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Javier 08-31-2013 08:09 PM


Originally Posted by JoviForever (Post 1151517)
A lot of Richie's Tweets of late seem to have had hidden messages in them. He seems to end most Tweets with ..... as if there's more he wants to say.

There's people that do this, not necessarily because they have more to say on that specific topic but just that, there's always more to say. Kind of like a way of saying, until next time. The day I end my messages with a single period, is the day I'm sure it's going to be my last message ever :p.......

bounce442 08-31-2013 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by Javier (Post 1151519)
There's people that do this, not necessarily because they have more to say on that specific topic but just that, there's always more to say. Kind of like a way of saying, until next time. The day I end my messages with a single period, is the day I'm sure it's going to be my last message ever :p.......

I have a bad habit of doing the same thing...

Captain_jovi 08-31-2013 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by bounce442 (Post 1151520)
I have a bad habit of doing the same thing...

What do you mean by that? Are you hiding something?

Spidey5150 08-31-2013 08:47 PM

Hidden message? I doubt it. He simply enjoys Japanese people. They've been kind to the band, and all 80's rock really, for years.

Stiggy 08-31-2013 09:06 PM

heres my confusion.... a campaign to get radio airplay for 'come back as me' by the NR street teams led by laurie lund. ok this is the song nikki lund & sean borg leaked.. why didnt they preomote AOTL in the same frenzied way? richie has not tweeted much on it... he doesnt mention the fashionline much.. & now richie is following a NR street team & Glenn Osrin on twitter?? did someone hack his account? The 'come back as me' is on tyler lunds youtube account not richies account.. so he will bennefit from the hits?

Captain_jovi 08-31-2013 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by Stiggy (Post 1151523)
heres my confusion.... a campaign to get radio airplay for 'come back as me' by the NR street teams led by laurie lund. ok this is the song nikki lund & sean borg leaked.. why didnt they preomote AOTL in the same frenzied way? richie has not tweeted much on it... he doesnt mention the fashionline much.. & now richie is following a NR street team & Glenn Osrin on twitter?? did someone hack his account? The 'come back as me' is on tyler lunds youtube account not richies account.. so he will bennefit from the hits?

Because no one cared about him when Aftermath was released. This rabid and defensive fanbase didn't exist at that point and there's nothing on a year old record to capitalize on the situation with.

JackieBlue 08-31-2013 10:52 PM


Originally Posted by Captain_jovi (Post 1151524)
Because no one cared about him when Aftermath was released. This rabid and defensive fanbase didn't exist at that point and there's nothing on a year old record to capitalize on the situation with.

Honestly, I think if you were so inclined you could probably check and would learn that most of what you call "this rabid and defensive fan base" not only existed but were probably among the first of Richie's followers on Twitter. They were the same ones who hounded Luke Ebbin to get Richie to tweet and waited with bated breath for the release of AOTL. I know because I was along for that part of the ride.

I don't consider myself "rabid" and the only thing I've defended is the value of waiting until we have facts before judging Richie's motivation, much less his character. But I know that a lot of the fans who DO seem rabidly defensive became that way when people started jumping to unfounded conclusions about Richie or in retaliation against Jon's fans who labeled them as "Jon-haters" for no reason other than they supported Richie.

Captain_jovi 08-31-2013 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1151525)
Honestly, I think if you were so inclined you could probably check and would learn that most of what you call "this rabid and defensive fan base" not only existed but were probably among the first of Richie's followers on Twitter. They were the same ones who hounded Luke Ebbin to get Richie to tweet and waited with bated breath for the release of AOTL. I know because I was along for that part of the ride.

I don't consider myself "rabid" and the only thing I've defended is the value of waiting until we have facts before judging Richie's motivation, much less his character. But I know that a lot of the fans who DO seem rabidly defensive became that way when people started jumping to unfounded conclusions about Richie or in retaliation against Jon's fans who labeled them as "Jon-haters" for no reason other than they supported Richie.

Fair point but I feel like they're far more vocal about getting Come back as me to radio than they were about Every Road. I'm basing this on that. If he went from cancelling shows due to lack of interest and now there's a very vocal group of people pushing the song to radio I have to think his fanbase grew, regardless of the reasons why...Agree/disagree?

jovigirloz 09-01-2013 12:02 AM


Originally Posted by bounce442 (Post 1151520)
I have a bad habit of doing the same thing...

So do I....

jovigirloz 09-01-2013 12:08 AM


Originally Posted by Spidey5150 (Post 1151522)
Hidden message? I doubt it. He simply enjoys Japanese people. They've been kind to the band, and all 80's rock really, for years.

I don't see a hidden message. Richie?Bon Jovi has always been very popular in Japan. I went there a few years ago and my BIL's GF is Japanese and I can say without any doubt that the Japanese are very polite and lovely people. I would go back there in a heartbeat.

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