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Old 01-24-2009, 12:04 AM
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Originally Posted by david2k86 View Post
Possibly the first real rock band I ever discovered (I believe The Simpsons episode "Flaming Moe" introduced me to them ) and the first band I really got into and became a fan of, followed by Bon Jovi, almost a decade ago!

I bought Japan 2002 off for something like £7.99. Blatently a bootleg but is very decent. Easily better than You Gotta Move (which I believe I've only watched once since 2004). A Little South Of Sanity is pretty much what you'd expect for an Aerosmith live album if you've not seen/heard them live already - ****ing awesome. I myself am still yet to see them live.

I also got the Making of Pump DVD which is good if you like these type of things.

As for albums, their 70's stuff is the best easily, but the more commercial Geffen-era albums are still good aswell. Never been fussed on Permanent Vacation, but Pump and Get A Grip are solid. Yes, it's very polished up like an 80's hair-metal album, but it's still Aerosmith. Nine Lives is patchy. Quite bland for the most part, but the title track, Falling In Love (Is Hard On The Knees), Hole In My Soul, Pink and Attitude Adjustment are good. Just Push Play though is very weak indeed. The only song I like on there is Jaded.
I might buy it, looks awesome from what I've seen. For £7.99 too, it's a decent price. Is there any box art for it or...?
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Old 01-24-2009, 02:26 AM
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This is the only good one I found on google, as don't (at least not anymore) have any artwork for it.

Like I say, blatently a bootleg, but video/audio is decent enough. don't seem to stock it anymore, but the cheapest used/new range was £8.50.

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Old 01-24-2009, 03:01 PM
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Originally Posted by david2k86 View Post
This is the only good one I found on google, as don't (at least not anymore) have any artwork for it.

Like I say, blatently a bootleg, but video/audio is decent enough. don't seem to stock it anymore, but the cheapest used/new range was £8.50.
Thanks for the help.

I think I'm going to order it, although TBH, I've never dealt with 'PlayTrade' before
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Old 01-24-2009, 03:49 PM
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Originally Posted by KeepTheFaith2211 View Post
Thanks for the help.

I think I'm going to order it, although TBH, I've never dealt with 'PlayTrade' before
i buy pretty much all my CDs from Playtrade, means i rarely spend over around £5 for a CD, often even less (£2-£3). Just gotta keep your eyes open for a bargain.
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Old 01-24-2009, 07:45 PM
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Originally Posted by JerseyboyUK View Post
Same here, 'Honkin' On Bobo' was great but felt more like a 'project' than a real album. They also sucked bigtime when i saw them at Hyde Park, Joe Perry was particularily disappointing.

'Aerosmith', 'Get Your Wings', 'Toys In The Attic', 'Rocks', and 'Draw The Line' are mindblowing good rock and roll albums, then it all went to shit.
'Pump' and 'Permanent Vacation' have a couple of decent tracks on each, but in my opinion Aerosmith never really suited the shiny production that the 80's/90's albums exhibited. 'Nine Lives' and inparticularily 'Just Push Play' are complete turds, utterly devoid of any attitude or soul.

Them early albums are amazing, and 'Honkin' On Bobo' offered some genuine hope. I just pray that they pull thier finger out and give us a great stripped down rock and roll record, not the pop-shite they've released over the last 15-20 years.
If I can ask, what didn't you enjoy about Hyde Park? I thought it was a great show, a little short, but absolutely tonnes of energy and stage presence from the entire band, a great (IMO) setlist, and an all round top performance. Is it just that the setlist largely ignored the 70s material?

Top 5 Aerosmith songs:

Janie's Got A Gun
Dream On
5. Erm .... heh, take your pick from Back In The Saddle, Seasons Of Wither, Walk This Way, Livin' On The Edge, Love In An Elevator, Voodoo Medicine Man, Sweet Emotion ... I really can't decide

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Old 01-24-2009, 08:39 PM
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Originally Posted by The Walrus View Post
If I can ask, what didn't you enjoy about Hyde Park? I thought it was a great show, a little short, but absolutely tonnes of energy and stage presence from the entire band, a great (IMO) setlist, and an all round top performance. Is it just that the setlist largely ignored the 70s material?
Yeah i think maybe it was. Hearing the likes of 'I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing' & 'Jaded' really put a downer on it for me. Maybe i set my expectations to high? Or maybe i was just so unexpectedly blown away by the excellent precceeding performance by Chris Cornell (the Soundgarden songs inparticular was awesome, even the average Audioslave material was brought to life when using two guitarists).
I dunno, it was a combination of things that left me disappointed.
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Old 01-24-2009, 09:01 PM
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i really enjoyed the hyde park gig but have to agree Chris Cornell was amazing, i'd of him but not heard any of stuff, he was great.

Aerosmith really didn't disappoint me if anything they blew me away, i wanted to heard "I Dont Wanna Miss A Thing" and "Jaded" though and think they both work live but i can see what your saying , there are better songs and all!
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Old 01-24-2009, 09:04 PM
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Aloha !

Originally Posted by JerseyboyUK View Post
Yeah i think maybe it was. Hearing the likes of 'I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing' & 'Jaded' really put a downer on it for me. Maybe i set my expectations to high? Or maybe i was just so unexpectedly blown away by the excellent precceeding performance by Chris Cornell (the Soundgarden songs inparticular was awesome, even the average Audioslave material was brought to life when using two guitarists).
I dunno, it was a combination of things that left me disappointed.
You weren't the only one who was disappointed with Aerosmith at Hyde Park, most die hard Aerosmith fans who were there thought that the performance wasn't that great. And about the set length: the band (Steven Tyler) chose to go on late in order to make it look like they couldn't perform longer. He did the same at Arrow Rock Fest and at other festivals as well.

And I agree, I Don't Want To Miss A Thing was a downer in the set for me too when I saw them live. It slows the set down way too much and takes out all the energy of the show. It's there to please the average listener and it shows, the band has no fun playing the song as opposed to Cryin', another big ballad but one with balls and a song the band still enjoys playing live.

Salaam Aleikum,
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Old 01-24-2009, 09:17 PM
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Well i'm glad im not the only one.
I did enjoy the Hangman Jury/Seasons Of Wither/Dream On section, but that was about it really. Shame.
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Old 01-25-2009, 02:45 AM
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I love Chris Cornell: Soundgarden and Audioslave are both among my favourite bands, and his solo stuff has some great songs too, and he did put on a really good performance at Hyde Park ... but the energy just wasn't what it could have been. I've seen Pearl Jam live twice, and comparing Chris's somewhat lacklustre walking around the stage to the explosiveness of Eddie Vedder really shows who the greatest grunge frontman is IMO.

With Aerosmith on the other hand, the energy was off the scale. It probably did help that I'm a bigger fan of their 80s and 90s material than the 70s. But yeah, the Seasons Of Wither / Dream On segment was a definite highlight of the show

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