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Old 11-26-2007, 12:26 AM
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ShaSha ShaSha is offline
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So you think it's ridiculous that I said that? I used to spend just as much time on the Journey forum as I do this one. Believe me, any time the subject of that album came up, there would be people saying they hate it/don't like it as much/only like a few songs/whatever because they don't like the way his voice sounds on it. Actually the same was true for almost all of their albums. There were even people who said they don't like Escape or Frontiers, probably their most famous albums, as much because he didn't sound the way he did in the 70s on them.

So thats the only time he has ever sang since the soundtrack? You must spend a lot of time with him.
I don't even know what you mean by this. I was just pointing out another time he sang since he and Journey split.
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