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Old 03-09-2009, 12:31 PM
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Default The official U2 topic

Aloha !

This band is utter wank. They've made about 15 great songs, the rest is either mediocre or very bad, and the reason they're played on every radio station is because they always tend to play it safe on their studio recordings. They've lost all their edge about 15 years ago and Bono has been incapable of delivering a proper vocal for about 15 years as well. Nowadays they're all about flashy stages and all that, but doing a proper rock show is something they can no longer do. Terribly overrated band.

Anyway, they've just released a lot of their European tourdates:

Barcelona 20 June 2009 Camp Nou Barcelona ES Wed. 25 March
Milan 07 July 2009 San Siro Milan IT Fri. 13 March
Paris 11 July 2009 Stade De France Paris FR Fri. 20 March
Nice 15 July 2009 Parc des Sports Charles Ehrmann Nice FR Fri. 20 March
Berlin 18 July 2009 Olympic Stadium Berlin DE Fri. 27 March
Amsterdam 20 July 2009 Arena Amsterdam NL Sat. 14 March
Dublin 24 July 2009 Croke Park Dublin IE Fri. 20 March
Gothenburg 31 July 2009 Ullevi Stadium Gothenburg SE Fri. 13 March
Gelsenkirchen 03 August 2009 Veltins-Arena Gelsenkirchen DE Fri. 27 March
Chorzow 06 August 2009 Slaski Stadium Chorzow PL Fri. 20 March
Zagreb 10 August 2009 Stadium Makimir Zagreb HR Fri. 27 March
London 14 August 2009 Wembley Stadium London US Fri. 20 March
Glasgow 18 August 2009 Hampden Park Glasgow GB Fri. 20 March
Sheffield 20 August 2009 Don Valley Stadium Sheffield GB Fri. 20 March
Cardiff 22 August 2009 Millenium Stadium Cardiff Wal. GB Fri. 20 March

And here are the prices for Amsterdam:

Rang 1 (exclusief servicekosten): €150.00
Rang 2 (exclusief servicekosten): €85.00
Rang 3 (exclusief servicekosten): €80.00
Rang 4 (exclusief servicekosten): €75.00
Rang 5 (exclusief servicekosten): €65.00
Rang 6 (exclusief servicekosten): €30.00

Rang 1 = Gold Circle.

These tickets cost twice as much as tickets for the Stones did back in 2006, so just like every time this band tours, I'm not going to spend any money on them. For ****s sake, we paid 75E for the Gold Circle of Bon Jovi, and that's for a band that has a singer who can sing and a guitarist who can play.

With Holland never being the most expensive country when it comes to ticket prices I expect it to be worse for Germany and the UK.

So, anyone else who actually is going and feels like U2 are worth 150E?

Salaam Aleikum,

Last edited by Supersonic; 03-09-2009 at 12:33 PM..
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Old 03-09-2009, 12:40 PM
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Well I for sure will pass as well.

They play in the Amsterdam Arena, the most crap stadium Holland has and ask that much for a ticket. They should give me money to come to the Arena instead of asking these incredible prices.

For example; AC/DC asks €65 euro for the best tickets, The Eagles ask €85, both bands with a history and still giving very good shows and there comes Bono with his whining about us having to donate blablabla. I want to hear songs, not that everlasting whining. So basically I will have to pay a shitload to hear 10 good songs and 30 minutes of Bono whining in the most crap stadium of Holland. Think not.


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Old 03-09-2009, 03:18 PM
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Aloha !

Originally Posted by Suojelusperkele View Post
It's so funny that you're a Bon Jovi fan because one could say exactly these same words about Bon Jovi. Surely you notice the similarities between the bands.
Erm, not really.

You don't get to hear songs like One Wild Night or Everyday in a supermarket. Bon Jovi also aren't played on every radio station. U2 are, they're always ****ing everywhere. And although Jon's voice was wank during the Bounce and Have A Nice Day tours, it was never as bad as Bono's voice has been for the past 10 to 15 years. Bono used to capable of belting out the notes. I can't remember when he did that for the last time, yet I've seen Jon do it while his voice was in a very bad shape.

Salaam Aleikum,
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Old 03-09-2009, 03:54 PM
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the reason why bon jovi don't get played on ever radio station is that they release crap albums at the minute, i was driving for 7 hours the other day and hadn't listened to jovi for a long time, decided to put some albums in the car, listened to bounce and crush, i remember hearing right side of wrong and cringing at jon's god awful version of this in glasgow 2003.

With all due respect i have been a jovi fan since i was 7, thats 22 years now, and i'm more excited about the U2shows then jovi, thats because Bono doesn't walk on stage do cheesy smiles at the ladies. I bet Bono would have let kev scouse go backstage, unlike the staff at hull when the knocked kev back because "jon only wanted females"

Also Bono is anything BUT predictible, no "how we doing so far okay?" strap yourselves in baby" etc etc, at least he doesn't script the shows!

The vertigo setlists were mashed up all the time, whereas bon jovi fans don't get the rarities they deserve.

Admited that the new U2 album is a grower, but sales speak for themselves, yet another number one album and if anyone has not seen the satge set yet look at!
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Old 03-09-2009, 04:13 PM
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But when it comes down to it, Bono can't sing anymore and they haven't produced a decent album for nearly 20 years.

I don't care what the ****ing stage looks like, if he can't sing the songs anymore then what is the point?

EDIT: i did just go and look at the stage design. describes it as an 'innovative 360 degrees design', have they never heard of concerts 'in the round' before?

Last edited by JerseyboyUK; 03-09-2009 at 04:25 PM..
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Old 03-09-2009, 04:13 PM
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Bloody annoying band. I can count the amount of good songs they have on my fingers.
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Old 03-09-2009, 04:17 PM
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Originally Posted by Kev Bee View Post

The vertigo setlists were mashed up all the time, whereas bon jovi fans don't get the rarities they deserve.

Admited that the new U2 album is a grower, but sales speak for themselves, yet another number one album and if anyone has not seen the satge set yet look at!
I'm sorry but during there last tour, everytime before where the streets have no name bono gave his bullshit story about every time he clicks his fingers some one in africa dies and how we should all donate money.

The setlists may have been 'mashed up' but were any rarities such as Stick To Your Guns (only been played twice live) played? i dont think so. And to start and end the concert with the same song is also pretty shit! thats one more song they could have played but didnt!
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Old 03-09-2009, 04:35 PM
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Aloha !

Originally Posted by Kev Bee View Post
the reason why bon jovi don't get played on ever radio station is that they release crap albums at the minute, i was driving for 7 hours the other day and hadn't listened to jovi for a long time, decided to put some albums in the car, listened to bounce and crush, i remember hearing right side of wrong and cringing at jon's god awful version of this in glasgow 2003.!
A song like Right Side Of Wrong has nothing to do with Bon Jovi not being played on the radio, that's a ridiculous argument.

A radio plays singles and all of U2's latest singles have been as safe as it gets. None of their songs, apart from Elevation, rocked as hard as a song like One Wild Night or Have A Nice Day does. When Bon Jovi released the song Have A Nice Day they knew it wouldn't be played at AC Radio stations. When U2 releases a single it needs to be played on every single radio station on the planet and they cut off the balls of everything they release. They're supposed to be a rock band, not some wishy washy dance influenced pop band. They're everywhere, and not because they're thát good, but because they have become an easy listening act, good for elevators and supermarkets, bad for rock radio.

Further on, the rest of your post doesn't make that much sense either and hometownboy pretty much explained why. But if you feel that U2 are worth 150E be my guest, go spend your money, but keep in mind that for 150E you could visit 2 Bon Jovi shows on the Lost highway tour. And you didn't get to hear Lost Highway at the beginning and at the end of the show either.

Salaam Aleikum,
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Old 03-09-2009, 04:53 PM
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[QUOTE=Supersonic;910677]Aloha !

This band is utter wank. They've made about 15 great songs, the rest is either mediocre or very bad, and the reason they're played on every radio station is because they always tend to play it safe on their studio recordings. They've lost all their edge about 15 years ago and Bono has been incapable of delivering a proper vocal for about 15 years as well. Nowadays they're all about flashy stages and all that, but doing a proper rock show is something they can no longer do. Terribly overrated band.

Totally agree with you they are ****in' everywhere, if you were in toilette with radio inside you'll probably hear U2! Whenever I hear their song on the radio I skip the station, can't stand them! And to say that the Edge is better guitarist than Richie makes ma laugh!
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Old 03-09-2009, 05:44 PM
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Hahaha you are funny sometimes!

Anyways, I agree about the prices, they were quite expensive last time around as well.

However! they have one thing as a bonus for their website subscribers. They have pre-sale this week and the first 10,000 tix for each show are sold at €30 (GA I presume), which is pretty good I think. The access to the pre-sale is also divided into 3 different depending on how long you've been a subscriber i.e. the longest subscribers get access tomorrow, the next is Wednesday morning and the rest Wednesday afternoon.

I don't agree on Bono's voice. His voice sounded terrific in Gothenburg anyways on last tour.
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