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Old 04-17-2009, 07:38 PM
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Default Rush

Is it me or do Rush fans tend to be a wierd lot that seem to be a little slow? I thought Pink Floyd fans were similarly eccentric in their own way. So I never became a regular on any of their boards. Just not my flavor. Rush boards.....I'm not sure people really know what they are talking about.

Other than that....I've fallen in love with them. I've bought more than half the catalog in a week's time and 5 concert DVDs. I guess this is what would have happened with KISS when I properly discovered them at 13 (Rock and Roll All Nite being a favorite song of mine from 5 years old, however..just that was all I knew until 13.) I'd go out and just buy up everything they had out at the time rather than an album every few weeks over time cuz I was going off an allowance. There is an advantage're forced to soak up every aspect of the album before you are able to go on and buy the next one. So when reaching into a large back have some sense of what it was like to have gotten them at the time of release and then waited to get the next one when they finally released it.

But I'm 36 and I have money (that I could stand to manage far better.) So just helped myself to a whole pile all at once. SO now I have to discipline myself. I don't want to lose the experience of giving each album their focus and experiencing the artistic stages of any band. It's too easy to experience it out of joint and not see the development, how it all ties in together. I started off on a Best Of....Chronicles after catching them in R30 broadcasting in HD on Palladia. A lot like when I picked up Double Platinum on my 13th first real record album that I went and bought myself...which led to a whole explosion of KISS that is embedded in me to this day. That album exposed me to a cross section of their work in the 70s. I followed the songs back to their original albums of release and figured out the whole chonology of them and knew where to go from there.

That's what I'm now doing with Rush. The great thing is..these guys are in their 50's, NOT a nostalgia band the way KISS has gone, and still very on their game. It's what I've been looking for...a band with a long history like KISS..but went on as if KISS never stopped churning out new albums and tours with the make up off instead of ending it at Revenge/Carnival of Souls (Psycho Circus isn't quite part of the continuity because it was part of the Reunion years and the tour did not reinvent anything the way they had up until the Revenge tour.) KISS right now is not a band that makes me feel good about growing older as a rocker. It's a nostalgia fest living off the past. Even with the new album and tour coming....which I'll go see of course, the fact they continue with make up in old costume designs detracts from it. New costume designs would help, but they'd be far cooler just taking the make up off and really focusing on the music/reinventing the show. Rush does exactly that.

I needed the inspiration......
I said, all it's about is the boy checked out, he couldn't handle reality.
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Old 04-18-2009, 11:47 PM
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So there are no Rush fans here?
I said, all it's about is the boy checked out, he couldn't handle reality.
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Old 04-19-2009, 12:05 AM
brighton84 brighton84 is offline
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Rush are an incredible band,amazing back catalogue and their live shows are something everyone should see if musicianship is their thing.They played a near 3 hour show the last time i saw them in manchester,Peart has to be one of the most underated drummers in rock.
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Old 04-19-2009, 05:18 AM
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I am a huge Rush fan - and have been for years. I may be a bit more partial to their earlier stuff but it's all excellent. Peart is not only a better than excellent drummer he writes the lyrics - I will choose free will - oh yeah. It's criminal and must be political that they are not in the Rock Hall of Fame.

On the subject of Rush fans though - hmm..... Even going to a concert is an odd experience for a veteran rocker like me. The audience is quiet for the most part and they spend a lot of time in their seats. I can understand quiet appreciation but many of their songs are rockers and I feel odd when I'm the only one up and rocking and singing along.

It's a fact though that certain bands attract different types of people. I am a bigger Bruce fan than Bon Jovi fan - but I am not happy on the Bruce boards at all. I have always been comfortable here but I don't go near the Backstage fanclub board even though I'm a member.

As with Bruce, David, I have a lot of Rush bootlegs (not as many as Bruce by far but quite a few). Did you get their Rush in Rio concert DVD? It's awesome. I also have a 3 DVD audience bootleg from the R30 tour from Radio City Music Hall. It's probably one of the best filmed audience bootlegs out there. If there is something you are looking for - you need only to ask

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Old 04-19-2009, 06:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Kathleen View Post
I am a huge Rush fan - and have been for years. I may be a bit more partial to their earlier stuff but it's all excellent. Peart is not only a better than excellent drummer he writes the lyrics - I will choose free will - oh yeah. It's criminal and must be political that they are not in the Rock Hall of Fame.

On the subject of Rush fans though - hmm..... Even going to a concert is an odd experience for a veteran rocker like me. The audience is quiet for the most part and they spend a lot of time in their seats. I can understand quiet appreciation but many of their songs are rockers and I feel odd when I'm the only one up and rocking and singing along.

It's a fact though that certain bands attract different types of people. I am a bigger Bruce fan than Bon Jovi fan - but I am not happy on the Bruce boards at all. I have always been comfortable here but I don't go near the Backstage fanclub board even though I'm a member.

As with Bruce, David, I have a lot of Rush bootlegs (not as many as Bruce by far but quite a few). Did you get their Rush in Rio concert DVD? It's awesome. I also have a 3 DVD audience bootleg from the R30 tour from Radio City Music Hall. It's probably one of the best filmed audience bootlegs out there. If there is something you are looking for - you need only to ask
Good Morning! I do find it a joke they aren't in the Hall of Fame already. They are all very proficient at what they do. For Metallica to get in before they did...when the influence is extremely obvious..just upside down. I do believe it will happen though.

No, I do not have Rush in Rio yet, I'm waiting until I'm much more familiar with the material so it will be a more rewarding experience. I did DVR a shortened broadcast of it off VH1 Classic, which is how I know I want to wait. The audience is the star in that one. Why can't U.S. audiences be like that?? I suppose I might as well pick it up and store it so it's ready to go when I'm ready. I already picked up R30 and Rush Replay x3.

I had a big ole retarded argument with a Rush fan on one of the boards when I posted about it being odd that R30 isn't on Blu Ray, but how great it is that it's in HD on Palladia. They replied with "it's just an upconvert." Now you know how I am here when someone attempts to establish wrong information as fact about Bon Jovi...... So I jumped on it.

What I couldn't understand is no one over there is barely talking about the fact it's airing in HD. If Bon Jovi had something similar...say they release the MSG show on DVD only, but release an HD edit to Palladia or any other HD network...we're gonna be all over that one..excited and discussing the hell out of it. The airing would be an event for us. These Rush people were more like they were complaining about Blu Ray being too expensive or that they don't see any difference between HD/upconvert. It's all the same to them. And these are Rush fans??? A band that maxmizes technology in their music?? Only one established boards memeber stepped up to the plate to correct the poster over their idea that it's just an upconvert.

It may be that I spoke too soon, but it's too early to say. There seems to be two boards most frequented..similar to Bon Jovi. We all know the difference in this case....I can imagine it's not too different with Rush boards. "Counterparts" seems to be frequented by non air-headed fans. But still...not too much has been mentioned about R30 in HD. They otherwise seem to have a mind for knowledgable discussion.

I did see a bit of that Radio City show on YouTube. I think I AM interested! Thank you! I've not gotten quite to that point yet. I think we start hungering for bootlegs more as we become aware of what is NOT available from a band's past that really should be. A new Bon Jovi fan will sooner or later discover how such important hallmarks in their history like the Jersey Syndicate tour are completely absent from their bootlegs are the only way to fill that void. I'm sure it's the same with Rush. I mean...where the hell is a live version of "The Camera Eye" ? At least the band is way ahead of Bon Jovi on documenting much of their live history.

Sometimes I think I'm gonna overdose on them with too much too soon. They aren't going to replace anyone, that's for sure. If anything, my attention being elsewhere will make it that much sweeter when I go back and listen to Bon Jovi. It's difficult to hold Rush lyrics as close to the heart (no pun intended) as you can with Bon Jovi. I'm going ape shit over Red Sector A...the keyboards are lodged in my braid playing on a loop...but I can't exactly sing along with a song about the holocaust, as much as I do enjoy singing along anyway, the same way as with Bon Jovi. One is more external..about the world outside..the other is more personal and emotional.

What shows have you been to?
I said, all it's about is the boy checked out, he couldn't handle reality.
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Old 04-19-2009, 06:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Suojelusperkele View Post
I don't like the singer's voice, it's way too high. I've heard several Rush albums but they're not really my cup of tea, with prog rock I prefer Pink Floyd and King Crimson. It would help if Rush's singer's voice didn't sound like he was inhaling helium. But it is definitely improvement for you to move from Kiss to Rush.
Believe me, I know exactly what you mean about Geddy's voice. I only really take issue with it from the earlier days though, as he does himself. You can blame the heavy influence of Robert Plant on that. When I first picked up Chronicles, I found his voice grating for most of the first half of the set (it's in chronological order.)

Then I realized something...Geddy's voice make alot more sense and is much easier to take when you are actually watching the band perform over just listening. It's wierd, but it works. Now I'm actually falling in love with the first two albums where initially I figured I would tend to ignore them the way I don't tend to listen to "Bon Jovi" or "On Through the Night (Def Leppard.) It just takes some adjusting. "Anthem" is one of my favorites by the band.

To date, I've picked up every album from "Rush" up through "Grace Under Pressure" except for "Caress of Steel" and "All The World's a Stage." After that I have "Roll the Bones" and "Snakes and Arrows." The rest I'll fill in over time. I'm trying to make sure I give each album their due time and mostly in order to appreciate their development over the years. So for the moment I'm concentrating on those first two albums. This is after listening to both "2112" and "Moving Pictures" from start to finish with no distraction...both sealed it for me where Chronicles mostly had me wondering what I was missing out on.
I said, all it's about is the boy checked out, he couldn't handle reality.
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Old 04-20-2009, 12:22 AM
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Yes, Rush fan right here and a HUGE Neil Peart fan, what a ****ing amazing drummer, and I think Alex Lifeson is a great guitarist. I myself being a drummer look up to Neil, he's been a big inspiration to me. At first I only liked the hits from them, but then I caught the R30 Ann. and Rock in Rio DVD's not too long ago and I got turned on to more songs.

Now Tom said "Mom, wherever there's a cop beatin' a guy
Wherever a hungry newborn baby cries
Where there's a fight 'gainst the blood and hatred in the air
Look for me Mom I'll be there
Wherever there's somebody fightin' for a place to stand
Or decent job or a helpin' hand
Wherever somebody's strugglin' to be free
Look in their eyes Mom you'll see me."
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Old 04-20-2009, 10:37 PM
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Originally Posted by slippery89 View Post
Yes, Rush fan right here and a HUGE Neil Peart fan, what a ****ing amazing drummer, and I think Alex Lifeson is a great guitarist. I myself being a drummer look up to Neil, he's been a big inspiration to me. At first I only liked the hits from them, but then I caught the R30 Ann. and Rock in Rio DVD's not too long ago and I got turned on to more songs.
Neil is a big part of what pulled me into it. He's fascinating in more than one way. For one, as Kathleen pointed out, Neil is the lyricist. It's a different experience to know that lyrics come from the percussionist, with the music by the bassist and guitarist rather than the lyrics mostly from the singer. It does offer up a distinctive experience.

Then there is his drumming. It's almost difficult to slap the phrase "drum solo" on what he does only because so many have made it an occasion to run off to rest room. You'll be missing out on a man who can practically make his drums sing. I've also been taking a lot of interest in drumming lately..gaining a better understanding of the playing that I didn't before. Neil is pretty intimidating!

Pretty much everything I've heard on the studio album and live has something that gets my interest. The catalog is just so rich.

In an amendment to my acquired Rush discography.....Caress of Steel joined with Power Windows and Hold Your Fire round out the complete first 12 studio albums. I went to Best buy to pick up the Retrospectives 3 CD/DVD set, saw those albums on the shelf for 4.99 and grabbed em up......along with Rush In Rio...thanks Kathleen for getting it in my head.

Boy it would suck if something turned me off to them now.
I said, all it's about is the boy checked out, he couldn't handle reality.
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Old 04-20-2009, 11:03 PM
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i've never really given them a chance pretty much on the back of rush fans on other boards i post on either being total spacers or huge fanboys which instantly puts me off.

suggest me some tunes to youtube.
the dude abides
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Old 04-20-2009, 11:44 PM
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I wouldn't even know where to begin to direct you as You Tube. Their catalog is pretty varied in flavor. You have the epics in the 70s. The synth driven 80s. The

Red Sector A has synths that will haunt you...the performance is from 1984..that stage show was ahead of the times then.

Xanadu from Exit Stage Left....if you already know that title from a certain Olivia Newton John song and movie......keep in mind this song by Rush predates Olivia's and will force you to have a completely different take on what the title means to you.

and of course....this relatively recent performance needs no introduction:

I said, all it's about is the boy checked out, he couldn't handle reality.
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neil peart, rush (band)

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