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Old 01-30-2014, 11:55 PM
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Originally Posted by danfan View Post
Hyperbole is the answer people give when they're caught being full of shit.

In my experience anyway.
Okay, you want an exact figure? Maybe 500 people in venue that holds several thousand. I'm surprised the show wasn't canceled. You could get tickets the day of the show in the first few rows on the floor and the on the sides of the stands closest to the stage (where I sat with a ticket bought the day of the show). MAYBE 500 people. Now can you see why I said 8 people showed up using hyperbole? It would be the same as saying 8 people showed up to Richie's solo LA show. It was woefully underpopulated.

I don't feel any need to lie about stuff on this message board so I'm the last person you're going to find "full of shit."
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