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JoviJovi 08-28-2013 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by DestinationJovi (Post 1151367)
He also looks about 6 months pregnant.

What do you mean? He looks great and perfectly healthy according to his minions.

Javier 08-28-2013 11:18 PM

Butters 08-28-2013 11:19 PM


Originally Posted by ticos_stick (Post 1151365)

Hahahaha! You have to love him, don't you! :silly:

Kiwi78 08-28-2013 11:21 PM


Originally Posted by Stiggy (Post 1151364)
its false.. Jinjer Hundly wrote it, a jon fan.

Mybe so, but elements of this ring the truth.

It's what a lot of us have heard from the get go.

I know it's hard to stomach and people have the right not to believe it but if I was a betting man, I would say for the most part this is the truth.

And I'm also not discounting Jon may have been an ass around it. But the issue is his addiction and I stand by it 100%.

He's that far in denial people close to him are worried for his safety and well being.

efiste2 08-28-2013 11:33 PM

I really dont know anything but he really doesnt look good here......whats do you folks think of his body language and actions on the latest YT video of his shopping channel appearance.
as I say I really dont know but is he back on the rocket fuel ? its probably me being paranoid :confused:

jessycardy 08-28-2013 11:38 PM


Originally Posted by efiste2 (Post 1151362)
I think as the Bulls#it is flying thick and fast its not going to be long before we get a statement from one of them.......and unless its from one of their mouths and on film, nothing can be the moment im leaning towards the Jon being supportive and insisting rehab "story"......I really dont think jon would kick him out over money!!!

We said the same thing back in May/June and look where we are now. :p But yeah, one can't help but think the BS reached its maximum and something just needs to be said and/or done.

As for the money thing, it simply doesn't make sense to me. Jon would have to be totally stupid to fire him over money. The loss would be endlessly bigger in the long run, both financially and in terms of legacy and reputation. Same thing applies to Richie quitting for the same reason. I don't think this has anything to do with money, honestly. And if it does, I think it's not directly, but more like an argument over that led to something different. Just my two cents.

I have to say I'm glad RumorFix/Sean Borg at least finally ended the "source" farce and cited Richie. I hope he'll tweet something about it, either to confirm or deny the quotes, even though I don't find it very likely.

TwinFan 08-28-2013 11:45 PM


Originally Posted by Bounce7800 (Post 1151318)
Thats actually a really good review for a magazine, that's definitely a fan writing that one. Now time for a bit of a rant after flicking through some of the crap over the last few pages.

Shame to see the thread reflect all the Bon Jovi fans over social media at the moment, by taking sides and being at each others throats. Its pathetic all round, there was me being a fan of this band like I thought everyone else was, but apparently I'm very much in the minority. Maybe its because I'm a bloke and therefore have no sexual attraction to the protagonists so don't need to be #teamrichie or #teamjon. Apologies if that's a bit of a sweeping sexist statement, but it seems a lot of the bands female fans (of which they are the majority) just side with who they fancy, must as I would side with Kimberley in Girls Aloud, they pick their sides between Jon & Richie. Obviously that's not everyone, but there's a hell of a lot of that vein posturing out there.

Sadly what they, and Richie, can't seem to see is that without Bon Jovi, Richie is nothing. Everything he does and is able to do, he owes it to his time in the band and to his fans. He certainly wouldn't be flogging some gussets to the Japanese on QVC on his own back. Demanding Richie break off and go solo- why? Why can't we have the band AND solo breaks like we have had for 30 years? Why does it have to be a pissing contest all the time? There's bound to be wrong on both sides, but for so called "Bon Jovi" fans to be wanting the band torn apart and their idol to make it on their own and beat the other one leaves a very sour taste in my mouth.

I'm glad for the most part on here we can make our OPINIONS on either side (and we are always speculating, thanks to the bands and Richie's inept PR) without, for the most part, being dragged into the silly childish fights that this fanbase are partaking in elsewhere. It's making One Direction fans seem mature. But then, with seemingly Jon & Richie being less than adult about the whole thing, is it any wonder?

I agree with everything here. Excellent post.

Jayster 08-29-2013 12:56 AM


Originally Posted by Kathleen (Post 1151262)
Exactly how I feel, he is a wreck of the man we all loved (and respected). When you think of what he COULD be doing it is a tragic waste.

Just because we're fans of his music, doesn't mean the guy can't have other interests.

It's not like he's abandoned music.

Carlos Santana has a fashion range including hats, handbags and woman's shoes. I first saw them in Macy's in NYC 4 weeks ago, and I note that they are all available to purchase from his website.

Does this make Santana a worse musician? No. It just shows that he also has an entrepreneurial side.

Same goes for Richie Sambora.

And if he's out of Bon Jovi, so be it. It's been all downhill since 2002 musically and it'll likely mean more Richie solo work.

ticos_stick 08-29-2013 12:58 AM


Originally Posted by Butters (Post 1151370)
Hahahaha! You have to love him, don't you! :silly:

He's the Willy Wonka of rock.

bjcrazycpa 08-29-2013 01:44 AM


Originally Posted by Stiggy (Post 1151364)
its false.. Jinjer Hundly wrote it, a jon fan.

So, the person that signed it, Randi Reed, didn't write it? Agreed, all has to be taken with a grain of salt. Surely with all the shit that has hit the fan that someone official will come out and say something. I'm actually indifferent at this point but maybe it's all the pain meds I'm on from my severed!!

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