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Wrath Mania 08-29-2013 02:19 PM

Great post, but above all else... This band doesn't rehearse. :onfire:

semigoodlookin 08-29-2013 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by Beaky (Post 1151389)
I am sure, that back in 2011 and 2008 or whenever it was, Richie missed a lot of rehearsals (even though ‘this band doesn’t rehearse’) and I am certain, it was hugely frustrating and worrying both as a friend and as a band mate. However, I still won’t believe a single word of anything until one of them goes on the record.

I still think this is a dispute that has arisen out of the close proximity of Richie’s solo album and the Bon Jovi album and tour; I think Richie had been behaving like a brat; missing rehearsals (in London, as we know officially – even though ‘this band doesn’t rehearse’) and probably many more. One thing we can all see over the last few years is Richie has become a little bit precious and I think he thought he played himself into this situation without thinking it would escalate to this point. As I said about 1000 pages ago, everything I hear tells me this is about the classic ‘artistic differences.’ Richie has had some problems with the way things have been going but hasn’t rocked the boat but he decided to give it a try – and it capsized on him.

I have no doubt that the person who wrote the article about Richie firmly believes it. I have no doubt that there is a lot of history there he/she can draw upon whereby they can completely believe it. If you had been close to Richie for 20 years and seen how he nearly flushed everything away on pills and booze and then saw how erratically he was behaving now, the LA crowd he had fallen in with, etc, all you would need is a little nod from someone ‘close’ to Jon and you would write that article. But Richie isn’t bloated and half asleep, he doesn’t look like he’s falling apart as he did previously when he was in the midst of addiction – many have said that up to his departure, his performances were back to his best and he looks healthy. Before anyone says ‘he looks rough’ if I look that good in my early fifties, I’ll be f*cking thankful.

He’s taking a kicking because he’s been a cock. He’s releasing information the way he is because he only has those ways to release it and he’s an LA man now, this is how it’s done there. Plus, he knows gossip sites are exactly what would wind Jon up – it’s a quick and easy way to get his message out there and punish Big Bad Jon. Just as Jon knows that someone giving a sly nod to the question, ‘Is Richie is drinking again?’ makes him look sympathetic, angelic and just plain worried for his friend. It immediately provides him with the higher ground and is a beautiful swipe back at all the Jon-bashing that has erupted in the last few days online. It can’t even be proven. Because, what are we talking about here? Even if Richie had ONE glass of wine at the end of the first leg of the tour, Jon would be within his rights to say, ‘is this why you’ve been missing rehearsals? (even though this band doesn’t rehearse) – this ends or you’re off the tour’ Maybe that’s what happened, maybe everything blew up from there…

If Richie is back on the drink, Jon really has gone down the ‘tough love’ route – but also, let’s not overplay this – he’s protecting his band and his friend in the same way he did when Alec was a drunk. He’s not spoken out, because Richie is under contract and he can’t speak out - It’s not ALL about nobility, it’s a business decision too. But no matter what, Jon has done the right thing and hopefully it will result in Richie getting healthy.

If Richie is not back on the drink, then this is a HUGELY pissed off Jon totally ruining Richie’s reputation and saying, ‘**** off and don’t come back,’ because you do NOT spread the word that an addict has fallen off the wagon and expect them to forgive you.

Good post, I agree with most of it. Although if I looked like he does now in my early fifties I would be pretty gutted.

Stranger11 08-29-2013 04:32 PM

Sorry if this was already mentioned but there is a change in Richie´s Twitter that I hadn´t noticed before (and maybe it´s been there for a while)

Songwriter. Guitarist. Bon Jovi Consigliere. Philanthropist. Singer of Songs. Lover of Life.

I´m not that familiar with the word "Consigliere". Could somebody explain the meaning?

semigoodlookin 08-29-2013 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by Stranger11 (Post 1151397)
Sorry if this was already mentioned but there is a change in Richie´s Twitter that I hadn´t noticed before (and maybe it´s been there for a while)

Songwriter. Guitarist. Bon Jovi Consigliere. Philanthropist. Singer of Songs. Lover of Life.

I´m not that familiar with the word "Consigliere". Could somebody explain the meaning?

It is some kind of guy below the boss in a mafia org, I think someone the main guy trusts and takes advise from. It has been there a while I think.

Sami 08-29-2013 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by Stranger11 (Post 1151397)
I´m not that familiar with the word "Consigliere". Could somebody explain the meaning?

I advice you to see the film Godfather. It´s an epic movie and obviously one that has given Bon Jovi a lot of inspiration. Using this imaginery, Jon would be the Godfather (head of the mafioso family) and Richie would be the consigliere (an advisor or right hand man very close to the family).

I think I need to see the trilogy once again.

Stranger11 08-29-2013 04:50 PM

Thank you both for the explanation!

I wasn´t sure if it was there before just couldn´t remember the word Bon Jovi written there.

efiste2 08-29-2013 06:04 PM


Just because we're fans of his music, doesn't mean the guy can't have other interests.

It's not like he's abandoned music.
I dont think ANYONE minds him having other interests, but when he walks out DURING a tour, and then persues those interests thats a bit different, and he "ABANDONED" his fans at the same time, DONT GET ME WRONG, I love Richie and his music, but he walked out, if he was pushed, I beleive he was pushed to go fight his demons......If he needed time with his family, NO PROBLEM, but to push the fashion stuff when he should be out there in front of his highly priced ticket buying fans, thats not on.
Him turning up at Hyde Park was a poke in the eye too. Yes you can say Jon fired him from the tour, but as I say Jon wouldnt fire him for money reasons as the latest bullsh#t press releases say. He would have fired him because he was too wasted to tour. I may be wrong, and I will admit I was wrong if it proves that indeed Jon fired him for an argument about money....only time will tell (maybe) and it has to come from the guys themselves.

JackieBlue 08-29-2013 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by Kiwi78 (Post 1151371)
It's what a lot of us have heard from the get go.

Actually, I think it’s more a case of what “a lot of us” have said rather than what we heard (except from each other). From what I remember, any suggestions that the ‘personal reasons’ had to do with rehab or substance abuse came from fans jumping to conclusions. But I could be forgetting something (I’ve slept since then :)) Could you tell me where you heard, from the get go, that the reasons were substance abuse?


Originally Posted by Kiwi78 (Post 1151371)
I know it's hard to stomach and people have the right not to believe it but if I was a betting man, I would say for the most part this is the truth. And I'm also not discounting Jon may have been an ass around it. But the issue is his addiction and I stand by it 100%. He's that far in denial people close to him are worried for his safety and well being.

Yes, if true, it would be hard to stomach, but life sucks sometimes. So I agree with that part of your statement. For the rest of it, though, perhaps you can help me out here as well. I have seen several people post on various sites that, without a doubt, the issue is substance abuse and that Richie (and fans who don’t agree with the substance abuse theory) are in denial. Can you tell me, specifically, what it is that makes you 100% certain that his absence is related to his addiction issues? I realize you can only speak for yourself, but it may shed some light on why – other than past history - a few fans seem to be absolutely convinced that he’s drinking/using again, in the present, and refuse to consider any other reasons? Especially when Jon stated, point blank, that it was not alcohol?

Even the writer of this blog commented at length about missing work, showing up impaired, etc.; but the only specific occurrence she referenced was the Unplugged episode which, as I recall, led to the intervention and the first rehab trip. That, for my money, would fall into the “past history” category.


Originally Posted by Beaky (Post 1151389)
If Richie is back on the drink, Jon really has gone down the ‘tough love’ route – but also, let’s not overplay this – he’s protecting his band and his friend in the same way he did when Alec was a drunk. He’s not spoken out, because Richie is under contract and he can’t speak out - It’s not ALL about nobility, it’s a business decision too. But no matter what, Jon has done the right thing and hopefully it will result in Richie getting healthy.

If Richie is not back on the drink, then this is a HUGELY pissed off Jon totally ruining Richie’s reputation and saying, ‘**** off and don’t come back,’ because you do NOT spread the word that an addict has fallen off the wagon and expect them to forgive you.

I agree with much of what you said, but I would like to add a third option:
This could be a devoted fan who absolutely believes she knows what’s going on (whether she does or not) and is attempting to present that ”truth” in what she believes is the best interests of both Richie and Bon Jovi, without sanction from either “side”. She states that she’s a fan of the band and she is clearly a fan of Jon’s, so maybe she truly believes this is what has gone down and she’s trying to help out. It doesn’t make it accurate.


Originally Posted by Stranger11 (Post 1151397)
Sorry if this was already mentioned but there is a change in Richie´s Twitter that I hadn´t noticed before (and maybe it´s been there for a while)

I think it was on his profile page from the beginning. (I remember because I had to look up ‘consigliere’, too. )

jessycardy 08-29-2013 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1151405)
Even the writer of this blog commented at length about missing work, showing up impaired, etc.; but the only specific occurrence she referenced was the Unplugged episode which, as I recall, led to the intervention and the first rehab trip. That, for my money, would fall into the “past history” category.

You raise many good points and I agree with everything you said, but I wanted to add, she doesn't mention it in her article, but we know Richie didn't show up once for rehearsal in London in January while promoting the new single/album (Jon mentioned it on video). I think that's the only other "officially" known occurrence.

JackieBlue 08-29-2013 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1151406)
You raise many good points and I agree with everything you said, but I wanted to add, she doesn't mention it in her article, but we know Richie didn't show up once for rehearsal in London in January while promoting the new single/album (Jon mentioned it on video). I think that's the only other "officially" known occurrence.

That's the only one I've heard of, too, and it seems odd that she didn't mention that, yet felt the need to reach all the way back to 2007 for her example. Except that Jon, in relating the story you mention, seemed to indicate that Richie was either being pissy or just couldn't be bothered, rather than missing the rehearsal because he was/had been drinking. (I got the impression that Jon relayed that information much like he did when he commented that David missed the press conference because he wanted to go sightseeing with his wife;
and I'm going from memory of what others on the board said for that impression because I haven't actually seen the January video. I probably should actually watch it at some point. :rolleyes:)

Maybe Ms. Reed didn't bring that one up because it didn't fit with her theory. Who knows... I'm still not buying it as anything more than just one more person's speculation. Better informed speculation? Perhaps, but speculation nonetheless.

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