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Old 12-14-2007, 06:28 PM
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Default Morrissey and Henry Rollins

This raised a smile -

The only time the stick-limbed living symbol of fey Englishness and the brutally ripped personification of hard core muscular Americanism are known to have met was when Morrissey attended a Rollins spoken word show in Manchester. Rollins was finishing a skit about the absurdity of being asked by rent-a-cops to help guard a record store from looters during the LA riots. "OK, so what you're saying is you want me to take a rock in the face for Paula Abdul? Now, OK, let me get this right. I'm supposed to take a 2"x4" across my chest for Bono? I'm supposed to stand in front of a huge piece of plate glass and try and defend it from five gnarly youths ... for Morrissey?" At which point Rollins turned to where Morrissey sat in the crowd, gave him the finger and roared: ""**** you! **** you! **** you! **** you! **** you!"
Set the gear-shift for the high gear of your soul.

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