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Metal Band Accused of Gang Rape, Charged With Kidnapping

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Old 09-16-2017, 02:58 AM
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Default Metal Band Accused of Gang Rape, "Only" Charged With Kidnapping

Quote: A woman said she was gang-raped by...members of Decapitated in the bathroom of their tour bus after an Aug. 31 concert in downtown Spokane (Washington USA)...

(A)ccording to court documents...(T)he alleged victim and her friend...attended ended at about 11 p.m...(A)fterward...the women...tried to get pictures with the drummer from another band...ended up speaking with members of Decapitated(,) and were invited to have drinks in the tour bus parked outside the venue...

One woman “described being excited to be on the bus, and then one of the band members began grabbing her breasts,” court documents say..."(T)he band members began speaking to each other in Polish...the ‘vibe’ in the bus changed..."

The woman said she looked at her friend “to signal they needed to get out of there.” She then used the bathroom and was followed by the lead singer...(who) began kissing her as she finished using the bathroom...(S)he began resisting when he started undoing her belt...She said she wanted to leave...but a band member indicated her friend had already left...She saw in the mirror and out of the corner of her eye each of the band members taking turns raping her.”

The friend, meanwhile, said she watched the band members rape the other woman, and (the singer) asked her to perform oral sex on him. When the friend refused...“she was pushed to the ground...”

...(A)fter leaving the tour bus and driving away...the friend was pulled over...on suspicion of driving under the influence...In the back seat of a patrol car, the friend was allowed to use her cellphone to call the other woman, who reported the rape...An officer found her about 2 miles from the venue..."but the band had already left Spokane for their next venue.” representing the band...said...“We have witnesses that can testify to the fact that the accuser came to visit the band of her own free will and left on good terms...”
Blabbermouth: In a(n)...official statement, the members of DECAPITATED wrote: "While we are not perfect human beings, we are not kidnappers, rapists, or criminals. As such, we strongly deny the allegations that have recently been brought against us...

"(D)ue to the severity of the claims, we have cancelled all planned touring...All social media platforms have been temporarily disabled as they have been used as destinations for defamatory and malicious remarks..."

Prior to being arrested, DECAPITATED guitarist Waclaw Kieltyka told detectives he saw both singer Rafal Piotrowski and bassist Hubert Wiecek engaged in a sex acts with the woman in the bathroom. Piotrowski "admitted there was a party on the bus and (the women) were present"...but said he "sat on the couch and did not see what was going on..."

(C)ourt documents say..."Kieltyka agreed to have a DNA swab collected as evidence, while Piotrowski and Wiecek both declined..."
Lambgoat: Polish metal band Decapitated appeared in a Los Angeles, CA courtroom...on first-degree kidnapping charges...With a Polish translator present, all four agreed to be extradited to Washington, though it could take up to 30 days...
The absence of actual sex-related charges is a very good omen for the band: DNA matches won't matter if there's any reason to believe that the sex was consensual. They can also raise the question of why the friend didn't report "witnessing a rape" once she had made good her "escape."

In addition, was the friend asked for oral sex by the singer before or after the friend witnessed his sex with the victim? And as for the victim, after she decided to leave but to use the bathroom first, why didn't she just close the door behind her if she didn't appreciate being followed?

Was all of this actually a little alcohol-fueled mutual groupie action that went overboard?

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Last edited by rocknation; 08-21-2018 at 04:28 PM..
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Old 10-13-2017, 09:23 PM
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Blabbermouth: All four members of the Polish death metal band DECAPITATED have been formally charged with rape in Spokane County, Washington. The four had already been charged with kidnapping in the first degree.

The rape charges vary...from second degree for 31-year-old singer Rafal Piotrowski and 35-year-old guitarist Waclaw Kieltyka, to third degree for 27-year-old drummer Michal Lysejko and 30-year-old bassist Hubert Wiecek.

The woman alleged she was gang-raped by the musicians in their tour bus bathroom after DECAPITATED's August 31 downtown Spokane as part of the two bands' "Double Homicide" tour...The woman said entered the bus for drinks with the band before each member forced themselves on her.

Deputies later stated the victim had "significant bruising to her upper arms consistent with being restrained" and "small abrasions on her knuckles that were scabbed over."

"We have witnesses that can testify to the fact that the accuser came to visit the band of her own free will and left on good terms," (Steve) Graham (the band's Spokane attorney says). "The accuser has a documented history of providing false information to the police dating back to 2014."
But the victim says that though she had decided to leave after having her chest grabbed, she decided to use the bathroom first...of own her free will...

Remember how we used to talk about busting out? We'd break their hearts together...forever...

You and me and our old friends / hoping it would never end / holding on to never say goodbye...

Last edited by rocknation; 10-17-2017 at 05:50 PM..
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Old 10-15-2017, 11:31 PM
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DECAPITATED Issues Statement In Response To Rape Charges
"We'd like to emphasize (that the) Spokane Police Department has pressed charges as procedural's taken a full thirty days...(W)ithout (their) doing so, they would (have been) forced to release (us)...

"This is not a conviction or any indication of guilt or innocence...(T)he original officer who took the complaint from the accuser stated, 'I do not have probable cause that a rape occurred'...

"Once again, we ask that everyone wait for each party's case to be presented..."
Sounds like they've already beaten first-degree rape charges -- what remains to be seen is whether charges of second degree rape (forcible compulsion, or when the victim is incapable of consent) or third degree rape (lack of consent was expressed by words or conduct) can stick. As the band suggests, the "deadline" filing of the charges can be considered a good omen. And perhaps they can consider this a good omen, too, especially since it also occurred in Washington State:

NYTimes: A woman who accused the multiplatinum rapper Nelly of raping her on his tour bus after a concert last weekend...has told the local police that she will not testify against him and wishes to end the investigation...The lawyer for the accuser wrote in an open letter ...
"Before her initial tears have dried, her phone will ring, and she will belatedly realize that she is talking to a reporter who is trying to befriend her. 'How did this reporter get my number?' will echo through her mind...

On...Oct. 9...(t)he detective promises that no one will know that she has met with them until the investigation was closed. On...Oct. 10 the commander of the police department issues a statement to the media advising that she met with the police and prosecutor. The detective apologizes on...Oct. 11...'I gave the victim my word...and I failed her with that promise.'"
(A) lawyer for Nelly said in a statement that the accuser’s desire to end the investigation was “welcome news." But...he added, “This type of reckless allegation is an affront to women who are real victims of sexual assault. I am suggesting that Nelly seek a public apology...”
The detective had no business making such a promise: she was the victim, not a witness, and there is no investigation without her cooperation. With the case thus dead in the water, all the police commander could do was deliberately sabotage it by releasing the statement.

Remember how we used to talk about busting out? We'd break their hearts together...forever...

You and me and our old friends / hoping it would never end / holding on to never say goodbye...

Last edited by rocknation; 12-10-2018 at 10:18 PM..
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Old 01-08-2018, 07:35 AM
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Default Update: All charges dropped

Quote: Prosecutors have...drop(ped) rape and kidnapping charges against all four members of Decapitated, ensuring their eventual return to their home country of Poland after months of detainment in the United States...

(T)rial (was)...scheduled to begin...Jan. 16...but...Spokane County Deputy Prosecutor Kelly Fitzgerald...filed a motion dropping all rape and kidnapping charges without prejudice, meaning the four men could be prosecuted in the future...

The motion cites “the well being of the victim” a reason for dismissal. “This has been traumatizing to her,” Fitzgerald said of the accuser. “(I)t would be a lengthy trial...We’ve discussed (it) with her and her advocates, and feel at this time it’s best for her to heal,” she said...

(At) Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center, police noted “significant bruising to her upper arms consistent with being restrained” and “small abrasions to her knuckles that were scabbed over"...Attorneys introduced written testimony from...a member of Thy Art is Murder, (who) was playing the same show...(H)e saw the woman in...(the)...“mosh pit,” where she was violently dancing, which could have explained some of (her)...bruising...

“We subpoenaed the list of concert attendees and found numerous people who say that she was in the front row of the mosh pit and was climbing up on stage, and getting jostled about as much as anyone else there," (attorney)...Steve Graham, representing Kieltyka...said...

In 2014, she admitted to lying to police about injuries sustained during an assault when her boyfriend was accused of stabbing three people. She (had been) injured by her boyfriend during a previous argument, police determined....
Hence, the true source of the accuser's "trauma" -- my guess is that the prosecutors folded their cards because questioning of the accuser about the 2014 incident would have been allowed. The prosecution would have insisted that the entire case rested on the accuser's credibility; the defense would have insisted that bringing up her past was prejudicial and irrelevant, especially since she was most likely a minor at the time. In this news story about the incident, the name and age of the boyfriend (who took a 5 1/2-year plea deal) were published, but her name and age were not.

(The) (j)udge’s decision to release the four was spurred by a letter of support from Polish politician Dominik Tarczynski, who contacted the court on the band’s behalf...

Jeffry Finer, attorney for Piotrowski...said (Decapitated) were grateful to the Spokane community for treating them fairly. “(T)hey will always remember the kindness of the people here...(T)he county took its time and did its due diligence, and determined correctly that the case needed to be dismissed.”
Dropped without prejudice, my donkey...what's Polish for "sore loser?"

Remember how we used to talk about busting out? We'd break their hearts together...forever...

You and me and our old friends / hoping it would never end / holding on to never say goodbye...

Last edited by rocknation; 11-06-2021 at 04:06 AM..
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Old 09-27-2018, 09:26 PM
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Originally Posted by rocknation View Post
A woman who accused the multiplatinum rapper Nelly of raping her on his tour bus after a concert...told the local police that she...wishe(d) to end the investigation...
SEPTEMBER 2018 UPDATE: Nelly has mutually settled with...Monique Greene...the woman who claimed he raped her on a tour bus...Prosecutors dropped the case after Greene refused to cooperate...

A lawyer for Nelly says both parties agreed to dismiss their (civil) cases and no money changed hands...(An) attorney for Monique...disputes Nelly's lawyer's statement that no money changed hands.
It sure sounds like somebody's lying. But if the terms of the settlement were that Nelly would drop his civil charges against her and pay Greene's legal bills in exchange for Greene dropping the civil charges against him, then it's true that "no money changed hands" -- between Nelly and Greene!

Remember how we used to talk about busting out? We'd break their hearts together...forever...

You and me and our old friends / hoping it would never end / holding on to never say goodbye...

Last edited by rocknation; 09-27-2018 at 09:28 PM..
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Old 09-28-2018, 01:33 AM
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Who cares? In PL nobody gives a sh*t about them anyway.
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Old 09-29-2018, 02:10 PM
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What does this story have to do with BON JOVI???
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Old 09-29-2018, 02:13 PM
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Originally Posted by cranberry View Post
What does this story have to do with BON JOVI???
Nothing, hence it being posted in the "Other Bands" section.
But rocknation feels like she is the journalist of this board, yet hardly anyone seems to care about these threads anyway.
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Old 09-29-2018, 02:17 PM
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Right. Thanks bonjovi90
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Old 09-29-2018, 07:01 PM
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For a faux journalist, I've good a pretty good-sized subscriber base. Either that, or this thread alone has been hacked nearly three thousand times!

Remember how we used to talk about busting out? We'd break their hearts together...forever...

You and me and our old friends / hoping it would never end / holding on to never say goodbye...

Last edited by rocknation; 09-03-2022 at 05:18 AM..
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