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semigoodlookin 09-06-2013 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by DevilsSon (Post 1151723)
It's all about the music I know, but when I see those three friendly neighbours in that pic, it makes me wonder, what happened to these guys here. Surely it's not the same band!

What does this mean? i guess with both photos that the photographer walked into the room and snapped them off guard. I guess in both instances, they were told how to stand and what to do, just the older one is a better pic obviously. Either than that there is no relevance to either image to me.

If we wanted to stretch we could say that the newer one (which is awful imo) captures them better than the older one. The other one is artsy to fit a style, the newer one is just a photo. If they were snorting coke off women in the older one I could agree with the "what happened to this band" thing, but I think right about now the music is more telling that a photo.

Captain_jovi 09-06-2013 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by danfan (Post 1151731)

My personal hope is that whoever does replace Richie actually is a talented songwriter, and becomes a member of the band. None of this Hugh crap. Alec was fired, but was loyal to Jon and didn't act like a little bitch about it. Richie can go piss off at this point.

At this stage in their career I don't see someone waltzing in and becoming Jon's new song writing partner. If, big if, he continues to release albums under the band's name I see way more co writes with Shanks and Falcon.

DevilsSon 09-06-2013 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by danfan (Post 1151730)
So, they stopped making good music in 1995, yet you joined here in 2002 and have over 8,000 posts.

Makes sense.

Well - how did I know they'd never really make good music again? I was hoping for many years. When I gave up hope, it was more about the community and the people. Alex for example or spunkywho...who were two of the greatest posters on this board, weren't even fans in the first place (maybe spunky was a little), yes, if you think about it even a little, it does make sense Dan. But I know it's hit and miss with you, never know what to expect.

DevilsSon 09-06-2013 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1151734)
If they were 50+ yr old guys still acting like 30 something yr old guys that would be a whole different problem. Is it that they're smiling and not brooding?

No. They were always smiling. Jon is smiling in that picture. But they always had an edge. The only edge they have now is Jon talking about the Edge when putting down Richie.

ezearis 09-06-2013 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by Captain_jovi (Post 1151736)
At this stage in their career I don't see someone waltzing in and becoming Jon's new song writing partner. If, big if, he continues to release albums under the band's name I see way more co writes with Shanks and Falcon.

I'd rather like them to go to Nashville or whatever city they want and work with different songwriters, something like they did with Lost Highway, maybe different producers too. Would be more interesting than the same Shanks crap. And for god's sake, let Dave write.

DevilsSon 09-06-2013 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by semigoodlookin (Post 1151735)
What does this mean? i guess with both photos that the photographer walked into the room and snapped them off guard. I guess in both instances, they were told how to stand and what to do, just the older one is a better pic obviously. Either than that there is no relevance to either image to me.

If we wanted to stretch we could say that the newer one (which is awful imo) captures them better than the older one. The other one is artsy to fit a style, the newer one is just a photo. If they were snorting coke off women in the older one I could agree with the "what happened to this band" thing, but I think right about now the music is more telling that a photo.

Going back and forth yet not saying anything really. Good job.

semigoodlookin 09-06-2013 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by DevilsSon (Post 1151740)
Going back and forth yet not saying anything really. Good job.

I know, but your post wasn't saying anything either, although at least yours had pictures.

semigoodlookin 09-06-2013 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by danfan (Post 1151730)
So, they stopped making good music in 1995, yet you joined here in 2002 and have over 8,000 posts.

Makes sense.

Not sure why this makes a difference. I became a fan between These Days and Crush and think 1995 was last time the band made consistently good music. This is not a post 2000 Bon Jovi board.

Captain_jovi 09-06-2013 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by ezearis (Post 1151739)
I'd rather like them to go to Nashville or whatever city they want and work with different songwriters, something like they did with Lost Highway, maybe different producers too. Would be more interesting than the same Shanks crap. And for god's sake, let Dave write.

It's a crapshoot really. They go by track record. An album bombs? Drop all the songs from the set. An album doesn't sell? Never attempt that style again. For some reason Shanks keeps getting back into the picture, you'd think after this many bombs they'd mix it up.

faith1985 09-06-2013 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by DevilsSon (Post 1151728)
Really? What about:
"I will never grow up, I will never grow old, blame it on the love for rock 'n' roll".

My first thought when someone here said that they just grew up. But I do think it is something else besides the money, ego, loss of talent and midlife-crises.
Back in the day they put a lot more effort in the artwork (even with Crush). I still believe that if they would take their time to let the songs grow they have at least one more good record in them.

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