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LeaJovi 08-29-2013 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1151407)
Maybe Ms. Reed didn't bring that one up because it didn't fit with her theory. Who knows... I'm still not buying it as anything more than just one more person's speculation. Better informed speculation? Perhaps, but speculation nonetheless.

That's indeed what it is. It's the other side of things, a side that the writer knew would be more appreciated by the fans and would get a lot of reads. It's the same shit as any tabloid out there.

jessycardy 08-29-2013 08:15 PM


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1151407)
That's the only one I've heard of, too, and it seems odd that she didn't mention that, yet felt the need to reach all the way back to 2007 for her example. Except that Jon, in relating the story you mention, seemed to indicate that Richie was either being pissy or just couldn't be bothered, rather than missing the rehearsal because he was/had been drinking. (I got the impression that Jon relayed that information much like he did when he commented that David missed the press conference because he wanted to go sightseeing with his wife;
and I'm going from memory of what others on the board said for that impression because I haven't actually seen the January video. I probably should actually watch it at some point. :rolleyes:)

Maybe Ms. Reed didn't bring that one up because it didn't fit with her theory. Who knows... I'm still not buying it as anything more than just one more person's speculation. Better informed speculation? Perhaps, but speculation nonetheless.

Yes, I would say it's the same "tone" he's using. Jon didn't seem upset about it at all, so if the whole ordeal indeed has anything to do with this, then things hadn't got ugly yet back then. But yeah... the article is just more speculation, in the end. I wonder if she's facing legal actions, I mean, after all, her name is black on white there and she's talking "facts", not quoting "sources" or using other tricks to avoid repercussions. Also, it makes me wonder about her job. If I was in a band, I would probably think twice before working with her, after seeing that she put someone else's business out there, even though she said it's not her usual policy. Or maybe it's just a big farce, she's not who she claims to be, etc.... Who knows, really.
By the way, here is the January video, in case you want to see it. I posted it, like, 500 hundred pages ago... Can you believe how long this thing's been going on?

jessycardy 08-29-2013 09:18 PM

Richie's official Facebook page has posted something, after a month of inactivity.

"This September, Richie's album Aftermath of the Lowdown will be one year old. How do you plan to celebrate the album's one year anniversary?"

Attached to the message, a video/playlist from when he was on "The Late Late Show" (not available outside the United States):
( )

Also, this is a longer video of Richie and Nikki on ShopChannel:

There's a little clip about his music at the 2:54 mark.

WillRunForChocolate 08-29-2013 09:36 PM

OMG, that is so offensive. IF I owned the CD I would celebrate by smashing it and flushing the pieces. Since I don't own a copy I guess I won't "celebrate." The whole idea of celebrating Richie's solo music right now just boggles my mind.

crashed 08-29-2013 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by WillRunForChocolate (Post 1151412)
OMG, that is so offensive. IF I owned the CD I would celebrate by smashing it and flushing the pieces. Since I don't own a copy I guess I won't "celebrate." The whole idea of celebrating Richie's solo music right now just boggles my mind.

What kinda normal people "celebrate" the year old release of a record anyway?

You'd understand the band celebrating the 25 year release of Slippery, but that's an entirely different league.

Javier 08-29-2013 09:45 PM

Richie should wait until 2016 and celebrate the release of Stranger in this Town. By going on a small club tour around the states and some small theaters across Europe and playing the album in its entirety (plus stuff from his other 2 albums as well).... Now THAT would restore my faith in the man (if he actually went through with the shows that is)

efpg0708 08-29-2013 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by Javier (Post 1151414)
Richie should wait until 2016 and celebrate the release of Stranger in this Town. By going on a small club tour around the states and some small theaters across Europe and playing the album in its entirety (plus stuff from his other 2 albums as well).... Now THAT would restore my faith in the man (if he actually went through with the shows that is)

He can't sing most of those albums anymore ...

Javier 08-29-2013 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by efpg0708 (Post 1151415)
He can't sing most of those albums anymore ...


joloriquelme 08-29-2013 10:40 PM


It's just:

Aftermath of the Lowdown v/s What about now

Jon 'called' the band for the new record and the new tour while Richie was on "his personal moment", and that pissed Sambora off. Jon ruined Richie's moment. Sambora tried so hard to 'keep his angry' hidden, but something happened after the first leg and Richie just collapsed.

Richie wanted this 'solo year', and Jon came early with the band's new album, without any explanation. Even any of us wanted a new Bon Jovi record so quickly. The band was 'supossed' to be on hiatus. Richie problably was thinking the same.

And that's all about.


Sissy3 08-29-2013 11:00 PM

Even if it were that simple it'd be silly of Richie to still have his panties in a wad over it. (Unless they were panties designed by himself and Nikki.) :D

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