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jessycardy 08-24-2013 12:59 AM


Originally Posted by The Rock (Post 1150976)
It says on record. That to me means Richie talked but they want him to confirm it.

That's what it sounds like, but their latest update on the story clearly indicates that, as usual, their "yes, it's true" stories come from the same ol' "unnamed source" that's becoming more of a joke every day.

"UPDATE: Richie and Jon’s camps are not commenting on the story, but Phil X tweeted “you know how I know is full of sh*t? I wouldn’t even leave my house for that salary.”
We stand by our story."

I have to say, their lame attempt at sounding like big professionals makes me laugh. You're gutter press. "Anti-tabloid" my ass.

( )

JoviJovi 08-24-2013 01:27 AM

And then there's this:

golittleperson 08-24-2013 01:44 AM


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1150978)

You know what, I think this one I might believe.

jessycardy 08-24-2013 01:58 AM


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1150978)

I'm not sure what they're trying to say with the techs being let go and stuff. Also, I don't know about the others, but Takumi's still on tour.

Captain_jovi 08-24-2013 02:18 AM

What techs exactly does Richie have? They'd still need a guitar tech for whoever would be playing in Richie's place, other that that what other positions are there specific to Richie?

Kathleen 08-24-2013 02:19 AM


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1150978)

Roger Friedman is a far more believable journalist than "RumorFix"

golittleperson 08-24-2013 02:32 AM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1150980)
I'm not sure what they're trying to say with the techs being let go and stuff. Also, I don't know about the others, but Takumi's still on tour.

Phil has spoken very highly of Takumi, but maybe he wants "his" people this leg, bet more than 1 tech for lead. I don't know, don't pretend to know what is needed behind the scenes but I can't imagine Richie fired from the band as US wkly was saying, tour yeah. Big difference and even with Jon as CEO would think much more complicated to do. Just today, Scott Weiland said STP would have to "buy" him out.

PS - Matts twitter is gone. Read yesterday on twitt notes that have to close from a pc, not mobile. So maybe had to wait. Also, IF ever want to reuse name, must change first before delete account, which he also did even though he said if anyone came back would NOT be him. Grain of salt.

Captain_jovi 08-24-2013 02:37 AM


Originally Posted by golittleperson (Post 1150983)
Phil has spoken very highly of Takumi, but maybe he wants "his" people this leg, bet more than 1 tech for lead. I don't know, don't pretend to know what is needed behind the scenes but I can't imagine Richie fired from the band as US wkly was saying, tour yeah. Big difference and even with Jon as CEO would think much more complicated to do. Just today, Scott Weiland said STP would have to "buy" him out.

I don't think Phil has a personal tech considering how versed he is in building and repairing guitars. It's been nothing but club shows for him prior to this. I don't think this was his call.

Javier 08-24-2013 02:46 AM


That's more than a cup. LOL
Yes that is d-Cup!!

hahaha get it? D-cup as used as The cup?? My gawd i'm so freaking clever I scare myself....

Or do I???!!!!

I don't know.....


jessycardy 08-24-2013 03:10 AM


Originally Posted by golittleperson (Post 1150983)
Phil has spoken very highly of Takumi, but maybe he wants "his" people this leg, bet more than 1 tech for lead. I don't know, don't pretend to know what is needed behind the scenes but I can't imagine Richie fired from the band as US wkly was saying, tour yeah. Big difference and even with Jon as CEO would think much more complicated to do. Just today, Scott Weiland said STP would have to "buy" him out.

PS - Matts twitter is gone. Read yesterday on twitt notes that have to close from a pc, not mobile. So maybe had to wait. Also, IF ever want to reuse name, must change first before delete account, which he also did even though he said if anyone came back would NOT be him. Grain of salt.

I think it would be weird of him to want to change techs after all this touring. And regardless, I don't see the connection with this rumor about Richie. But hey, it's a somewhat positive article, so... let's hope there's some truth to it.

As for Matt, I saw some random pizza stuff appearing under Matt's old account... Weird... It's pretty stupid that you can claim an old username if someone happens to delete it, 'cause it gives way to this kind of stuff.

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