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Old 04-13-2013, 01:41 PM
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Default New GNR 'movie' trailer

Meh. What a daft promo, the announcer is a prat. Axl sounds like crap, and I don't know who any of these ''Icons'' are in Axl's band (except maybe Dizzy if he is still with them). I think the fact that there has been over 20(!) members in this one band speaks volumes about Axl Rose. Saying that, Chinese Democracy had some good tunes on there, but I think I have no interest in seeing The Axl Show live on tour these days.

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"Sambora's face is a mask of joyous disbelief, as if previously unaware of his ability to play the instrument at all. Reaching the last fistful of notes, he does a fair impression of a man who is actually ejaculating into his jet black flares."
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Old 04-13-2013, 06:49 PM
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Your loss then, cause they put on a great show!
The icon thing is for marketing purposes. Slash and co have been gone for 20 years now, this lineup is solid.
Maybe Axl is complicated to work with, but the guy is a legend.
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Old 04-13-2013, 07:00 PM
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Aloha !

Originally Posted by NicoRourke View Post
Your loss then, cause they put on a great show!
The icon thing is for marketing purposes. Slash and co have been gone for 20 years now, this lineup is solid.
Maybe Axl is complicated to work with, but the guy is a legend.
If 5 guitarists, 3 bassplayers, 2 keyboardplayers, a bicycle repairman, a cateringservice and whatever else is involved in the shows is your thing, then yeah, the shows are great. I used to be a huge GnR fan, and then the 2002 shows started happening. Gone was my faith in Axl Rose.

The thing is, it has got **** all to do with Guns N' Roses. It doesn't sound like Guns N' Roses, it doesn't have the swagger, doesn't have the feeling, and doesn't have Axl Rose actually singing the songs like he's supposed to. A fan clocked for how long Axl is actually on stage during the 3 hour show, and it's about 45 minutes. The rest of the time he spends backstage on his oxygen machine or whatever he's doing.

All the pyro and lengthy solo's just don't take away how it's just a coverband playing the songs. All musicians involved are talented, but it never sounds like a real band. I've seen Slash play Guns songs and it sounds like GnR. I've heard Loaded (Duff's band) play Guns songs and they sound like GnR. Yet whenever the original singer is singing GnR songs it just doesn't sound like anything I like.

This trailer for the Vegas shows is pretty much showing why everyone left. There's so many people involved now yet none of them make the music come more alive like the 5 guys used to do. The whole "most dangerous band in the world thing" is a thing of the past now, and Axl's anything but dangerous nowadays.

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Last edited by Supersonic; 04-13-2013 at 07:21 PM..
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Old 04-13-2013, 07:24 PM
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Originally Posted by NicoRourke View Post
Your loss then, cause they put on a great show!
The icon thing is for marketing purposes. Slash and co have been gone for 20 years now, this lineup is solid.
Maybe Axl is complicated to work with, but the guy is a legend.
To become a legend, you need to be cited as a major influence by other musicians.

He needed 10+ years and 14+ million dollars to make Chinese Democracy. What a train wreck, luckily we will never see another project by him.
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Old 04-14-2013, 01:27 AM
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The only good thing about Axl these days is that he makes Vince Neil sound good.
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Old 04-14-2013, 01:41 AM
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I hear you guys, but I still enjoy both Chinese Democracy and the shows. And from what I have seen live between '10 and '12, I happen to like the band.
I'm happy Axl is not how he was when he was 30. That would be sad. He seems to have fun now, and enjoy what it is that he have.
Now if only they could get in a studio.
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Old 04-14-2013, 01:58 AM
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Originally Posted by Supersonic View Post
I've seen Slash play Guns songs and it sounds like GnR. I've heard Loaded (Duff's band) play Guns songs and they sound like GnR. Yet whenever the original singer is singing GnR songs it just doesn't sound like anything I like.
U got a point there. Then again, not sounding like "old" GnR might not be all bad for Axl. While Slash, Duff etc. are trying to prove that they can sound like GnR even without Axl. But indeed, there is just lack of.....something.
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Old 04-14-2013, 03:03 AM
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I'm not a GnR fan, I've hated that band for most of my life, but I saw them live in 2010 and they gave us a great show (and they only came one hour late, lol).
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Old 04-15-2013, 10:10 AM
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GNR in 91 @ Wembley is my second ever favourite gig.
I like the Chinese Democracy album but its no appetite.
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Old 04-15-2013, 11:19 AM
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Does Axl ever sing in key or does he just sound really bad in this promo thing?
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