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JoviJovi 08-28-2013 04:03 AM


Originally Posted by MrNickel (Post 1151258)
What does she say in the DMs ?

She never DM'd me, just followed.

JoviJovi 08-28-2013 05:20 AM


Originally Posted by Stiggy (Post 1151267)
She writes what we already know Jon refused Richie back & Richie loves his fans.. No secret but whispering private msgs to fans when you know they don't like u is weird...

Wait, how do we know Jon refused to let Richie back? And I feel no love from Richie and haven't since April 3. The only one saying that is Yoko.

Lisa71 08-28-2013 12:47 PM

Secret Bon Jovi Intervention: Bandmates Urged Richie Sambora To Enter Rehab, Kicked Him Out Of Band When He Refused

Stiggy 08-28-2013 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by Lisa71 (Post 1151273)
Secret Bon Jovi Intervention: Bandmates Urged Richie Sambora To Enter Rehab, Kicked Him Out Of Band When He Refused

BS its jons camp kicking back :rolleyes: he looked happy & healthy at the first start on tour... something went down before they re-grouped..

jessycardy 08-28-2013 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by Stiggy (Post 1151274)
BS its jons camp kicking back :rolleyes: he looked happy & healthy at the first start on tour... something went down before they re-grouped..

There's no "Jon camp", in case you haven't noticed. LOL

Having said that, the whole "go-to-rehab-no-I-won't" story is a pretty popular one among the fanbase, and I have to say it makes sense. But the article shouldn't be trusted, just like all the others, because:
1) it's, once again, gutter press.
2) there's a detail that kinda gives them away: the old technique of rehashing old stuff with a new twist. "The band’s manager has confirmed the guitarist’s departure, saying that “there were a lot of well-documented problems, so this was the best decision for now.”"
This quote is from another gossip article, where the source was totally unnamed and never said to be the band's manager.
3) no names are given (except the aforementioned "band's manager") and we're still given the same old "insider" crap, which compared to "source close to the band" almost sounds refreshing, but... not really. LOL

ben 08-28-2013 01:56 PM

jessycardy 08-28-2013 02:18 PM


Originally Posted by ben (Post 1151276)

I seriously don't understand why everybody jumps to attention whenever a new "Examiner" article comes out. I'm not sure everybody knows how it all works, so I'll briefly explain it to you. It might look like a place for reporters and journalists, but it's not. I, you, your neighbor's granny could sign up and write our own stuff, kinda like BuzzFeed. There's no "Mr./Mrs. BuzzFeed", it's just a platform anyone can sign up to and post what they like, with the advantage in visibility that comes with a well-known website.

They might be interesting reads, or they could be means to carry out one's own personal agenda, or they could be everything in between. But in any case, they'll still carry the same value as each and every opinion posted here in this thread, at most.

Beaky 08-28-2013 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1151277)
I seriously don't understand why everybody jumps to attention whenever a new "Examiner" article comes out. I'm not sure everybody knows how it all works, so I'll briefly explain it to you. It might look like a place for reporters and journalists, but it's not. I, you, your neighbor's granny could sign up and write our own stuff, kinda like BuzzFeed. There's no "Mr./Mrs. BuzzFeed", it's just a platform anyone can sign up to and post what they like, with the advantage in visibility that comes with a well-known website.

They might be interesting reads, or they could be means to carry out one's own personal agenda, or they could be everything in between. But in any case, they'll still carry the same value as each and every opinion posted here in this thread, at most.

Honestly... stop trying to police what people post, if it doesn't align with your point of view. It's boring.

You lost all credibility and just became a FanGirl the minute you said 'there is no Jon camp' ... If you were being serious.

As for the post above, I expect the OP will apologise for not reading the rules on what you can and cannot post on the jessytalk message board... just chill out.

jessycardy 08-28-2013 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by Beaky (Post 1151278)
Honestly... stop trying to police what people post, if it doesn't align with your point of view. It's boring.

You lost all credibility and just became a FanGirl the minute you said 'there is no Jon camp' ... If you were being serious.

As for the post above, I expect the OP will apologise for not reading the rules on what you can and cannot post on the jessytalk message board... just chill out.

You lost all credibility and just became another "board hater" the minute you said I lost all credibility for saying something you obviously haven't understood nor even tried to.

And just for the record, I'm not "policing" what people post, never have and never will. I've been attacked several times for what I post and I think it's stupid. I was simply explaining something that might not be clear to all the hundreds of users who come here looking for news.

Ben and I have also always had a good chemistry here on the board, so it wasn't meant to be personal in any way and I don't like your attempt at turning this into it using my posts.
Write your own, if that's what you're after.

And "just chill out"... really? You've just jumped down my throat for no reason and *I* should chill out? Give me a break.

Beaky 08-28-2013 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1151279)
You lost all credibility and just became another "board hater" the minute you said I lost all credibility for saying something you obviously haven't understood nor even tried to.

And just for the record, I'm not "policing" what people post, never have and never will. I've been attacked several times for what I post and I think it's stupid. I was simply explaining something that might not be clear to all the hundreds of users who come here looking for news.

Ben and I have also always had a good chemistry here on the board, so it wasn't meant to be personal in any way and I don't like your attempt at turning this into it using my posts.
Write your own, if that's what you're after.

And "just chill out"... really? You've just jumped down my throat for no reason and *I* should chill out? Give me a break.

I apologise for not being one of your loyal minions who seem to lap up your every word. No doubt one of them will be flexing soon; attempting to put me back in my box.

Now, I sincerely apologise if I have mis-read a situation between you and one of said minions. Your post came across like many of your previous contributions to this board; Mama, making sure everyone stays on message.

People used to bash the living snot out of Seb for trying to take over this board but at least he did so with a dollop of wit and a smattering of irony. You seem to be happy when the conversation is focused around you and your mates, a bit of light flirting, bashing 'Yoko', ripping the p*ss out of (a probably deserving) Richie...

Hence, if you really, honestly, do detest people who attack other posters, I think you need to go back through your posts and look at them with a level head.

ps. I'm not a 'board hater' - I just post when I have something to say. I got lynched for it last time, so haven't bothered since.

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