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Sissy3 08-25-2013 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by † ÀžžÀ † (Post 1151103)

It is a fine tightrope Jon is walking, which is why I hope he retires the band should Richie leave. It would be sad to see him carry on and chase $$$ thus tainting their legacy.

Maybe it would depend on whether Jon could be happy performing solo at smaller venues or if the lure of playing the big stadiums in front of thousands is the stronger pull. I think he'll always feel the need to perform, but can he be happy with just his "side job" to fulfill him, instead of his main job he's held for 30 years. My bet is ego (more so than the money side of it) would win out and he'd push for another full blown band tour.

Gabriel Shoes 08-26-2013 12:56 AM


Originally Posted by † ÀžžÀ † (Post 1151103)
The only way I can see the band surviving in its current guise if if they take a proper (overdue) break. That would perhaps give Jon and Richie time to settle their differences and eventually return with some substance to their writing.

However there is every chance Jon will churn out another album (without Sambora) pretty quickly to prove a point. That would be a huge mistake as a lot of fans, me included, would finally bow out.

At the moment people have split loyalties, with many admiring Jon for keeping the show on the road. Once the dust has settled there is every chance fans could feel alienated and turn their back.

It is a fine tightrope Jon is walking, which is why I hope he retires the band should Richie leave. It would be sad to see him carry on and chase $$$ thus tainting their legacy.

I agree with you, good point.

MrNickel 08-26-2013 03:22 AM

I know at one point Jon making a statement may of seemed like a risk to him, but with how crazy the press is at the moment on this, he needs to say something.

nikos greece 08-26-2013 08:44 AM

after all these months it finally occured to me that jon became doc mcghee for the band in a way...pushing them for more shows/tours/album cycles when obviously only he has the desire and not anyone else...they all described doc, their manager back in the 80s, like a ruthless guy who only wanted money, more shows etc...unfortunately after all these years maybe jon became what he resented the most...i dont need a wanted number 2 or a blaze of glory 2 but the guy who wrote songs like these now make albums every 2 years fills them with mediocre/middle of the road songs(songs that most of the time doesnt even perform live at all) and truthfully gives me the impression that 1. he cant stand staying at home for too long or 2.he simply making back on back tours in order to raise the money to buy a team, which is an expensive hobby afterall...
ps.i admire the guy for keeping up, for showing that kind of drive and motivation but this whole album/tour cycle is a farce, shows none artistic integrity and messes up their legacy:crazyeye:

ps2. i hope it all works out and richie finds himself because he truly looks lost

rino 08-26-2013 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by † ÀžžÀ † (Post 1151103)
The only way I can see the band surviving in its current guise if if they take a proper (overdue) break. That would perhaps give Jon and Richie time to settle their differences and eventually return with some substance to their writing.

However there is every chance Jon will churn out another album (without Sambora) pretty quickly to prove a point. That would be a huge mistake as a lot of fans, me included, would finally bow out.

At the moment people have split loyalties, with many admiring Jon for keeping the show on the road. Once the dust has settled there is every chance fans could feel alienated and turn their back.

It is a fine tightrope Jon is walking, which is why I hope he retires the band should Richie leave. It would be sad to see him carry on and chase $$$ thus tainting their legacy.

If Jon should bring out a new album,for whatever reason,i hope it will be a smash,because if it doesn't,it will backfire on him like a truck that hit him at full speed. You can turn and twist it around as much as you will,the sound of BJ will never be the same without Richie.So Jon have to consider if it's worth to take that risk,or goiing down WITHOUT a blaze of glory.

NicoRourke 08-26-2013 11:52 AM

Sad but true, this whole fiasco is driving me away from the band.

I'm disappointed by both Jon and Richie to the point that I don't even enjoy listening to the albums for the moment. And that's a first since 1992...

Richie is/was always my favorite band member, I'm especially pissed by his recent behavior.

When he left the tour I was like 'not again!' then I was somewhat supportive if he was feuding with Jon just because JBJ pisses me off always talking about him instead of the band, his stink-eye crap and acting like a dick + chasing trends when saying he's not etc.

But now I'm tired and disgusted by Richie's behavior, his new entourage and the stupid things he posts on Twitter.

Not that this will move this mammoth thread further, but I needed to vent :)

rolo_tomachi 08-26-2013 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by NicoRourke (Post 1151121)

I'm disappointed by both Jon and Richie to the point that I don't even enjoy listening to the albums for the moment. And that's a first since 1992...

I share the same feeling as you.

nickolai 08-26-2013 12:16 PM

Richie Sambora is a cunt

efiste2 08-26-2013 12:30 PM


I'm disappointed by both Jon and Richie to the point that I don't even enjoy listening to the albums for the moment. And that's a first since 1992...
Thats exactly how Im feeling too, its a sad state of affairs, last week i blamed Richie for the whole situation for baling out when he did, I still do to some extent,
but I have to also lay some blame on Jon for taking the band down this route of continuous tour,album,tour,album merry go round, and as much as do like the recent stuff when you listen to the early stuff it shows just how lame they have become on the album front, my apologies for not recalling who said it but the post of WAN being a mix of the band and Jons solo stuff is spot on!!!!.

Im hoping it all works out but to get back to real classic Bon JOvi I think Jon would have to back down quite a lot and let Richie have a hell of a lot more say in the music. And as we all know Jon doesnt back down :confused:

crashed 08-26-2013 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by efiste2 (Post 1151127)

I think Jon would have to back down quite a lot and let Richie have a hell of a lot more say in the music. And as we all know Jon doesnt back down :confused:

And why do you think this would get them back to the classic Bon Jovi sound? Richie's recent solo releases are nothing like the "classic" Bon Jovi sound either.

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