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Captain_jovi 08-22-2013 06:26 AM


Originally Posted by Jule225 (Post 1150728)
Is this suggesting Richie is not currently sober?

No, if people are going to use tweets to jump to conclusions they have to know the context. Someone said to Matt "I was harassed by someone who "knows" Richie left because Jon "made fun of" his alochol probs. Not true, right?" and that's what he answered.

CKatz 08-22-2013 07:11 AM

Interesting how the source told rumor fix the EXACT same thing as someone told me days ago before this article came out. And the person who told me this was NOT Nikki or someone in Richie's camp. I already posted what he said a few pages ago, but this is what he said:
Richie has tried to call and email Jon to set up a meeting, but Jon is ignoring him. Jon likes making more money now that Richie is gone.
He also said a few more things about Jon, most of it very negative.

I took it with a grain of salt before, but now...I don't know.

CKatz 08-22-2013 07:15 AM

Matt could come out and tell the truth, if he wanted to. He doesn't. He only makes comments when something negative about his brother appears in the media. And all his comments don't clear up anything. They just stir the pot even more. And I think that's exactly what he wants. He's not interested in telling it like it is.

CKatz 08-22-2013 07:16 AM


Originally Posted by Jule225 (Post 1150740)
You still haven't said who that person is, though. My friend has been receiving anon messages on tumblr saying something similar.

Really? My guy said he worked for someone in the Bon Jovi camp. What did that person tell your friend?
Strange, how fans are being brought into this.

CKatz 08-22-2013 07:36 AM


Originally Posted by Jule225 (Post 1150743)
The person anonymously sent her two different messages claiming to work for the band, telling her basically the same story you heard; that Richie wants back in, but Jon won't talk to him, that it's about money, and that Jon has been treating Richie like crap all along. The problem is, the messages were completely anonymous so there's no way to verify who it is. She pretty much just laughed it off as a desperate attempt to get her on "Richie's side." She's pretty neutral. I don't know why anyone would bother contacting her in the first place. She's not exactly a vocal Bon Jovi fan.

My friend isn't the only one. Another person on tumblr (who I follow, but don't know personally, so I can't really say anything about her) has been arguing with an anon about the same issue. Here's one of many comments she received. The rest are on her blog.

The guy I talked to didn't care what "side" I was on. He just told me what he says happened. He didn't care whether I believed it or not. He just said he wants fans to know, because he's annoyed by Jon trying to save face in the media.

Your friend doesn't post the anon's comments...the old comments anyway. That's why I can't say if it's the same peson who contacted me.

CKatz 08-22-2013 07:51 AM


Originally Posted by Jule225 (Post 1150745)
He told my friend he feels bad she's been lied to and wants her to know the truth. The other girl has been arguing with him. I'm just assuming it's the same person because there can't be that many anonymous people sending the same silly message.

Look, I have no idea who you talked to, so I can't really comment. I just wanted to point out that the same thing has been going around on tumbr recently.

I've been saying for a while that Jon and Matt are not being truthful, so I agree with that part of it. As for the other things he said, like the reasons why Richie left and why he can't come back, I don't know.

All I can say is I lost trust in official sources. I'm more inclined to believe other sources now than I was a few weeks ago.

CKatz 08-22-2013 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by Jule225 (Post 1150748)
I think "anonymous" is about the least credible source you could ever have, though.

As far as Jon, Richie, and the whole mess, I tend to believe the truth probably meets somewhere in the middle, where neither side is completely guilty or completely innocent.

Whenever I'm faced with information that I don't know if I can trust, I look at consistency. He was very consistent. A lot more consistent than official sources. I wasn't able to catch him in a lie. He also wasn't very emotional about it. He said what he said rather matter-of-factly. It didn't sound like he held a grudge.

SuperBrad 08-22-2013 09:43 AM

Can we change the name if this thread now to something like "Richie no longer in Bon jovi .... Your thoughts ?" ? . Im addicted to this thread and over it. clearly he wont be back ....

SuperBrad 08-22-2013 09:45 AM

Im also pissed i missed posting on the 1000th page !

Lisa71 08-22-2013 10:10 AM

I want to dare someone to read this thread from beginning to end. Grab coffee, a few spare hours and give the run down of what was discussed. I would love to know how long it would take without a break to read this whole thread.

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