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Captain_jovi 08-22-2013 02:48 PM

Matt deleted his twitter. There goes THAT entertainment. Trainwrecks are fun, eh?

jovigirloz 08-22-2013 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by danfan (Post 1150762)
And STILL, this ridiculous tweeting bullshit from Matt goes on, STILL not giving us any damn answers.

As someone who has been a fan of this band from the beginning, I am disgusted at the way they have treated the fans. We deserve better than this for our years of dedication.

They have treated the fans like crap for a while now. It all started with the ridiculous prices for tickets and the fan club being overpriced and really offering nothing. The treatment of fans have left me feeling disgusted over the last couple of years.

Sadly, this is the end of the band for me. I am eternally grateful that I was there at the beginning and have so many wonderful memories, have made some terrific friends and the songs will always be a huge part of my life.

golittleperson 08-22-2013 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by Iceman (Post 1150758)

Disappointed that Billboard would just pick up on other articles out there. I had them a bit higher on the list than that. One thing that I have noticed a few are doing is bringing up the NY fair cancellation and they keep calling it BJ - It was King of Sub, to me quite different group. Matt this am saying, still it's not money or egos? I do think it has something to do with it but don't think it is what started this. It has become more than the start IMO. Ever had an argument start over 1 thing and before your done, every hurt, misdeed or perception (crucial word) is brought up. With the tacky RS PR team and Jon just being quiet, the fans, or I, feel dissed.

I do need to post a public service announcement, so please bear with me. To the "person" who on tweet called me on DC and there annoying to read - please use the ignore on DC and I handled twitter for you. I have my opinions based on what I do read and happen to believe. Each intitled to their own and open to discuss, that's why I'm here anyway. Now back to our regularly scheduled programming.

Someday, maybe the truth from both camps will be found out, but wonder if anyone will still be around to care. Trust and Respect are both earned, once broken hard to regain.

danfan 08-22-2013 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by jovigirloz (Post 1150767)
They have treated the fans like crap for a while now. It all started with the ridiculous prices for tickets and the fan club being overpriced and really offering nothing. The treatment of fans have left me feeling disgusted over the last couple of years.

Sadly, this is the end of the band for me. I am eternally grateful that I was there at the beginning and have so many wonderful memories, have made some terrific friends and the songs will always be a huge part of my life.

Honestly, I think the reason there's no official word from the band is simply so they can try and save the remains of the tour. It's one thing for Richie to just not be there, but to know he's out of the band is another. Like you, I'm done. I don't give 2 buckets of monkey piss what Richie has done to piss Jon off. All bands go through this crap. The bottom line is, when Jon and Richie write music together, the music is better. Jon has written a handful of good songs on his own, but the heart of the band are the songs written by both.

My guess is Tico and Dave will jump ship as well. Tico is old and you can tell he's pretty much had enough. Dave's got his Broadway stuff, and neither of them need the money anymore.

CKatz 08-22-2013 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1150764)
It's not exactly his place to tell it all, now, is it?

Also, can anyone enlighten me about why Jule225 or someone for her deleted all her recent posts and you seem to be talking by yourself?

LOL I have no idea why she decided to delete her posts.
As for Matt deleting his account....:D

CKatz 08-22-2013 03:10 PM

He changed his twitter account to @MattBonge.....:rolleyes: What a coward.

semigoodlookin 08-22-2013 03:18 PM

Even if the stories are true, why are they shocking?

The articles didn't say it was the end of Bon Jovi, just that Richie was not allowed back on tour. Now whether you think it is because he doesn't want to or because Jon stops him is the same result, he won't tour again this cycle.

I think most people thinking clearly understood this when he didn't come back after that initial leg, so the reasons why he doesn't come back become almost trivial.

Also, it is highly likely that this story is true in a sense, although Richie's team (it did come from them quite obviously, Richie is "the source" close to the band) has worded it a certain way. By using the word sacked it implies something more to a casual reader and will gain more traction. Simply saying "Sambora to miss rest of tour" will only attract us not other readers.

It now seems like Jon is not allowing Richie back. How can he sack him from the tour when he is not there? He is probably saying we have two months left, we'll just stick it out. It is not about money, Sambora has been earning that amount (or a similar percentage) for 30 years probably, so why now?

For me it is business as usual. Richie won't tour this cycle, things will go quiet for maybe two years, they WILL resolve whatever problems there are and will comeback with a terrible album and tour in two or three years.

P.S. Richie's team worded that article specifically to get readers who are not Bon Jovi fans interested in the story again. For that reason I would not be surprised to see something promotional coming from Richie over the next week. Something new on the fashion probably, because this article is to warm up and gain attention for something.

jessycardy 08-22-2013 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by semigoodlookin (Post 1150773)
Even if the stories are true, why are they shocking?

The articles didn't say it was the end of Bon Jovi, just that Richie was not allowed back on tour. Now whether you think it is because he doesn't want to or because Jon stops him is the same result, he won't tour again this cycle.

I think most people thinking clearly understood this when he didn't come back after that initial leg, so the reasons why he doesn't come back become almost trivial.

Also, it is highly likely that this story is true in a sense, although Richie's team (it did come from them quite obviously, Richie is "the source" close to the band) has worded it a certain way. By using the word sacked it implies something more to a casual reader and will gain more traction. Simply saying "Sambora to miss rest of tour" will only attract us not other readers.

It now seems like Jon is not allowing Richie back. How can he sack him from the tour when he is not there? He is probably saying we have two months left, we'll just stick it out. It is not about money, Sambora has been earning that amount (or a similar percentage) for 30 years probably, so why now?

For me it is business as usual. Richie won't tour this cycle, things will go quiet for maybe two years, they WILL resolve whatever problems there are and will comeback with a terrible album and tour in two or three years.

P.S. Richie's team worded that article specifically to get readers who are not Bon Jovi fans interested in the story again. For that reason I would not be surprised to see something promotional coming from Richie over the next week. Something new on the fashion probably, because this article is to warm up and gain attention for something.

Exactly. I was talking about this to my friend yesterday and told her the same thing about some new fashion stuff coming up soon. Wait for it.
I also pretty much agree with everything else, we seem to be on the same wavelength. I want to add this whole thing saddens me beyond words.

About Matt, I'm not exactly sure about what he's doing with his account. He's changed his username, but still looks like he wants to close the account anyway.

CKatz 08-22-2013 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1150774)
Exactly. I was talking about this to my friend yesterday and told her the same thing about some new fashion stuff coming up soon. Wait for it.
I also pretty much agree with everything else, we seem to be on the same wavelength. I want to add this whole thing saddens me beyond words.

About Matt, I'm not exactly sure about what he's doing with his account. He's changed his username, but still looks like he wants to close the account anyway.

Uh, we already know fashion stuff is coming up. That's nothing new. Nikki posted their schedule just the other day.
Rumorfix has been on the story since this all began...September is coming up, Richie told them he might be back by then, so they looked into the matter again to give their readers an update. Simple. No conspiracy theory needed.

I think Richie is gone for good. He's not ever coming back.

JoviJovi 08-22-2013 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1150774)
I want to add this whole thing saddens me beyond words.

This. And now someone will make fun of us for being too sensitive but whatever.

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