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fanofrem 08-25-2020 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by kleman (Post 1266451)

Like it

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james_d 08-25-2020 03:35 PM

I quite like the video, it's just several weeks too late

Faceman 08-25-2020 03:38 PM

I still don't like the song.
But it's a good video, some really nice footage and it captures the situation pretty well. This makes it very dated, of course, but it is what it is.

Dave88 08-25-2020 05:16 PM

During the first part of the bridge video and song are slightly out of sync.

BTW great shots of the Intrepid.

Burlhouse 08-25-2020 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by kleman (Post 1266451)

During the last minute or so, is the most animated I’ve seen Jon in a video lately [emoji1]

I like the video as a whole though it has a date stamp on it.

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Captain_jovi 08-25-2020 05:32 PM

It has a time stamp on it for sure but to say it's dated NOW.....some things are getting better but a lot is getting worse and it's going to stay relevant for the next few months.

I'm between two minds on how this video will age but we'll see how America bounces back from this I guess.

Alphavictim 08-25-2020 05:48 PM

I think it works quite well. It has the overtly slick looking filters thing going on, as most recent vids did, but in terms of footage and all, it's not too different from, say, We Weren't Born To Follow. Plus the scenery works quite well with the song.

steel_horse75 08-25-2020 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by kleman (Post 1266451)

A real band effort...just like the song....oh wait......

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Captain_jovi 08-25-2020 07:34 PM

Yeah, let's shit on the band for not filming the video together mid pandemic, good call.

jovifan93 08-25-2020 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by Captain_jovi (Post 1266462)
Yeah, let's shit on the band for not filming the video together mid pandemic, good call.

I doubt that has anything to do with it. For all we know, they're filming two performances inside a closed room right now...

bonjovi90 08-25-2020 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by Captain_jovi (Post 1266462)
Yeah, let's shit on the band for not filming the video together mid pandemic, good call.

I wouldn't call steel horse out on it, you know he's usually VERY supportive of anything past the 80's ... :mrgreen:

angelsambo 08-25-2020 08:24 PM

thanks to covid we got this pop country crap

YOVANAfromPeru 08-25-2020 08:31 PM

This song has no salvation. No video can save it.
But talking about the video only, I just liked the end...

Captain_jovi 08-25-2020 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by jovifan93 (Post 1266463)
I doubt that has anything to do with it. For all we know, they're filming two performances inside a closed room right now...

For something the band HAS to be together for though. Why risk putting everyone on flights to and from and accommodations for the sake of the video? I don't think it 100 percent is the reason it's just Jon but considering this was filmed a month or however long ago I'm okay giving it a pass the band's not in the video, you know?

steel_horse75 08-25-2020 10:53 PM

2020: The New Album
David won’t be performing the live 2020 in full as he’s too embarrassed and as he didn’t play on album he hasn’t bothered learning it anyway.

Only joking he’s playing with princess diana. So we have 2 original members on the 2020 performance in full.

Surprised he bothered letting Tico know about it.

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steel_horse75 08-25-2020 10:57 PM


Originally Posted by Captain_jovi (Post 1266462)
Yeah, let's shit on the band for not filming the video together mid pandemic, good call.

But they all met up and recorded it......if you believe Jon.

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Captain_jovi 08-25-2020 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by steel_horse75 (Post 1266473)
But they all met up and recorded it......if you believe Jon.

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I do believe Jon and I also believe my ears. It beats beating to death a tired conspiracy theory. Phil would have zero reason to lie, he's pretty open about things.

Them recording together isn't the hardest thing in the world when parts are recorded one at a time. Could they have filmed the video together, sure. Am I bothered that they didn't? Not really, I'm picking my battles on the things that bug me about the band when it comes to the pandemic. If we're going in order of importance things the band do the song and rehearsing together can't be avoided, miming to the video just falls into "it doesn't matter as much" territory and isn't worth the risk.

angelsambo 08-26-2020 12:04 AM


Originally Posted by steel_horse75 (Post 1266472)
David won’t be performing the live 2020 in full as he’s too embarrassed and as he didn’t play on album he hasn’t bothered learning it anyway.

Only joking he’s playing with princess diana. So we have 2 original members on the 2020 performance in full.

Surprised he bothered letting Tico know about it.

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very strange,
is david replaced by somebody else for these recordings?

Captain_jovi 08-26-2020 12:06 AM


Originally Posted by angelsambo (Post 1266475)
very strange,
is david replaced by somebody else for these recordings?

Yeah the guy from Kings of Suburbia is subbing in (not sure of his name, sorry).

superkid 08-26-2020 02:40 AM

Good video. The production harms the song a little, but I think it's still much better than the other new songs I've heard, which granted isn't saying a whole lot. Main negative is that in the long run I think 2020 is going to be a year that a lot of us won't want to revisit and will be a year that we try to forget about, so naming the album "2020" and having songs like this won't age well. But still, enjoyable video and Jon has done a lot of great working during this pandemic, proving once again that he's a class act.

MrNickel 08-26-2020 02:42 PM

Very cool video, well shot and good message.

The song is my fave of the new album so far. The verses are quite weak but the chorus is strong and catchy.

TheOriginalJez 08-26-2020 08:08 PM

Still can't stand the song, but I appreciated the little easter egg nod to David in the video - in the broadway scene he's stood in front of signs advertising a showing of Diana.

Captain_jovi 08-26-2020 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by TheOriginalJez (Post 1266493)
Still can't stand the song, but I appreciated the little easter egg nod to David in the video - in the broadway scene he's stood in front of signs advertising a showing of Diana.

Oh man, totally missed that, that's nice!

Rdkopper 08-26-2020 09:42 PM

The end of the video is the best part where you see Jon come to life. It's like a little old school JBJ....Something you don't see often anymore.

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JackieBlue 08-27-2020 12:29 AM


Originally Posted by TheOriginalJez (Post 1266493)
Still can't stand the song, but I appreciated the little easter egg nod to David in the video - in the broadway scene he's stood in front of signs advertising a showing of Diana.

I agree. That's the best part!! :cool:

I think the song and video are great for what they represent. I'm not crazy about the lyrics because, like Unbroken, they seem forced at times. (UN-like Unbroken, however, at least this song is singable.) It reminds me a little of Burning Bridges, which is not a bad thing at all.

I appreciate how Jon is using his talent to give expression to what a lot of people are dealing with right now. IMO, the best use of this song was when he did the video chat with the kids' and sang their lyrics back to them. Both he and that teacher deserve stars in their crown for that alone if they never do anything else! :)

But I think all of that belongs to this time and place. Like superkid said, I'm not sure that including all of these songs on 2020 won't be a mistake in the long run. Others may feel differently; but I'm already sick to death of hearing anything related to COVID-19, BLM, George Floyd, riots, demonstrations, shootings, ripping our school system up by the roots, the economy, both sides of the political fence pointing fingers at the other side, etc, etc, etc... I just can't imagine ever wanting to listen to an album that revisits this cluster**** of a year! Even if the songs were all stellar, I can already see myself skipping nearly half the tracks just because I don't need (and definitely don't want) a reminder. I've never even considered doing that with albums in the past, except for one or two songs.

angelsambo 08-28-2020 04:01 AM


Originally Posted by Captain_jovi (Post 1266476)
Yeah the guy from Kings of Suburbia is subbing in (not sure of his name, sorry).

YOVANAfromPeru 08-28-2020 04:31 AM


Originally Posted by angelsambo (Post 1266506)

This Greg Mayo is playing keyboards now with "the band"...
It's going to be interesting to hear how they sound... I mean, nothing can't be worse at this point >_<

NodNumbMX 08-28-2020 10:11 AM


Originally Posted by YOVANAfromPeru (Post 1266507)
This Greg Mayo is playing keyboards now with "the band"...

It's going to be interesting to hear how they sound... I mean, nothing can't be worse at this point >_<

They will sound exactly the same. It's Bon Jovi, not Dream Theater. Any professional keyboardist should be able to play Bon Jovi's songs with some practice.

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Xavi 08-28-2020 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by YOVANAfromPeru (Post 1266507)
This Greg Mayo is playing keyboards now with "the band"...
It's going to be interesting to hear how they sound... I mean, nothing can't be worse at this point >_<

Do you remember Florida 1998?

bonjovi90 08-28-2020 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by NodNumbMX (Post 1266508)
They will sound exactly the same. It's Bon Jovi, not Dream Theater. Any professional keyboardist should be able to play Bon Jovi's songs with some practice.

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Then there would've sounded exactly the same when Jeff Kazee filled in for David in London, when Tico was replaced by Scanella in 2013 or when Richie left. They never did.

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Captain_jovi 08-28-2020 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by bonjovi90 (Post 1266513)
Then there would've sounded exactly the same when Jeff Kazee filled in for David in London, when Tico was replaced by Scanella in 2013 or when Richie left. They never did.

Gesendet von meinem Nexus 5X mit Tapatalk

I think there's a world of difference between replacing a keyboard player and a guitarist/drummer though to be fair. If the synth pads and sounds are the same and the same notes are roughly played it will be pretty much in the same ballpark. I think vocally will be the biggest difference but it's not the same as losing Tico for a night.

NodNumbMX 08-28-2020 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by Captain_jovi (Post 1266514)
I think there's a world of difference between replacing a keyboard player and a guitarist/drummer though to be fair. If the synth pads and sounds are the same and the same notes are roughly played it will be pretty much in the same ballpark. I think vocally will be the biggest difference but it's not the same as losing Tico for a night.

This. I was in Mexico City 2013 when Scanella filled in for Tico, and yes, it was noticeable, but that's because the drum is not buried into the mix (if nowadays it's more like a drum machine, it's a different story). In the context of this band, keyboards rarely play a leading role in the songs. I wish it was not the case, because David is an outstanding musician. But it's all about Jon, isn't it?

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YOVANAfromPeru 08-29-2020 01:38 AM

I was just imagining Jon with his poor vocals...
I meant this Greg's backing vocals could be better than David for Jon's benefit. And the keys are definitely going to sound different.
So there's no Alec, no Richie and no David. Put Rich Scanella and there's no Tico. The camera's going to focus in Jon, anyway!

Captain_jovi 08-29-2020 06:08 AM

What a strange thing to complain about. Bringing up the lack of Alec in 2020 is bitching for the sake of bitching.

YOVANAfromPeru 08-29-2020 06:45 AM


Originally Posted by Captain_jovi (Post 1266523)
What a strange thing to complain about. Bringing up the lack of Alec in 2020 is bitching for the sake of bitching.

You can't deny it was funny!! >_< jaja

steel_horse75 08-29-2020 09:06 AM

If this show isn’t going to be “live” then I don’t see why they can’t wait for David to be free for the afternoon.
2/5 original band members - this band are becoming the nostalgia/tribute act that Jon always said he would quit if it happened.

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james_d 08-29-2020 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by steel_horse75 (Post 1266526)
If this show isn’t going to be “live” then I don’t see why they can’t wait for David to be free for the afternoon.
2/5 original band members - this band are becoming the nostalgia/tribute act that Jon always said he would quit if it happened.

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There's a big difference between Richie and David not being there, and Alec, who hasn't been their bassist since 1994, not being there.

Johny 08-29-2020 03:07 PM

I like the idea of the band performing the album in its entirety. I really dislike the idea that David is not there :( I don't understand why it was that difficult to schedule it so he could be there. This is not the way to promote their new album.

I like the video and I think the band should have been included in it. It shows some aspects of the lockdown and performing over zoom was something many bands did so a few shots of the band performing from theit homes would be cool. I don't like Jon's dancelike moves at the end. It looks embarrasinf to "perform" like that without a band or audience.

RonJovi 08-29-2020 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by superkid (Post 1266477)
Good video. The production harms the song a little, but I think it's still much better than the other new songs I've heard, which granted isn't saying a whole lot. Main negative is that in the long run I think 2020 is going to be a year that a lot of us won't want to revisit and will be a year that we try to forget about, so naming the album "2020" and having songs like this won't age well. But still, enjoyable video and Jon has done a lot of great working during this pandemic, proving once again that he's a class act.

Yeah I agree. This isn’t going to age well at all I think. Jon doesn’t write subtle enough lyrics to be able to get away with these sorts of songs in terms of their longevity.

But as much as I don’t rate Jon or the band as highly as I once did, I do have to admire him as a person. The stuff he’s done and the example he’s set are really class. Hes like Bono without the sanctimony and I admire anyone who does that because if I was either of them, I think I’d spend my days in my gold plated mansion snorting cocaine off the arses of hookers.

Captain_jovi 08-29-2020 05:55 PM

Yeah I'm smack dab in the middle of wanting them to wait for Dave to be available and also realistically Covid is a clusterfudge of scheduling with every sector of the entertainment industry competing for time. That messes with everything from release dates to rehearsing to launch dates to broadway to concerts. The album is out in....just over a month, you're looking at probably a week of rehearsal (just an honest guesstimate) and the tapings.

BUT I still wish he could be there for it. I don't take it for lack of interest or lack of band solidarity, we're in dumb dumb strange times.

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