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rino 08-23-2013 09:03 PM

i'll be there for you
Richie said on the live show MSG 2008,that he dedicated this song for all the fans for beiing there for him all these years. BUT WERE IS HE ,NOW THAT WE NEED HIM ON STAGE ?????????

TwinFan 08-23-2013 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by Javier (Post 1150951)
Ok, maybe I'm a bit late in replying to this but, people jumping on Phil for that tweet is just complete nonsense.

Of course it's nonsense. But it's also the standard overreaction and tweet over-analysis of this thread's regulars.

CKatz 08-23-2013 09:53 PM

Rumorfix updated their story:


UPDATE: Richie and Jon’s camps are not commenting on the story, but Phil X tweeted “you know how I know is full of sh*t? I wouldn’t even leave my house for that salary.”

We stand by our story.

Wrath Mania 08-23-2013 09:56 PM

I don't see how anyone could find Phil X's tweet classless. Jesus. If anything he was taking it upon himself to shoot down these rumors that make NEITHER Jon or Richie look all that good. As Kathleen says, it's basically the only moment we've had of someone related to Bon Jovi addressing this fiasco in an honest way. How the hell could anyone see that as being ARROGANT? Or are some of you so brittle at this point, desperately reading into Richie's messages as he posts about being ****ing great at a pizza parlor, that you just snapped at Phil for no reason? I'm thinking that. You'd have to pretty daft to miss the whole boat here.

Captain_jovi 08-23-2013 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by Wrath Mania (Post 1150959)
I don't see how anyone could find Phil X's tweet classless. Jesus. If anything he was taking it upon himself to shoot down these rumors that make NEITHER Jon or Richie look all that good. As Kathleen says, it's basically the only moment we've had of someone related to Bon Jovi addressing this fiasco in an honest way. How the hell could anyone see that as being ARROGANT? Or are some of you so brittle at this point, desperately reading into Richie's messages as he posts about being ****ing great at a pizza parlor, that you just snapped at Phil for no reason? I'm thinking that. You'd have to pretty daft to miss the whole boat here.

Said more bluntly in my head but my god when you're right you're right.

Tooka 08-23-2013 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by Wrath Mania (Post 1150959)
I don't see how anyone could find Phil X's tweet classless. Jesus. If anything he was taking it upon himself to shoot down these rumors that make NEITHER Jon or Richie look all that good. As Kathleen says, it's basically the only moment we've had of someone related to Bon Jovi addressing this fiasco in an honest way. How the hell could anyone see that as being ARROGANT? Or are some of you so brittle at this point, desperately reading into Richie's messages as he posts about being ****ing great at a pizza parlor, that you just snapped at Phil for no reason? I'm thinking that. You'd have to pretty daft to miss the whole boat here.

100% - I hope we don't see the classic "ur fired" "no I quit" scenario in the media.
Things I fear are going to get ugly

Supersonic 08-23-2013 10:46 PM

Aloha !

There's people analyzing a 10.000 dollar montly income as if it's completely the same in America like it'd be in Europe while the economy there works completely different. There's so much information that flies over everyone's head here yet keep analyzing, people. Keep bringing up "sources" you can't mention and keep bringing up theories that don't make sense at all. Gotta keep the topic going.


Originally Posted by Javier (Post 1150951)
Ok, maybe I'm a bit late in replying to this but, people jumping on Phil for that tweet is just complete nonsense. Plus, I feel the need to defend the guy, he posted a pic on facebook of a "cup of coffee" he was drinking and if it was me, it would take a lot more than that to get me to leave the house as well :p....

Should've posted that in this topique. Let me do it for you.





Salaam Aleikum,

nickolai 08-23-2013 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by Wrath Mania (Post 1150959)
I don't see how anyone could find Phil X's tweet classless. Jesus. If anything he was taking it upon himself to shoot down these rumors that make NEITHER Jon or Richie look all that good. As Kathleen says, it's basically the only moment we've had of someone related to Bon Jovi addressing this fiasco in an honest way. How the hell could anyone see that as being ARROGANT? Or are some of you so brittle at this point, desperately reading into Richie's messages as he posts about being ****ing great at a pizza parlor, that you just snapped at Phil for no reason? I'm thinking that. You'd have to pretty daft to miss the whole boat here.

Spot on.


The Rock 08-23-2013 11:36 PM


Originally Posted by Wrath Mania (Post 1150959)
I don't see how anyone could find Phil X's tweet classless. Jesus. If anything he was taking it upon himself to shoot down these rumors that make NEITHER Jon or Richie look all that good. As Kathleen says, it's basically the only moment we've had of someone related to Bon Jovi addressing this fiasco in an honest way. How the hell could anyone see that as being ARROGANT? Or are some of you so brittle at this point, desperately reading into Richie's messages as he posts about being ****ing great at a pizza parlor, that you just snapped at Phil for no reason? I'm thinking that. You'd have to pretty daft to miss the whole boat here.

Nothing more to add. Spot On.

Becky 08-23-2013 11:48 PM

Phil's tweet has been the only direct thing said this whole time. I think it's perfectly appropriate. I also agree that it was insulting to him to say he was only making $10,000 a month. That was just the gossip rag's further attempt to make Jon the bad guy by making him out to be a cheapskate. He's probably making at least $10,000 a gig! (just guessing)

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