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Old 10-07-2006, 10:27 PM
gazthomas gazthomas is offline
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Originally Posted by Stut
I´m just the opposite. I like majority of the songs Paul sings. Not too excited of songs that Gene sings. God of Thunder and I Love It Loud excluded. And I prefer the 80´s albums to the stuff they recorded in the 70´s. Although Destroyer is an excellent album. Favourite line-up is the one with Bruce and Eric Carr.
yeh i agree for once

although bruce is 10 times the player ace will ever be ace to me was always the clown of the band the one who lightened the mood and for that reasonm i think ace was much more a valuble member than bruce

as for gene simmons hes a really nice guy who gets slagged of to hel for being honest, i dont blame him.

paul is a great singer much better than gene, his voice is so unique and he is deffinatley in my top 3 frontmen

peter criss i always thought was a mediocre drummer until i saw the unplugged and then realised he was like the rough diamond of the band. although once again eric carr is technically much better than peter

to be honest im really liking the make up and pyro approach, its unique, was new at the time and makes kiss who they are

although i have to say some of pauls best lyrics came out when the make up came off eg tears are fallin, everytime i look at you etc.

but these days i think that theyre only in it for the money which is sad and i dont think i will ever see thi band perfomr live again
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