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Old 05-28-2003, 10:48 AM
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1. what is it you like about elvis, that made you a fan? (e.g. singing voice, songs, guitar playing, the pelvis/dancing, etc...)

All my family is fan, but REALLY !!! i was singing Elvis' song before i knew an english word ... :P and later the english teacher said it was strange because i pronounced some words with an strange accent !! I learned guitar on Elvis' songs, my godfather is always on tour singing his own songs but Elvis' too ... Yes, his voice, the melodies, and the man, the story of his life, i red all the books my father had at home before i was ten at home it was a bit like if Elvis was a God ! I can't live without Elvis, i play some of his songs at least two times a week ....

2. hes still getting into the charts even tho hes dead, so what do you think is the secret of his appeal?

Charisma ... and you won't find someone with a voice like his, he's the man of two or three generations ... and i think once again, the story of his life ... this man was still a kid, so generous, so emotive, Fascination.

3. do you think people will still be buying his records in the future?

Yes, of course, some i have in my collection are so expensive now, i hope i will never have to sell them, but the demand is real

4. do u think hes still alive?


5. why do people think hes still alive?

because they want to believe, it's hard to accept something which it hurts.

6. any interesting facts you know about him?

I don't think so ... we all know his story and the same "secrets about him and his life" - we know about his twin, about Parker, about Glawdys, east tupelo, germany, Priscilla, his different experiences with drugs, how he was feeling stupid when he has to suddenly start singing a love song to a girl in a film ... how he hated critics on his new songs etc ....
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