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Old 09-13-2007, 02:31 PM
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Default The Goo Goo Dolls

The most underratted and underappreciated band of our time?

I've only recently "found" this band, thanks in great deal to them getting **** all recognition or exposure in my part of the world, but what an incredible band they are.

I've started collecting the albums and so far I'd rank them as such.

Favourite: Let Love In - Gutterflower - Dizzy Up The Girl - A Boy Named Goo

I've got the others on order but what I find interesting is that with each successive record they seem to get better and better.

I love Johnny voice and his songwritting is incredible, and I've gotta assume a few people out here in Bon Jovi land like them too because there is a real musical (not to mention physical, in the case of the two lead singers) resemblence between the two bands.

My favourite song of their at the moment is probably Big Machine. Check it out if you haven't heard it:

These days the stars seem out of reach
But these days there ain't a ladder on these streets
These days are fast, love don't last in this graceless age
Even innocence has caught the midnight train
And there ain't nobody left but us these days
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