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JackieBlue 08-24-2013 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1151033)
What planet do you live on? And why do you pretend it's mine when you don't have a clue? Arrogant much.

Planet Kidding. Laugh much? Ever?

Jeez, Jessy. I overanalyze as much as anyone here. It's a joke.

jessycardy 08-24-2013 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1151034)
Planet Kidding. Laugh much? Ever?

Jeez, Jessy. I overanalyze as much as anyone here. It's a joke.

Alrighty then. Good to know. I thought you meant an entirely different thing... my bad, I guess.

JackieBlue 08-24-2013 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1151035)
Alrighty then. Good to know. I thought you meant an entirely different thing... my bad, I guess.

No problem.

Kathleen 08-24-2013 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by Living_on_my_Hair (Post 1151025)
DaFuq has happened to this thread?

On a side note, what kind of person automatically likes/supports Richie's clothing crap just due to the fact of who he is? Makes no sense, unless you're into 'fashion' of course. Some of the tweets I have seen make me despair.

Probably the same kind of person that went crazy over football when Jon bought the Philadelphia Soul in 2003-2004. I never saw so many female football fans in my life. Many even bought season tickets hoping to see Jon at the game.

For the record I am not a football fan in any of its incarnations and Jon buying a team did not make me a fan. Which is why I think the same situation is disgusting now that it's happening with Richie and fashion.

Sissy3 08-24-2013 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by Kathleen (Post 1151038)
Probably the same kind of person that went crazy over football when Jon bought the Philadelphia Soul in 2003-2004. I never saw so many female football fans in my life. Many even bought season tickets hoping to see Jon at the game.

For the record I am not a football fan in any of it incarnations and Jon buying a team did not make me a fan. Which is why I think the same situation is disgusting now that it's happening with Richie and fashion.

I've never understood that frame of mind even though I have met people through the Bon Jovi "fan family" who did just that. Buy something because Jon endorsed it, bought season tickets to his arena football team even though they really didn't have a clue. (On the chance that Jon may someday own a piece of a pro team, let me go on record now as saying I've been a pro football fan for decades. So he would not be an influence. ;)) I've known people who supported the politicians that Jon liked. And you are correct, people will buy clothing because Richie is attached to it no matter how ugly or pricey it might be.

TwinFan 08-24-2013 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by Kathleen (Post 1151038)
Probably the same kind of person that went crazy over football when Jon bought the Philadelphia Soul in 2003-2004. I never saw so many female football fans in my life. Many even bought season tickets hoping to see Jon at the game.

This seriously happened? Wow. Just... wow.

Sambo-Chris 08-24-2013 11:12 PM

Actually I liked some stuff from WTB and bought some Jeans and a few Shirts when they were on Discount. But I don't pay Attention to NikkiRich.It's not my style of clothes. Nothing that I would wear.

Kathleen 08-24-2013 11:27 PM


Originally Posted by TwinFan (Post 1151041)
This seriously happened? Wow. Just... wow.

Yes - this seriously happened right here on JoviTalk too. At the time I just thought I was too old to "get it". Since then I just decided that people that do that just don't know their own mind.

jovigirloz 08-25-2013 12:06 AM


Originally Posted by Kathleen (Post 1151038)
Probably the same kind of person that went crazy over football when Jon bought the Philadelphia Soul in 2003-2004. I never saw so many female football fans in my life. Many even bought season tickets hoping to see Jon at the game.

For the record I am not a football fan in any of its incarnations and Jon buying a team did not make me a fan. Which is why I think the same situation is disgusting now that it's happening with Richie and fashion.

I noticed that too with the football. I thought it was very strange but not surprising. I never buy anything just because a celebrity was tied to it. The number of fans wearing the soul jersey who would have had no idea about the game itself was staggering. I think most were there because they think it makes them a "proper" fan.
Politics-so different here than in the USA. Most Aussies hate our politicians, so celebrities don't get tied to them very often.

semigoodlookin 08-25-2013 12:15 AM

I am not sure what's worse. Over analyzing a situation in a thread dedicated to that situation or amassing over one hundred posts in that thread telling people how sad the over analyzing is. In fact I do know what's worse.

That Jessy guy is obviously invested in the situation and is talking about it, some of it is boring to me so I don't read it, other things are worth a look. Why does it offend some people that others are interested in this?

As it seems standard to judge people's contribution, I have made 60+ posts, so I guess that makes me even less interested than the ones who say they aren't interested but have posted loads in this thread.

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