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MellyMel 08-28-2013 02:54 PM

I believe the rehab story way before the fighting over money story.

Beaky 08-28-2013 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by MellyMel (Post 1151281)
I believe the rehab story way before the fighting over money story.

Absolutely. Maybe RS refuses to see it and JBJ just doesn't want to see him head down a slippery slope again... Horrible. Would rather it was over cash.

Bill23 08-28-2013 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by Lisa71 (Post 1151273)
Secret Bon Jovi Intervention: Bandmates Urged Richie Sambora To Enter Rehab, Kicked Him Out Of Band When He Refused

Curious about this -
The band’s manager has confirmed the guitarist’s departure, saying that “there were a lot of well-documented problems, so this was the best decision for now.”

semigoodlookin 08-28-2013 02:59 PM

Jessy you son of a......don't you ever, ever try explaining how a particular "news" website works again.

As a non-minion I am joining in with the utterly random attacks.

jessycardy 08-28-2013 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by Beaky (Post 1151280)
I apologise for not being one of your loyal minions who seem to lap up your every word. No doubt one of them will be flexing soon; attempting to put me back in my box.

Now, I sincerely apologise if I have mis-read a situation between you and one of said minions. Your post came across like many of your previous contributions to this board; Mama, making sure everyone stays on message.

People used to bash the living snot out of Seb for trying to take over this board but at least he did so with a dollop of wit and a smattering of irony. You seem to be happy when the conversation is focused around you and your mates, a bit of light flirting, bashing 'Yoko', ripping the p*ss out of (a probably deserving) Richie...

Hence, if you really, honestly, do detest people who attack other posters, I think you need to go back through your posts and look at them with a level head.

ps. I'm not a 'board hater' - I just post when I have something to say. I got lynched for it last time, so haven't bothered since.

What in the world are you even saying? Are you high or something? Me, my minions... WTF? Let me get this straight, 'cause it's truly fascinating. You attacked me because, in your view, I tried to police another poster... then you learned that I am among those people whose posts are actually about contents and not other posters... so now Ben is my minion, but you have to save face somehow and you bring up my other posts.

That's very nice, but you know what? I'm not the one making accusations, therefore I'm not the one who should be bothered looking for clues that I am or not the almighty dictator you're making me out to be. Feel free to go ahead and quote all of my posts where you think I'm policing people rather than just stating my views, like everyone else. Until then, please avoid bringing this farce any further.

Beaky 08-28-2013 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by semigoodlookin (Post 1151285)
Jessy you son of a......don't you ever, ever try explaining how a particular "news" website works again.

As a non-minion I am joining in with the utterly random attacks.

Wow you're sharp. You must be her favourite... for now!!!

nickolai 08-28-2013 03:04 PM

Seems like JBJ has given Sambo an ultimatum-rehab or out. Tough love from where I'm standing from.

Beaky 08-28-2013 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1151286)
What in the world are you even saying? Are you high or something? Me, my minions... WTF? Let me get this straight, 'cause it's truly fascinating. You attacked me because, in your view, I tried to police another poster... then you learned that I am among those people whose posts are actually about contents and not other posters... so now Ben is my minion, but you have to save face somehow and you bring up my other posts.

That's very nice, but you know what? I'm not the one making accusations, therefore I'm not the one who should be bothered looking for clues that I am or not the almighty dictator you're making me out to be. Feel free to go ahead and quote all of my posts where you think I'm policing people rather than just stating my views, like everyone else. Until then, please avoid bringing this farce any further.

You make plenty of accusations.

How many times do you leap down people's throats and have to explain yourself, simply because they came at something from an angle you didn't agree with? There are people on here you constantly go up against... you play it with a passive-aggressive tone but it's there... just like it was on Twitter when Osrin said Jon knew why RS wasn't on the tour...

You play dumb all you want; you over analyse anything that leads you to a conclusion in Jon's favour and attack anyone who over analyses something that might go against 'our leader.' Then state 'there are no sides'.

But I'm the one that's high.

Anyway... that hat... let's talk more about how rubbish it is.

ticos_stick 08-28-2013 03:11 PM

So Jon is throwing people out of the band for drinking now. This comes after he bans fans from bringing signs to concerts. What next? NO BLACKS ALLOWED?!

I fully expect the next album cover to look something like this.

semigoodlookin 08-28-2013 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by Beaky (Post 1151287)
Wow you're sharp. You must be her favourite... for now!!!

Why are you shouting for now at me?

As I have posted 70 times in this thread and only addressed Jessy once I would say by this point I am less than a minion than you. Besides, I don't mind being someone's favourite, so I will take that as the compliment it was surely meant as.

Anyway, forget about personal stuff. We now have two people in this thread policing posts, Jessy and you. Maybe if I police a couple I can join you because I hate this negative vibe between us, I hate it!!!

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