 50 million fans in the last 15 years alone), Def Leppard's "HYSTERIA DELUXE EDITION" is an album not to miss.

Full tracklisting for "HYSTERIA DELUXE EDITION" is as follows:


HYSTERIA remastered:

HYSTERIA b-sides:
14. RIDE INTO THE SUN (1987 re-recording)

HYSTERIA live b-sides:
1. ELECTED (live in Tilburg, Holland)
2. LOVE AND AFFECTION (live in Tilburg, Holland)
3. BILLY'S GOT A GUN (live in Tilburg, Holland)
4. ROCK AF AGES (live in Tilburg, Holland)
5. WOMEN (live in Denver)

HYSTERIA remixes:

6. ANIMAL (extended version)
7. POUR SOME SUGAR ON ME (extended version)
8. ARMAGEDDON IT (The Nuclear Mix)
9. EXCITABLE (Orgasmic Mix)
10. ROCKET (The Lunar Mix)

HYSTERIA b-sides continued:
11. RELEASE ME (performed by Stumpus Maximus & The Good Ol' Boys)

"HYSTERIA DELUXE EDITION" is released through Mercury Records on the 16th October 2006. In June 2006 Def leppard released a covers album "YEAH!" to widespread acclaim. The band are currently in the midst of a sold out Arena tour of the USA.

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Last edited by Dave 1986; 07-14-2024 at 08:07 PM..
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Old 08-16-2006, 01:51 AM
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yeah heard about this i will def(no pun intended) be buying this when it comes out love that album!!
__________________ Irelands no 1 Bon Jovi tribute band (my bootleg trade site Bon jovi section has to be seriously updated will do in due time)
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Old 08-16-2006, 02:08 AM
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hysteria is one of the greatest rock albums of all time
Albany, NY 12/12/05. JBJ to me from the stage: "You been a good girl this year?" (Reads my sign) "Jon, It's almost Xmas I've been a very good girl! Play Blood on Blood please!" (cue me on the big screen) JBJ: "How good have you been? Oh My God!" (laughs, more teasing) JBJ: "You want it huh, you want it huh? Blood on Blood just for you, the good girl in the front row? The all request hour, the girl in the front row has just asked for Blood on Blood, ok, Merry Christmas young lady!" Amazing <3
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Old 08-16-2006, 05:52 PM
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I won't buy it unless it comes with a B-side of the acoustic version of Love Bites. I heard that Mutt first brought the song and played it acoustically, like an Eagles song. I am very curious to hear this version.
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Old 08-16-2006, 06:46 PM
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This was posted @


Next up from Def Leppard - a Deluxe Edition of their all time best selling classic album Hysteria. As yet there are no details available, but the same treatment was recently given to label mate Melissa Etheridge's landmark 1988 self-titled debut, which featured the following:
- The original album completely remastered.
- A second disc with live material from that same year -- a ten-song set at L.A.'s Roxy, and five acoustic performances.
- Expanded liner notes.
What will The Leps come up with??
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Old 08-16-2006, 09:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Stut
[size=2]This was posted @[b]

but the same treatment was recently given to label mate Melissa Etheridge's landmark 1988 self-titled debut, which featured the following:
- The original album completely remastered.
- A second disc with live material from that same year -- a ten-song set at L.A.'s Roxy, and five acoustic performances.
- Expanded liner notes.
I wish that they would do this with some of Bon Jovi's albums!
Albany, NY 12/12/05. JBJ to me from the stage: "You been a good girl this year?" (Reads my sign) "Jon, It's almost Xmas I've been a very good girl! Play Blood on Blood please!" (cue me on the big screen) JBJ: "How good have you been? Oh My God!" (laughs, more teasing) JBJ: "You want it huh, you want it huh? Blood on Blood just for you, the good girl in the front row? The all request hour, the girl in the front row has just asked for Blood on Blood, ok, Merry Christmas young lady!" Amazing <3
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Old 08-17-2006, 03:12 AM
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I cannot wait for this!!
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Old 08-17-2006, 03:13 PM
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Originally Posted by SamboraQueen21
hysteria is one of the greatest rock albums of all time
I really can't get into any of the album tracks from it ... think I prefer Pyromania in general

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Old 08-17-2006, 04:16 PM
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Default Def Leppard - Hysteria (Delux Edition)

I don´t consider Hysteria my favourite album either, I think Def Leppard have made better albums since, but it´s definitely a good album. I only have a vinyl copy of the album which I bought cheap a few years back and I´ve downloaded the mp3´s and ripped the remastered tracks off the Best Of, but I would still love a totally remastered version of the whole album so I´m definitely buying this. I hope they do this with more of their albums aswell.

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Last edited by Dave 1986; 08-27-2016 at 11:24 PM..
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Old 08-17-2006, 04:27 PM
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Originally Posted by The Walrus
I really can't get into any of the album tracks from it ... think I prefer Pyromania in general
I prefer Pyromania to it..but I do get into the album tracks. Gods of War in particular. Then Don't Shoot Shotgun is a guilty pleasure. Something about that whole accapella intro of "RUN FOR COVER!.......DON'T SHOOT.......SHOOT! <Thunder crack> She's so dangerous..SHOT-GUN!" It kills me every time.

But Hysteria, the album, was the most "singled"-out album I've ever known. The songs on the entire first side of the album (vinyl) were all released as singles in the U.S.. Worldwide...Everything but God's of War, Don't Shoot Shotgun, Run Riot, and Love and Affection had been released as singles.

I'd probably love it more if it wasn't the fact they released Adrenalize after it and it just sealed them into the whole late 80 hair era for eternity as far as most of the world is concerned no matter what they did after that. Changing direction appropriately immediately after Hysteria to a more serious and mature direction as well as experimental was what they needed to do.

I try to block Adrenalize from my mind as ever happening. This allows me to consider Hysteria on it's own merits. It's a commercially appealing album that yet is quite artistic and ground breaking. It set a trend that would be driven into the ground by poor imitators..which is what always happens when something is that good.

They had real balls releasing Women as the first video and single in the U.S. In fact, it's hard to believe it was a single at all. It's the kind of song you regard as "album rock" Not the lead single. But they did it anyway. I know I was floored when I saw the video premiere on MTV as an exclusive. I saw a band that had matured physically and artistically. It was so bizarre that although the lyrics should off off as ridiculous...the fact is you have this bombastic machismo colliding with sonic sophistication and you wind up getting a surreal experience. There was just nothing like it. It opens the album and it basically warns you to open your mind and not set expectations.

I do prefer Pyromania for the fact it is edgier lyrically and do tear it up compared to Hysteria with songs like Too Late, Die Hard, Foolin, Billy's Got A Gun. But the two albums really do complement each other very well. Hysteria never delivers the satisfying "rip-roar" that Pyromania does, but vice versa Pyromania never offered much in terms of midtempo or laidback grooves. You go to each album individually for different things.

So I'm surprised this announcement is not including Pyromania. The two albums are always paired together so why stop now?
I said, all it's about is the boy checked out, he couldn't handle reality.
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def leppard, deluxe edition, hysteria, pyromania, slang

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