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NicoRourke 04-03-2013 03:43 PM

I think we speculate way too much - but in the other hand why wouldn't we ;)

Must be something really serious for him to leave so abruptly.

I wish him / them the best, and hope that he'll return soon.

RonJovi 04-03-2013 03:43 PM

Yeah, to me, it would be Jon Bon Jovi and Friends. Richie is the only other member who writes the songs, him and Jon are a double act. While Jon is clearly the 'senior partner', this band isn't Bon Jovi for me without Richie Sambora.

I'd still buy the albums and go to the shows but it'd be a bit hollow without Richie.

Beaky 04-03-2013 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by danfan (Post 1119250)
We all know what Bon Jovi is about, and without Richie, it won't be Bon Jovi. However, the fact remains, if it is substance abuse, (I don't buy the whole disease crap), then you're putting that above and beyond all else. You lose your job.

If substance abuse is a disease, how come some can be cured while others can't?

This isn't a debate mate, it's a fact! I can't argue with you over whether it's a disease or not... it is. My point is, you can't just sack someone from their job for the situation Richie was in.

This might help you...

In reality, drug addiction is a complex disease, and quitting takes more than good intentions or a strong will. In fact, because drugs change the brain in ways that foster compulsive drug abuse, quitting is difficult, even for those who are ready to do so. Through scientific advances, we know more about how drugs work in the brain than ever, and we also know that drug addiction can be successfully treated to help people stop abusing drugs and lead productive lives.

I can argue the fact that anyone who says they should get shot of Richie, doesn't have any hope/give a toss for this band going forward or never got what they were about in the first place.

Also sad that this seems to be bringing all the Richie-haters out of the woodwork, with their glee at AOTL's poor numbers and people who haven't even seen him live talking about how he struggled.

Still... I would be really surprised if it were drug-related.

danfan 04-03-2013 03:54 PM

Sorry, I don't care what the internet says, I don't buy it. It's a choice to start drinking or shooting up. No disease forced him to start in the first place. It was a personal decision. What it's done to his brain from that point is his own fault.

AIDS is a disease. Well, a virus actually. You can't just wake up one morning, decide to go to counseling, and get rid of it. You can do that with substance abuse. Plenty of people have.

Gabriel Shoes 04-03-2013 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by RonJovi (Post 1119253)
Yeah, to me, it would be Jon Bon Jovi and Friends. Richie is the only other member who writes the songs, him and Jon are a double act. While Jon is clearly the 'senior partner', this band isn't Bon Jovi for me without Richie Sambora.

I'd still buy the albums and go to the shows but it'd be a bit hollow without Richie.

What a weird way to protest.

RonJovi 04-03-2013 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by Beaky (Post 1119255)
Also sad that this seems to be bringing all the Richie-haters out of the woodwork, with their glee at AOTL's poor numbers and people who haven't even seen him live talking about how he struggled.

I'm not a Richie hater and take no glee in the fact that AOTL tanked because I think it's a very good album and his second best solo effort.

Fact is it did tank.

No one said he struggled performance wise either. From what I hear, people who attended the shows enjoyed them immensely and so did Richie.

Fact is though, that he cancelled 4 (IIRC) shows which calls into question the viability of a career post Bon Jovi unless he is willing to lose his own money doing it.

If you can see glee at poor sales or Richie-hating on my part, feel free to quote where I've done either.

RonJovi 04-03-2013 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by Gabriel Shoes (Post 1119257)
What a weird way to protest.

If Richie leaves, I'll likely still enjoy Jon's/Bon Jovi's music. It won't be as good as with Richie but why would I protest or what gives you the impression I'd want to?

CKatz 04-03-2013 04:00 PM

We don't know yet if Richie's old demons have come back to haunt him. "Personal issues" is a very broad could mean anything. So at this point people are just assuming or jumping to conclusions based on his past. That's not fair.
I'll wait for a more detailed announcement.

Beaky 04-03-2013 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by danfan (Post 1119256)
Sorry, I don't care what the internet says, I don't buy it. It's a choice to start drinking or shooting up. No disease forced him to start in the first place. It was a personal decision. What it's done to his brain from that point is his own fault.

AIDS is a disease. Well, a virus actually. You can't just wake up one morning, decide to go to counseling, and get rid of it. You can do that with substance abuse. Plenty of people have.

Let's not make this about something else; you brought the 'real world' scenario into this and I am telling you with 100% assurance that in the real world, substance abuse is seen as a disease and an employer would have many hoops to jump through to dismiss someone on the grounds suggested. That's a fact.

Your comments on AIDs are admirable and perfectly reflect how times have changed and thirty years ago, how someone might have thought differently and taken a similar attitude to the one you have now about addiction.
Perhaps in thirty years time your comments on substance abuse will also be seen as archaic and people will be in disbelief that someone could ever have thought like that. Just sayin'.

Gabriel Shoes 04-03-2013 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by RonJovi (Post 1119259)
If Richie leaves, I'll likely still enjoy Jon's/Bon Jovi's music. It won't be as good as with Richie but why would I protest or what gives you the impression I'd want to?

You're right, you're totally fine with Richie leaving the band. Oh, and there's always the BSWJBJ board to go, as it seems a lot more appropriate for a person with your oppinions.

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