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CKatz 08-22-2013 11:19 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1150846)
It IS a fact. Sean Borg shares links to gossip articles about Bon Jovi.

You are giving Sean Borg way too much importance and attention.
He is not the problem. He is not responsible for Jon and Richie's issues.

Javier 08-22-2013 11:23 PM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1150848)
You are giving Sean Borg way too much importance and attention.
He is not the problem. He is not responsible for Jon and Richie's issues.

Not responsible at all, just responsible for the "leaking" of the info to the media. Richie is responsible for not putting a stop to it and encouraging such behavior and bad press and Jon is responsible for trying to take the high road and ignore something that won't go away and is bringing his name down more than any shitty song could....

Lisa71 08-22-2013 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1150843)
I didn't know Jon was in Greece. Sounds like Richie's playing dirty. It wouldn't surprise me if Jon got fed up with it and fired him for real.

Yes, the whole family is in Greece since 20th August. I just find it funny how it was predicted. They said watch the next story come out in August when Jon doesn't think or worry about the band and just when he is out of the country, two days later, a story comes out.

idbl_fanatic 08-22-2013 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by nickolai (Post 1150847)
cunts. the lot of them

It's funny how your thread showed up, right under your profile pic. LMAO

CKatz 08-22-2013 11:28 PM


Originally Posted by Javier (Post 1150849)
Not responsible at all, just responsible for the "leaking" of the info to the media. Richie is responsible for not putting a stop to it and encouraging such behavior and bad press and Jon is responsible for trying to take the high road and ignore something that won't go away and is bringing his name down more than any shitty song could....

If Jon wants to clear his name, he has every opportunity. If he can't be bothered to set the record straight, then it's his issue.
In fact, by not commenting on it Jon is also encouraging the gossip and rumors.

jessycardy 08-22-2013 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1150848)
You are giving Sean Borg way too much importance and attention.
He is not the problem. He is not responsible for Jon and Richie's issues.

Of course not, but the point was it would be much less painful and harmful for all of us, the band included, if everyone involved would just stay quiet, pretty much like Jon's doing, until they have something relevant to say. And when they do, make it official. This neverending gossip drama is incredibly hurting Bon Jovi's legacy, not to mention their reputation among people who are not fans, and even diehards. It breaks my heart every time I read some big fan here stating the band is over to them and they're glad they have the memories and stuff like that.

TwinFan 08-22-2013 11:31 PM

I've stayed out of the loop a bit, but have there been any interviews with Jon lately?

CKatz 08-22-2013 11:33 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1150853)
Of course not, but the point was it would be much less painful and harmful for all of us, the band included, if everyone involved would just stay quiet, pretty much like Jon's doing, until they have something relevant to say. And when they do, make it official. This neverending gossip drama is incredibly hurting Bon Jovi's legacy, not to mention their reputation among people who are not fans, and even diehards. It breaks my heart every time I read some big fan here stating the band is over to them and they're glad they have the memories and stuff like that.

Their strategy of staying quiet is what started this drama, the gossip and the conspiracy theories. Had they come out and told the truth from the very beginning, it would have never gotten this out of hand. They have given power to the tabloids by not having the guts to say what it's all about.

rino 08-22-2013 11:33 PM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1150852)
If Jon wants to clear his name, he has every opportunity. If he can't be bothered to set the record straight, then it's his issue.
In fact, by not commenting on it Jon is also encouraging the gossip and rumors.

It seems like a neverending story. I love the band sins the beginning,but what Jon is doiing now, is playing "God". If it wasn't for Richie,Tico and the rest of the band,they wouldn't be that succesfull. Jon has to keep that in mind. Whatever the reason may be for richie's departure,they are mature enough to solve this issue. Sure the ticketsales are down,it's very normal,we've known the band for almost 30 years, and now one of the most important member has been kickt aside.The fans are very disappoited. What i'm trying to say is: Jon is BJ,Tico is BJ,Richie is BJ, Hugh,Brian and yes,even Bobby are BJ,so Jon,get off your high horse and embrace what makes the band so unique. And IF the reason for all this should be money,i would say: Aren't you rich enough by now???????? Because we,THE FANS,we gave you this life. REMEMBER THAT!!!!!!!!!

jessycardy 08-22-2013 11:39 PM


Originally Posted by TwinFan (Post 1150854)
I've stayed out of the loop a bit, but have there been any interviews with Jon lately?

No, the last ones came out in July and they were actually one month old, taken in early June.


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1150855)
Their strategy of staying quiet is what started this drama, the gossip and the conspiracy theories. Had they come out and told the truth from the very beginning, it would have never gotten this out of hand. They have given power to the tabloids by not having the guts to say what it's all about.

I agree with that. But it's probably all parties involved wanting this not to be aired in public. Richie stuck to the personal issues explanation since the very beginning. And actually never denied it in words, it was the facts telling us that was not the case. So it's pretty obvious that all of them don't want to spill the beans. Which could be respectable, but that's when it gets nasty. If Richie's people, with or without his approval (and I hope with all of my heart they're just being assholes and he's clueless, even though it's hard to believe), feed the gossip machine, then everything goes downhill and you find yourself in this mess.

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