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Old 05-15-2006, 01:54 PM
Dave 1986's Avatar
Dave 1986 Dave 1986 is offline
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Join Date: 28 Aug 2002
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Fianlly managed to get hold of the album earlier this year and am kicking myself wondering why I didn't get it any earlier! It's awesome!! Quality rock songs, though aside from Angels Calling, the "epic" ballads are a little middle-of-the-road. Best rockers on there are Joyride, Standing In Line, YSR4M, Platinum Blind and On The Road Again.

The album's been on my MP3 player for weeks! (And I normally change albums after about a week as it's only a 512mb player the size of a pencil sharpener)

I heard/read they're due for another album later this year!

P.S.: This is my 666th post! Aaaaarghhh!!!

If I die tomorrow, have I said all I can say?

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PSN ID: Dave_Hedgehog86

Bon Jovi Concerts:
28th June 2003, Hyde Park, London
9th June 2006, St. Mary's Stadium, Southampton.

Last edited by Dave 1986; 05-15-2006 at 01:59 PM..
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