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nickolai 11-02-2019 01:27 PM

"God of mercy, God of light. This song is a load of shite"

Fits perfectly. You're welcome.

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Javier 11-02-2019 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by Captain_jovi (Post 1259674)
I guess video footage shows otherwise but who's to say how many songs per album are like that.

I forgot about the video footage posted. I guess the album will be a mix of both. I shall optimistically wait and see (hear)....

Chris_Newton 11-02-2019 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by Supersonic (Post 1259734)
Aloha !

Ignoring more bullshit from world's most incapable debater...

There's conservative democrats as well. I'm not speaking about those supporting trump, but it's been obvious how the right are more prolific in their support for "the troops" than the more progressive people in America.

Jon's music has been coming with a marketing plan these last 15 years. Although he involves himself with the Clintons and speaks out being a democrat he's rarely spoken about the issues Democrats are about. For every time he speaks out he risks the chance of losing a fan.

This feels like calculated damage control to me. There's no way this song will make any serious money and the official video doesn't describe the documentary either.

Thanks for that, this is indeed a pretty good example. And yes, posts are being deleted. Discussions going off the rails have been deleted as well, once a negative opinion gains traction it's all being deleted.

Shock horror; you like it.

Who would you give more credibility? Someone who likes everything or someone who doesn't like much but a few things here and there?

Salaam Aleikum,

Didn't say I liked it I am still very unsure about it

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Rdkopper 11-02-2019 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by Supersonic (Post 1259734)
Aloha !

Ignoring more bullshit from world's most incapable debater...

Salaam Aleikum,

It's better than being the world's most biggest asshole. Or in your case, having the world's most biggest asshole.

JackieBlue 11-02-2019 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by Rdkopper (Post 1259736)
I'm curious to know if this song is 1 of 10 or the 11th Bonus Track

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Since Jon said it's going to be 'featured' on the new album, I think it would be 1 of the 10, not a bonus track. But that's just a guess.

efpg0708 11-02-2019 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by Rdkopper (Post 1259737)

I'm looking for some different viewpoints then the same people making the same general comments year after year, song after song, album after album...

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But then I ask you: is this our fault or the band’s fault ? You’re looking for different opinions, but the music’s still the same.

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rokenrola 11-02-2019 07:17 PM

About new song,after 10 or more listen all I can say it is good,nothing special,only lyrics are somewhat new and for me deep because I translate to my language. I wish there was a good solo because it would fits the song and theme.

JackieBlue 11-02-2019 07:22 PM

I just saw, in this morning's airport Q&A, where Phil-X tweeted 1) that Unbroken is NOT reflective of the style of music on the album, and 2) that it will NOT be the first single.

Rdkopper 11-02-2019 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by efpg0708 (Post 1259748)
But then I ask you: is this our fault or the band’s fault ? You’re looking for different opinions, but the music’s still the same.

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It's like any other art form that you're into... if you're at a museum and someone dislikes a painting, you ask why... Would you rather then answer because it's shit or would you rather get their deepest opinion?

I don't want to hear the same music over and over again... I think Shanks and Jon have reached their limits after and even during The Circle. The bands entire post 2000 catalog have not lived up to my standards.

When it comes to this song, I think the vocals are throwing most people off... Put a 1990 JBJ behind this and the song moves to greatness. Unfortunately that's not going to happen and I accept that. After almost 20 years, I'm accepting it.

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Rdkopper 11-02-2019 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1259750)
I just saw, in this morning's airport Q&A, where Phil-X tweeted 1) that Unbroken is NOT reflective of the style of music on the album, and 2) that it will NOT be the first single.

Thank You Jackie!!!

And THIS is what I've been saying all along. It's just one song. This is the Not Running Anymore song from WAN.

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