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crashed 04-09-2013 03:04 AM


Originally Posted by TheseDaysEra (Post 1120998)
On the other hand, I don't think it's fair to point our fingers at Jon for allowing the tour to go on.

Exactly, Richie doesn't show - whatever the reason - Jon's supposed to tell everyone their not getting paid until Richie shows up and to pack up and go home, or that it's all over?

I agree with Devilson that Richie had a hand in these great, great songs and it's painful to every fan of this band that he isn't there, but it can and should go on without him until he either gets back, or until this tour is done.

Becky 04-09-2013 03:08 AM


Originally Posted by TheseDaysEra (Post 1120998)
We don't really know what's happened. What if there was no feud at all ? what if he REALLY needed to attend a personal matter of his, whatever it was ? What was Jon to do ? postpone the whole leg? The man's a workaholic and he believes that carrying on is the only thing to do.

There probably isn't a feud at all. People just make this shit up because the band isn't telling the reason. It would certainly benefit Jon to announce whatever the real reason is instead of getting hammered by fans and the press for being a Big Bad Meanie. Jon's probably being a very good friend to Richie by letting Richie keep his personal business personal and taking the hit over it.

crashed 04-09-2013 03:09 AM


Originally Posted by Lisa71 (Post 1121003)
Where is Richie?? I know, I know that is the million dollar question and we would not have a hundred page thread if we knew the answer but where is he?

We see pics of the band from the tour but close to a week later and no one has seen Richie? TMZ who were so quick to jump on the story, haven't got a picture of him? Is he hiding somewhere, no one can find him? I think he could be in a detox program that really is the personal matter. Maybe not the full rehab experience as per last time but a program all the same.

He is always going to be a recovering acholic. Could it be while in Hawaii, he started drinking again? Not to the extent that he could not stand up but his on vacation, what's one beer? One wine? Then on the way back to the tour, he realized that it could be starting again and he just needed a little help again before going on the road. Jon said on stage life is full of bumps (bump in recovery?) But he will be back. He hasn't spoken to him (can't talk to patients in programs) No one is saying.

Or has this already been discussed and dismissed on page 50? Its just weird no one has spotted him. I've seen Heather and Ava since but no Richie.

You do have a point because with the story breaking, false as I believe the stories are we've heard, you'll bet there will be reporters and paparazzi asking the same questions and looking for him too, and it's not like LA is some backwoods in Jersey.

Though I guess if I had a big mansion, I could hide out in it for years if I needed to. lol.

crashed 04-09-2013 03:10 AM


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1121006)
There probably isn't a feud at all. People just make this shit up because the band isn't telling the reason. It would certainly benefit Jon to announce whatever the real reason is instead of getting hammered by fans and the press for being a Big Bad Meanie. Jon's probably being a very good friend to Richie by letting Richie keep his personal business personal and taking the hit over it.

And that's exactly what I think's going on. That's what Bon Jovi do - they don't tell their secrets.

danfan 04-09-2013 03:12 AM


Originally Posted by DestinationJovi (Post 1120997)

But he's a human jukebox :(

Yeah, right.

Someone else pointed out that he adds nothing to the show. It's worse than that. He detracts from it. He butchers solos, he looks like an ass up there, and he gets more attention from Jon than the rest of the band.

The more I think about it, I really think Richie did have a falling out with Jon. Jon acts like he's such a perfectionist, but I really think Richie is the one who cares about the quality of music. The best Bon Jovi songs are co-written by Richie. He's probably just sick and tired of Jon half-assing set lists and playing shit songs that nobody wants to hear. He probably told Jon, and there you go - Richie's sitting out for personal issues.

crashed 04-09-2013 03:25 AM

Oh here we go again - back to evil Jon, Saint Richie - give me a ****ing break!

There's still been absolutely no indication anywhere there was any falling out other than a TMZ article -which everywhere else has picked up on.

There's nothing in the behaviour of the band to support that argument. It doesn't mean it hasn't happened, but it certainly doesn't mean it has either.

danfan 04-09-2013 04:11 AM


Originally Posted by crashed (Post 1121010)
Oh here we go again - back to evil Jon, Saint Richie - give me a ****ing break!

There's still been absolutely no indication anywhere there was any falling out other than a TMZ article -which everywhere else has picked up on.

There's nothing in the behaviour of the band to support that argument. It doesn't mean it hasn't happened, but it certainly doesn't mean it has either.

Richie's far from a saint, but it's pretty well known what an asshole Jon is.

SadieLady 04-09-2013 04:24 AM


Originally Posted by danfan (Post 1120981)
This is why I think Jon is an asshole. He kicks Alec out for supposedly "compromising" what the band sounded like live. Bobby doesn't compromise it. He brutally butchers it to death.

Over the years I have heard different reasons for Alec being fired:
1. Alec making too many mistakes due to his using/abusing
2. Alec not wanting to work as hard as Jon pushed everyone to do
3. Alec being told by Jon that he was a crap player
4. Alec telling Jon he was a crap songwriter
5. Alec saying too much to reporters, Jon telling him that no one wanted to hear what Alec has to say.
6. Most recent (from Jon): Alec wasn't fired, he just wanted to leave and bless him, he has stayed quiet over the years. He could have talked but he didn't. It is out of respect to him and the original 5 members that he will never be officially replaced.

When I look at early clips, I am struck with the "star" quality of Alec and the fact that he had a beautiful voice. To me it brought up the Mick Jagger / Brian Jones scenario. It is my understanding that Brian Jones gave Mick a run for his money in star material (in fact was originally the leader of the group in its formation) and Mick didn't like it.

Alec's leaving can't just be making mistakes or using; Richie has made too many mistakes for years and years and YEARS and ditto on using/abusing alcohol.

LeaJovi 04-09-2013 04:30 AM


Originally Posted by ShadyLady (Post 1121013)
Over the years I have heard different reasons for Alec being fired:
1. Alec making too many mistakes due to his using/abusing
2. Alec not wanting to work as hard as Jon pushed everyone to do
3. Alec being told by Jon that he was a crap player
4. Alec telling Jon he was a crap songwriter
5. Alec saying too much to reporters, Jon telling him that no one wanted to hear what Alec has to say.
6. Most recent (from Jon): Alec wasn't fired, he just wanted to leave and bless him, he has stayed quiet over the years. He could have talked but he didn't. It is out of respect to him and the original 5 members that he will never be officially replaced.

When I look at early clips, I am struck with the "star" quality of Alec and the fact that he had a beautiful voice. To me it brought up the Mick Jagger / Brian Jones scenario. It is my understanding that Brian Jones gave Mick a run for his money in star material (in fact was originally the leader of the group in its formation) and Mick didn't like it.

Alec's leaving can't just be making mistakes or using; Richie has made too many mistakes for years and years and YEARS and ditto on using/abusing alcohol.

In 2001 a friend of mine went to Alec's house and he gladly let her and a friend go in and talk to him. She has pictures of inside of his house where he has achievements done with BJ all over the wall.

He said that he was fired and that he wanted to be back in the band. That was a earlier from the show where he did Wanted dead or alive with the band live. He wasn't resentful or anything, he just missed being in the band.

Back to the Richie mystery, I don't think it was a personal issue because it wasn't announced. The only thing that comes to my mind that would be kept a tight secret is something to do inside the band, be it a problem between band members or just a money issue. We've known right away about a lot of stuff that happened to the band and they didn't really keep quiet about it, unlike now.

Javier 04-09-2013 04:37 AM


Originally Posted by DestinationJovi (Post 1120983)
Ha! You have a link of bobby "nailing" the solo in HAND? :confused:

Of course it won't be as good as Richie but he hits all the notes and doesn't stay on any one note for too long. It sound fine....

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