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Bleeding Purist 05-13-2009 04:52 AM

I'm praying that they use the occasion of the remaster release of Pyromania along with the tour to release the full album on Rock Band, much like Pearl Jam did recently with Ten. Pyromania is one of those albums that really should be on there and as yet there is absolutely no Def Leppard on either GH World Tour or Rock Band.

I'll be more excited about getting to play Die Hard the Hunter, Billy's Got a Gun, or even Comin Under Fire over releasing Vault on these games. I wouldn't be nearly as excited about playing the songs on the greatest hits set.

Dave 1986 05-13-2009 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by Bleeding Purist (Post 920766)
I'm praying that they use the occasion of the remaster release of Pyromania along with the tour to release the full album on Rock Band, much like Pearl Jam did recently with Ten. Pyromania is one of those albums that really should be on there and as yet there is absolutely no Def Leppard on either GH World Tour or Rock Band.

I'll be more excited about getting to play Die Hard the Hunter, Billy's Got a Gun, or even Comin Under Fire over releasing Vault on these games. I wouldn't be nearly as excited about playing the songs on the greatest hits set.

There was a Def Leppard song pack released sometime last year for Guitar Hero 3. It included Nine Lives, Photograph and Rock Of Ages. The last two being live versions from Don Valley 1993. There definately should be more Leppard on Guitar Hero/Rock Band, but I'm guessing if they did, they'd more likely go with Hysteria.

Bleeding Purist 05-13-2009 11:42 PM


Originally Posted by Dave 1986 (Post 920864)
There was a Def Leppard song pack released sometime last year for Guitar Hero 3. It included Nine Lives, Photograph and Rock Of Ages. The last two being live versions from Don Valley 1993. There definately should be more Leppard on Guitar Hero/Rock Band, but I'm guessing if they did, they'd more likely go with Hysteria.

I knew about those tracks, but they are Guitar Hero only and cannot be played with the full band set up.

They don't neccessarily go for what seems obvious with these releases, so I'm not sure Hysteria would be a given. Track for track, Pyromania would be far more fun and straightforward.

Dave 1986 05-14-2009 05:34 PM

I agree with what you say with Pyromania, but I think Hysteria would also be just as fun as each track would utilize every instrument really well.

I think that Guitar Hero 3 pack only just missed out on a full band treatment purely because it came out just before Rock Band, which I believe was the first game to include all instruments. Had they only waited a few months though...

Howver there has been somewhat of a resurgence in the bands popularity within the last year or so, with a new album and successful tour last year and headlining Download Festival this year, they should at least do a full greatest hits pack.

Captain Walrus 05-15-2009 01:14 AM

Playing drums to Def Leppard songs (from Hysteria onwards) could be interesting .....

Iceman 05-15-2009 07:56 AM


Originally Posted by Captain Walrus (Post 920960)
Playing drums to Def Leppard songs (from Hysteria onwards) could be interesting .....

They used machines on Pyromania as well. And the songs are not that easy to play.


Bleeding Purist 05-16-2009 12:54 AM

I'd prefer Hysteria over a Best Of/Vault. If they were to release the Best Of set as it is on the CD....I'd be pretty unexcited. Collectively those tracks do nothing for me. With Hysteria I'd have Women, the original Rocket, Gods of War, Don't Shoot Shotgun, Run Riot, and Excitable. That would make the singles shine better than they would on the Best Of Set.

If Motley Crue can have the entire Dr Feelgood album (which I rather enjoy playing She Goes Down and Kickstart My Heart), Def Leppard can have Pyromania and/or Hysteria.

Adrenalize need not be acknowledged as existing. Whey they are releasing that sh** platter remastered over High N Dry I'll never understand. The sales of that album were more due to the following they amassed with the previous two album rather than on it's own merit...precisely why their popularity went to sh** once everyone realized the album sucked.

Dave 1986 05-16-2009 02:00 AM


Originally Posted by Bleeding Purist (Post 921084)
Adrenalize need not be acknowledged as existing. Whey they are releasing that sh** platter remastered over High N Dry I'll never understand. The sales of that album were more due to the following they amassed with the previous two album rather than on it's own merit...precisely why their popularity went to sh** once everyone realized the album sucked.

You pretty much answered your own question there. Sales over merit. High n' Dry may be a far better album, but Adrenalize had Let's Get Rocked and Make Love Like A Man - the songs their more remembered for. The band themselves still look back just as fondly on this album as they do Pyromania and Hysteria, and not the slightest bit concerned or embaressed about releasing such an album in 1992. Yet they still wonder why Slang suffered, overlooking the context, but that's another arguement altogether.

Bleeding Purist 05-16-2009 03:44 AM


Originally Posted by Dave 1986 (Post 921097)
The band themselves still look back just as fondly on this album as they do Pyromania and Hysteria, and not the slightest bit concerned or embaressed about releasing such an album in 1992. Yet they still wonder why Slang suffered, overlooking the context, but that's another arguement altogether.

Actually, that is incorrect. The band is fully aware of what Adrenalize did to their longterm validity. To say they look back on Adrenalize fondly is a stretch. They recognize the damage the album did in that respect, fully understand how that album hurt Slang and their future, but that there is really nothing they can do about it. Adrenalize is the album that locked them into the 80s hair band genre. Hysteria was groundbreaking and fresh when it was released. People forget that. By the time Adrenalize came out, the Hysteria sound had been copied to death and run into the ground by inferior bands. Adrenalize furthered this and parodied the band.

Their fans, quite frankly, are idiots stuck in the 80s. The majority have made the band their personal nostalgia trip so they can pretend they are still in high school. They blast Hysteria in the parking lot as if it were 1987 and respond to new songs played with "BOO! PLAY POUR SOME SUGAR ON ME!" This is not the hardcore fan base. Their popularity in the 80s earned them a lot of casual fans vs hardcore fans that stay with them. That kind of fanbase kills a band by preventing them from having any success beyond two or three core albums from a certain time period, no matter the caliber of material that follows. Manraze, Phil's side project is a direct response to all of the above. Look around and you'll find him addressing all of the exact points I listed in agreement.

Where the band is now is at acceptance with where they have landed, since they can't change history. Any of us would do the same in their shoes. Their hardcore fan base is simply not large enough to sustain their forward creative output on albums and tours. That is why we are stuck with setlists/shows that are dominated by songs from two albums rather than a balanced set from throughout their career.

Dave 1986 05-16-2009 02:39 PM

Really? Sorry, I've never heard/read anything anywhere by or about the band realising this. I only went by what I said after a little article I read not too long ago (the name and source of which escapes me) about Joe describing their "uncool" perioid in the 90's, hence blaming the poor reception of Slang on that, but bared in mind Adrenalize was also released in the 90's, which sold well. Too me it seemed he wasn't quite seeing the big picture. ;)

Back on topic with the remasters though, I think the band just want to get their "more popular" albums our there first just so casual fans can perhaps familiarise themselves more with their back catalogue, THEN get down to the more obscure stuff buy remastering High N Dry (my money's on this being the next Deluxe Edition) and maybe On Through The Night simultaniously. They did say a few years ago that they planned to remaster their first four albums anyway.

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