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Old 11-15-2011, 12:13 AM
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Originally Posted by Supersonic View Post
Aloha !

Jon can still sing as well, he just can't sing his own songs anymore. Neither can Bono, I just watched parts of that Glastonbury show, and yes he does sound better there than he did several years ago. However, the only reason the songs seem to work are because they're downtuned to the max. There just simply isn't any power in Bono's voice left and as a result they play their songs either too slow or too low. The average Joe won't hear this, but a die hard U2 fan or just a music fan in general usually will. Just listen to Pride, it's a perfect example of that.
I don't know why you say that. They only downtune a few of their songs, and when they do, it's only by a half step. Pride is either a full step down or a step and a half down, but that's the ONLY song they do that anymore. I Will Follow and Until the End of the World are actually HIGHER than they are on the album. Bono doesn't have AS MUCH power in his voice anymore, but he certainly has some left.

Originally Posted by Supersonic View Post
And as for them being a great band, every song seems to be completely programmed to the minute and the Edge still can't get a simple lick right. He's just bending the same notes over and over again, but once he gets out of that comfort zone he ****s up. And did I see that right that even the drummer has a teleprompter? While I complain about the lack of spontaneous jamming in Bon Jovi, at least they actually can mess around with outro's or guitar solo's. It doesn't look as if U2 can, because while they're good at producing a great sound, they're not actually great musicians and really need the spectacle in order to be as awesome as everyone seems to think they are.
Edge isn't the greatest guitarist ever, but he does what's necessary, and his sound pretty much IS U2.

U2 are NOT a jam band. They never have been, and they probably never will be. That's not who they are. But they do change up arrangements frequently. For example, Bon Jovi have been playing the same arrangements of Bad Name and Wanted since 1987. While U2 have changed up their own warhorses (like Sunday Bloody Sunday, Pride, With or Without You, and to a lesser extent, Streets.
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