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MrNickel 05-20-2013 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by crashed (Post 1131107)
Their a lot older and I think has been clear from the participation of band members on the new album, they don't really NEED the band anymore - they all have other interests and I get the impression it's only Jon who has the serious drive to keep the band going.

Unfortunately I think that is very true. Except for Jon, it seems like the other guys aren't all that passionate about the new album. Hate to go back to the "CEO/employees" thing but I do sense it's gonna be the thing that ends this band.

Crushgen24/88 05-20-2013 07:43 PM

Seeing that Edge comment makes me think two things.
1. Jon's balls finally dropped.
2. Jon is goading Richie to either come back, quit, or make some kind of statement to take a bit of the heat of the organization.
Also, while I am by no means "pro-Jon", this just keeps making Richie look worse. Obviously he doesn't "owe" anyone an explanation, but someone should really step in and tell him how horrible he looks from a PR standpoint. I mean, let's pretend he wanted to quit and go solo, what good will would he have left? Bailed on 3 straight tours and tweeted about ow awesome he was while people raged about his absence.

Crushgen24/88 05-20-2013 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by Bill23 (Post 1131111)
Am I stating the obvious when I say this will be the last 'Bon Jovi' tour for atleast 5 years?

Three. As much as Jon wails about not being a nostalgia band, I think we get a Slippery 30th Tour.

Crushgen24/88 05-20-2013 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1131044)
Jon is a ****ing arrogant. He says proudly that they are a brotherhood, but the sad fact is that Jon is a tyrant and an egocentric.

This is the TRUE Bon Jovi.
The Passion of Richie.

I love that Dave and Tico seem to be enjoying this.

Bill23 05-20-2013 07:46 PM

Maybe they should add GnR's 'Pretty Tied Up' to the set, just for the lyrics
"Once there was this rock n' roll band rollin' on the streets
Time went by and it became a joke
We just needed more and more fulfilling- Uh-huh
Time went by and it all went up in smoke"

ezearis 05-20-2013 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by LeaJovi (Post 1131110)
Wow, some people really need to prioritize their life better.

Richie is a grown adult with no contractual obligation to you or anybody but the band. He will make a statement if he wants to.

You guys DEMAND an explanation? Don't make me laugh.

It's time for him to rejoin or resign? Yeah you surely know what has to be done.

I miss the Sambongo jokes and the conspiracy theories. This thread has become pitiful and full or resentfulness.

They have all the right to complain. People here bought a ticket to see the whole band, and Richie just goes away. What's worse, while the band is on the eye of everyone, he's is happilly tweeting about guitars and driving her daughter to school. I know he has a life, but he made a commitment not only with the band but with the fans. He should have left on day one if he didn't wanted to be a part of it, if it was alcohol as some sources said, he's to blame and he should take responsability of the situation like the grown up dude he is.

PatriciaSambora 05-20-2013 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1131044)
Jon is a ****ing arrogant. He says proudly that they are a brotherhood, but the sad fact is that Jon is a tyrant and an egocentric.

This is the TRUE Bon Jovi.
The Passion of Richie.

Me encantan tus fotos hahaha. Me hace reír en todo este tinglao que hay

efiste2 05-20-2013 07:58 PM

With Jon obviousley getting more and more pi##ed off with the situation and "leaking" little bits of info in his interviews, I can only agree with what you all are saying and its what I have been posting for a while, Richie has got to break cover and speak to both his so called "brother" and more importantly his fans with his intentions. if he wants out for f#cks sake say so, then we can all move on and try to come to terms with it.
Personal issues are PERSONAL and we have no business in that, but if indeed its a band "issue" then we as the very foundation of the Bon Jovi empire as in we buy the albums,we buy the tickets etc etc.....Need to know what the bloody hell has/is going on and what the future holds.......on the optimistic side it may just relight the creative spark between them and it may produce some GREAT classic Bon Jovi tracks that we all yearn for....
on the pessamistic side I think its GAME OVER for what we knew as BON JOVI and the only thing to hold onto is that im pretty sure there will be a reunion at some time down the long and winding path......

Whatever the problem/issues (unless it IS a personal one) we the loyal fans need to know!

MrNickel 05-20-2013 08:04 PM

Not quite...........

Bill23 05-20-2013 08:16 PM

I know this interview is a few months old now, but Richie seemed upbeat and excited. "The Rolling Stones are our bench mark...I guess we'll be here for a long time".

"We want to be the Rolling Stones. I know I do.”

MrIks from Finland 05-20-2013 08:29 PM

Did anybody noticed who was there in us shows where richie still was that he wouldnt have given his everything like jon is making it sound on the interview?
At least in cleveland show which was streamed i think richie was in great shape and did a great job.

Crushgen24/88 05-20-2013 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by MrIks from Finland (Post 1131135)
Did anybody noticed who was there in us shows where richie still was that he wouldnt have given his everything like jon is making it sound on the interview?
At least in cleveland show which was streamed i think richie was in great shape and did a great job.

I don't think he meant 100% in performance, I think he meant giving 100% to being in the band.

JoviJovi 05-20-2013 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by MrIks from Finland (Post 1131135)
Did anybody noticed who was there in us shows where richie still was that he wouldnt have given his everything like jon is making it sound on the interview?
At least in cleveland show which was streamed i think richie was in great shape and did a great job.

I only saw the free shows in CT during the blizzard, but he seemed to be in great form there.

Lyn Wo 05-20-2013 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by MrIks from Finland (Post 1131135)
Did anybody noticed who was there in us shows where richie still was that he wouldnt have given his everything like jon is making it sound on the interview?
At least in cleveland show which was streamed i think richie was in great shape and did a great job.

I saw the show in Tampa. Honestly, Richie looked better, played better, and seemed to honestly be enjoying himself more than he has on the past two tours.

rolo_tomachi 05-20-2013 09:31 PM

If it's fight of egos, Jon has lied.

rolo_tomachi 05-20-2013 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1131101)
Richie seriously insulted his "brother" the band and his fans when he walked off the tour. He deserves whatever he gets.

Richie has not insulted Jon in an interview.

Bounce7800 05-20-2013 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1131153)
Richie has not insulted Jon in an interview.

That's not what was said.

Solid Sambora 05-20-2013 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by LeaJovi (Post 1131110)
Richie is a grown adult with no contractual obligation to you or anybody but the band.

Erm, taking our money means he does have a contractual obligation to us one way or another. And right this minute it's been money paid for services not provided.

And as for being a grown man, grown men should behave in a more grown up fashion, not tweeting how "****ing great" he is while letting everyone down.

JoviJovi 05-20-2013 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1131151)
If it's fight of egos, Jon has lied.

So has Richie with his "personal issues " crap. You are going to have to face that Richie is not blameless in this.

Captain_jovi 05-20-2013 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1131153)
Richie has not insulted Jon in an interview.

You're right. Instead he's stayed silent while the band continued the tour. I fail to see how Jon is the bad guy to you. Whether or not more days should have been added is a fair argument but for the dates already sold? Jon's not the bad guy.

rolo_tomachi 05-20-2013 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by Captain_jovi (Post 1131158)
You're right. Instead he's stayed silent while the band continued the tour. I fail to see how Jon is the bad guy to you. Whether or not more days should have been added is a fair argument but for the dates already sold? Jon's not the bad guy.

If this is a struggle of egos, Jon is the villain of the movie.

The Rock 05-20-2013 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1131153)
Richie has not insulted Jon in an interview.

All his tweets are insults. Jon is blunt, Richie is cunning but both are just as bad as the other.

Jon is now frustrated. Look at the picture of Jon with the reporter, its the same but just change the reporter. So he is doing interview, after interview all on the same day, getting the same questions. It's now getting frustrating for him and he will talk. We might be seeing more quotes and interviews coming out. Be prepared.

CKatz said it true, if Richie wasn't replacable, he would be gone now. Jon needs him and knows it. He wouldn't be leaving the door open and saying that Richie is always a member of the band but now Jon is pissed and when you are angry, he talk. Someone else like David or Tico, need to take over the interviews.

rolo_tomachi 05-20-2013 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1131157)
So has Richie with his "personal issues " crap. You are going to have to face that Richie is not blameless in this.

Both are full of shit, but Jon has to be always the winner, and that's not fair.

something new about Matt?

Beaky 05-20-2013 09:49 PM

I think the whole "100%" reference is Richie's preoccupation to his solo album and his desire to use his profile to plug that, rather than WAN.

Jon wants him onboard with Bon Jovi, or don't bother... basically. I've said before, he's no doubt got a contract to back that up, so he's in the right.

In reference to the 'he would have fired him if he wanted' comment... I don't think so. Jon is a businessman and it seems his business, without Richie, is ailing. Yes, the poor ticket sales aren't just about RS's absence but Jon will be looking at whether he needs/can afford to have Richie in the band from here on in. Weighing up a loss in tickets sales with the fact that he can't be relied upon etc.

Jon knows it's not so simple as 'just fire him,' he has to look like the good guy... wait until he's in a good position to judge the pro's and con's.

Before anyone leaps on 'why does there need to be a good guy!?!' like they did over my 'pro-Jon' comment... chill out... I have been and remain really balanced in this. I am not talking about myself or you, or your mates. Jon is media savvy, he knows he has to play this a certain way. Richie seems more impulsive and I think that's exactly why he's in the position he's in.

steel_horse75 05-20-2013 09:49 PM

How anyone can blame JBJ for all this - with the facts we know - is beyond me.
Sambora has let everyone down.

This thread is over 400 pages and still no statement from richie

jessycardy 05-20-2013 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1131159)
If this is a struggle of egos, Jon is the villain of the movie.

Jon's not the one who left band and fans high and dry.

And I'm NOT saying he didn't have a good enough reason, nor am I taking for granted, as you seem to be doing, that it's about egos. But IF that was the case, Richie would come off like a total dick for just bailing out without notice nor care for anyone, fans and other band members included. That's why I find this finger-pointing rather pointless (LOL), since it's all based on IFs.

Beaky 05-20-2013 09:53 PM

Also, for anyone wondering if Jon was quoted out of context over the U2 thing... Matt was sent the link and asked if it was bad reporting to which he replied...

Not bad reporting.

Apologies if this has been posted already.

ben 05-20-2013 09:55 PM

wow! 406 pages!
I love this thread :)

The Rock 05-20-2013 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by Beaky (Post 1131167)
Also, for anyone wondering if Jon was quoted out of context over the U2 thing... Matt was sent the link and asked if it was bad reporting to which he replied...

Not bad reporting.

Apologies if this has been posted already.

So do you think that Matt just forgot a full stop behind the Not. So meant to say Not. Bad Reporting. As in not Jon's words, bad reporting or his saying not bad reporting and so the article and Jon's quotes are true?

Jonty 05-20-2013 10:02 PM

assume we got this one mentioned somewhere?

Jonty 05-20-2013 10:03 PM


Originally Posted by ben (Post 1131168)
wow! 406 pages!
I love this thread :)

shame it has been required.

jessycardy 05-20-2013 10:03 PM


Originally Posted by The Rock (Post 1131169)
So do you think that Matt just forgot a full stop behind the Not. So meant to say Not. Bad Reporting. As in not Jon's words, bad reporting or his saying not bad reporting and so the article and Jon's quotes are true?

He definitely meant what he said. The question was worded something like: "is this a case of bad reporting or did Jon actually say those words?".

JoviJovi 05-20-2013 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by The Rock (Post 1131169)
So do you think that Matt just forgot a full stop behind the Not. So meant to say Not. Bad Reporting. As in not Jon's words, bad reporting or his saying not bad reporting and so the article and Jon's quotes are true?

His grammar is god awful, so definitely possible. That's actually the way I read it.

DestinationJovi 05-20-2013 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by MrNickel (Post 1131113)
Unfortunately I think that is very true. Except for Jon, it seems like the other guys aren't all that passionate about the new album. Hate to go back to the "CEO/employees" thing but I do sense it's gonna be the thing that ends this band.

Considering at the Vienna press conference Tico admitted he can't say whether or not he agrees with the lyrics of the songs because he doesn't even know them, I'd say yeah, the other guys aren't too passionate about it.

DestinationJovi 05-20-2013 10:44 PM


Originally Posted by MrIks from Finland (Post 1131135)
Did anybody noticed who was there in us shows where richie still was that he wouldnt have given his everything like jon is making it sound on the interview?
At least in cleveland show which was streamed i think richie was in great shape and did a great job.

Richie gave way more than Jon did. Jon hid behind his guitar and mic stand, Richie was the star.

afk 05-20-2013 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by DestinationJovi (Post 1131178)
Considering at the Vienna press conference Tico admitted he can't say whether or not he agrees with the lyrics of the songs because he doesn't even know them, I'd say yeah, the other guys aren't too passionate about it.

Hahah that comment was hilarious!

JordanRose 05-20-2013 10:51 PM

Nobody seems t have mentioned the huge importance of him saying he only spoke to Sambongo once on the first leg.

It might be true that they never had a blow-out at any point but he's making it very plain that The Bongonator had a serious 'personal issue' for a while and is expecting people to put 2 and 2 together and figure out roughly what's going on.

jdanielross 05-20-2013 10:55 PM

Richie is to blame because he walked from the tour for whatever reason (apart from being something seriously wrong ... which at this point I think we've mostly ruled out based on interviews and tweets).

Jon is to blame because he lied to the band about having a break and is a workaholic (thus orcing the band to be workaholics) and started writing and recording WAN (which, let's be honest, is mostly a JBJ solo effort). The band, obviously, should've taken a break from a 13-year record/tour cycle without many proper breaks (remember when they weren't even going to tour Lost Highway for a break ... that was three albums/tours ago now).

I find fault in both. It's not an either/or, it's cause (JBJ's work ethic) and effect (a bad reaction from RS).

rolo_tomachi 05-20-2013 11:01 PM

Now my question is, what about now? I'm talking seriously.

DestinationJovi 05-20-2013 11:09 PM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1131187)
Now my question is, what about now? I'm talking seriously.


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