My God, I have never ever attended a show which was so loud in my entire life. My body literally hurts from the bass. My ears are still squeezing.
There's not much else I can say. Saxon were opening and they sounded amazing. The volume was not yet turned that high up.The crowd was very much into their performance, the only problem was that I only knew like 3 or 4 of the songs they played.
When Motorhead came on stage the crowd went nuts. I have never seen such a killer crowd before. I am all impressed. The only time the people rested was when Motorhead play Whorehouse Blues, the first encore which is a bluesy acoustic song. Otherwise, I was in the middle of the moshpit. Jumping, pushing, crowd was just crazy. Lemmy sounded almost like on record. Thumbs up for that and he is in an amazing shape. I've seen him on TV in the last couple of months and he looks much better in person. The set was quite nice, they played quite a bunch of songs from Motorizer, their latest album which I happen to like. A Thin Lizzy cover song done amazingly well. And quite a bunch of the classics. They opened with the song Motörhead and the crowd instantly went wild. After which, punch after punch after punch after punch. Absolutely no moment to rest for about 100 minutes.
Overall, nothing REALLY spectacular. Am glad Lemmy is alive and kicking. I'm glad to have been within 10 meters of where he was playing his bass as he is such a legend. Ace of Spades was my most intesne crowd surfing experience so far...I'm glad i made it out of there alive. It wasn't a big spectacle, just a big ****in' rock 'n' roll party. Take it for what it is, and there's no way you are not going to enjoy a Motorhead concert.
some pictures I have managed to take with my phone...I'm still happy it actually survived.