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Old 03-09-2009, 04:17 PM
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Originally Posted by Kev Bee View Post

The vertigo setlists were mashed up all the time, whereas bon jovi fans don't get the rarities they deserve.

Admited that the new U2 album is a grower, but sales speak for themselves, yet another number one album and if anyone has not seen the satge set yet look at!
I'm sorry but during there last tour, everytime before where the streets have no name bono gave his bullshit story about every time he clicks his fingers some one in africa dies and how we should all donate money.

The setlists may have been 'mashed up' but were any rarities such as Stick To Your Guns (only been played twice live) played? i dont think so. And to start and end the concert with the same song is also pretty shit! thats one more song they could have played but didnt!
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