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Old 07-28-2006, 07:15 AM
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Originally Posted by Alphavictim
Thanks for understanding. I actually noticed that even back in... 2002 it was I think when Audioslave came about, there were lots of rumours that Cornell didn't really feel like doing it and actually presenting himself as generous for lending the band his voice. Is it just me or is he slightly arrogant?
now now now .. don't be pushing my understanding mood ... only me and Alex are privy to shred Cornell to pieces. Everybody else is to worhip that man

Seriously, as I've spelled out earlier, I do have my issues with him, but arrogance is not one of the things I accuse him of. I only base this on interviews I've heard over the years .... never met him or observed anything that would give me reason to think either way. I do like the way he talks and I do like his stage persona - I don't see any arrogance in either.

However, even back in the Soundgarden days he had a reputation of being difficult and moody and, for lack of a better word, an asshole. He's been accused of being arrogant too many times. Still, I don't see it. Being himself and not giving a shit does not equal arrogance, imo.

As far as the lending his voice part - I don't believe anything other than I hear him say personally. Never heard him say anything that would elude to him being above the rest of the band or him being more than an equal to the band. Soundgarden as much as Audioslave.
Why won’t you say something now
Don’t leave me hanging
Cut me down
I miss the fire that was once in your eyes
Well come on and say something now
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