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Old 05-02-2010, 09:02 PM
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Originally Posted by dcj28 View Post
I cant listen to much of the "no make up" era anymore, it was too much of following the musical trends of the time. Bruce Kulick even said in " Behind the mask" that Paul Stanley was forever trying to write Bon Jovi tunes because of the success of SWW. Gene Simmons was just writing the same cliched lyrics all through the 80s and was more concerned with his acting career.
Just listening to Alive and Alive 2 is an adrenaline rush especially "Makin Love" and "Deuce".
I know people say they are just in it for money but they cant say that you dont get your moneys worth when you experience a full blown KISS show.
I do see what you're saying but Kiss following other people's trends is pretty much the same as them following their own, if that makes sense. I can not get over hiring someone to play just like Ace. I get what they're trying to do and if people dig it, great, I just can't stomach it.
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