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Sami 09-04-2013 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by joloriquelme (Post 1151613)
10 days until Santiago's concert, and this is the official ad from the promoter.

I think this is the first official 'image' of the band without Richie that we see here.


Makes me sad to see this.

JoviJovi 09-04-2013 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1151615)
This "review" aka Bon Jovi bashing is anything but new, it was posted in November 2012.

And nothing coming from Osrin should be considered news or information of any value whatsoever.

JoviForever 09-04-2013 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by ben (Post 1151614)

That bloke is a complete idiot. Don't click on his links because apparently they get revenue for the amount of hits they get.

jessycardy 09-04-2013 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1151618)
And nothing coming from Osrin should be considered news or information of any value whatsoever.

I totally agree with you, but last time I pointed that out apparently I hit a nerve and it was an excuse to randomly attack me, so I figured I'd sit this one out. ;)


Originally Posted by ben (Post 1151616)
Oops! sorry! I thought it was new, a friend sent it to me as a recent posted article.. but it's definitely an interesting one right? but wow.. Reading this feels like this guy really did take the words out of my mouth. just my opinion :-)

Well, of course, everyone's got their own opinion. :-)
And mine is I'm tired of this ludicrous theory that keeps going around. I think no one in that band is held at gunpoint and all of them are grown-ups, so if they don't like something or if they think they're being forced into doing something, I'm pretty sure they'll know where the door is. If they don't, it's either because they love the money (in that case, why would we feel so bad for them?) or - and this is what I believe - they're all perfectly fine with the output of the band because they're actually involved in it in equal measure as their counterparts.
I just can't keep a straight face while reading these poor-little-caged-animal scenarios, I'm sorry. :D

efiste2 09-04-2013 09:28 PM

If Richie has GONE then its only fair that the fans should be told.....BOTH parties should take the rap, however I do feel TEAM LUND should take the majority of it for the timing of his departure and the whole LUND scenario.
Yes Richie is probably tied to a gagging contract, but he should stand Miss Lund and her family aside and silence her when it comes to matters of the BAND.

We (the fans) deserve better than this, its us (the fans) that have put them (the band members) in such a position where they can afford to pile money into expensive blouses and shirts or indeed own expensive yachts/helicopters/football clubs etc etc.
I have always had faith in Jon and his ethics towards the fans, yes the Bon Jovi Wine and Handbags shit is way too commercial and profiteering for me, but to not announce Richie has left until the end of the tour (if indeed thats the case) so that ticket sales dont drop too much is a slap in the face of the faithfull.
My ideal scenario would be for Sambora to return to the fold, NO NEW ALBUM , NO NEW TOUR, just for them to take a LONG HIATUS and get creative again and IF POSSIBLE make a barnburner of an album. But In reality I fear we are witnessing the dying embers of what we once new as the biggest & best band on the planet, and the best we can hope for is some DECENT solo stuff from Sambora, not rubbish you can download if you buy three or more NIKKIRICH crap, and from Jon, well Im not so sure he could pull a good solo album off, yes he has the songwriting skills but I think as with DA its an aquired taste, but to take solo albums out on the road would be very limited. Can you all imagine, Richie in the o2 Apollo and Jon in the Academy both doing versions of LOAP!!!!!

JerseyGiant 09-04-2013 09:51 PM

Thought id take the time to "check in" In my own opinion I think its obvious that Richies gone, I'm to young to remember but when Alec "left" the band did we hear alot about that? Am I right in the guys never been "officially" replaced? Personally this is how I think its gonna be with "Richie" yes in Jons words "he will always be our guitarist" the guys will carry on touring and Richie will never be "officially replaced" just my own personal theory of course :).... Now I'm gonna go listen to Pearl Jam a friend of mine Lent me one of their records its ****ing epic! :)

JerseyGiant 09-04-2013 10:05 PM

As for whether or not I still care?...not really but I'm taking the time to post so I must do a little....this band and their songs have helped me alot over the last 8 years...:)

Captain_jovi 09-04-2013 10:07 PM

I can only imagine how this board would have reacted in 1994.

samboraisgodUK 09-04-2013 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by Captain_jovi (Post 1151629)
I can only imagine how this board would have reacted in 1994.

Very very slowly I imagine, possibly with the use of carrier pigeon.

JoviJovi 09-04-2013 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by Captain_jovi (Post 1151629)
I can only imagine how this board would have reacted in 1994.

You don't think it would have paled in comparison to this? I never really cared that Alec left. Other than stage presence, he didn't bring a lot to the table.

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