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jessycardy 05-22-2013 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by ben (Post 1132043)
I agree with you. I don't think Matt tweets just like that, I think this tweet about Richie was in purpose, to make fun of him. and to see how many fans still support him. that's sad.
generally he likes controversy very much and he likes to sit down after tweeting like this and watch fans arguing. saddest thing is that he's very rude to them. what a nice attitude this man has! he divides the fans, like it wasn't enough already that he destroyed the fan base. this is my opinion.

Maybe we agree on the fact that there was some sort of purpose to it, but not on what it was. I'm with pretty much all the others here. I think that no, it wasn't "casual", but I believe he was genuinely trying to send a message to the fans and/or Richie, the message showing solidarity/respect/whatever. Matt might be called a dick and whatnot, but I think he's dealt with this issue very carefully and respectfully and even maturely, if you will. He sure as hell is not trying to stir up shit with Richie (who would be so stupid to interfere like that anyway? The only one who might dare something like that could be Jon).

Crushgen24/88 05-22-2013 07:26 PM

FWIW, I'm in the camp that thinks there was nothing sarcastic about Matt's Tweet. I think it was an attempt to show solidarity, but it certainly didn't come out right.

Chris_Newton 05-22-2013 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by ben (Post 1132043)
I agree with you. I don't think Matt tweets just like that, I think this tweet about Richie was in purpose, to make fun of him. and to see how many fans still support him. that's sad.
generally he likes controversy very much and he likes to sit down after tweeting like this and watch fans arguing. saddest thing is that he's very rude to them. what a nice attitude this man has! he divides the fans, like it wasn't enough already that he destroyed the fan base. this is my opinion.

I think he was trying to show support to Richie, nothing sinister at all.

Kathleen 05-22-2013 07:54 PM

I'm just checking into this thread to see if there is any movement on the chessboard at all. Guess not :(

jessycardy 05-22-2013 08:47 PM

About Rob Fuzesi's Facebook post, we can put down the excitement.

He commented: "This post has nothing to do with Richie, Bon Jovi or the Tooth Fairy. Get over it people !!!"

Which makes me wonder: are they really having fun fu**in' with our heads? I'm really starting to think this way. Why on Earth did he like the comment of that person asking if it meant that Richie was coming back, then? And what about Obie? I'm just SO done! Unless Richie calls me on my freakin' cellphone to inform me he's back, I won't believe any of it. And even then, I'll have some reserves.

Panda 05-22-2013 08:56 PM

I just think it's funny to how much people actually care about a celebrity. It's his life, his choices. Turn in your ticket if you don't wanna go to a show without him.

The Rock 05-22-2013 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1132120)
About Rob Fuzesi's Facebook post, we can put down the excitement.

He commented: "This post has nothing to do with Richie, Bon Jovi or the Tooth Fairy. Get over it people !!!"

Which makes me wonder: are they really having fun fu**in' with our heads? I'm really starting to think this way. Why on Earth did he like the comment of that person asking if it meant that Richie was coming back, then? And what about Obie? I'm just SO done! Unless Richie calls me on my freakin' cellphone to inform me he's back, I won't believe any of it. And even then, I'll have some reserves.

Yeah, look at this from Twitter:

@LL1971 21 May
@robfuz welcome back Kotter or should that say welcome back sambora?

@LL1971. Nope. Sorry

jessycardy 05-22-2013 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by Panda (Post 1132130)
I just think it's funny to how much people actually care about a celebrity. It's his life, his choices. Turn in your ticket if you don't wanna go to a show without him.

You didn't quote me, so maybe you weren't referring to me. In case you were, I have a ticket and I have all intentions on going and having the time of my life. Still, I want Richie back. Plus, it's quite obvious we're not merely talking about the tour anymore, it's the band itself we're talking about. And I don't care if some people are cool enough to see Bon Jovi as just another band they like and its members as just some celebrities. To each their own, I guess.

VinceBJ 05-22-2013 09:13 PM

Meanwhile in Bergen:

DestinationJovi 05-22-2013 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1132120)
About Rob Fuzesi's Facebook post, we can put down the excitement.

He commented: "This post has nothing to do with Richie, Bon Jovi or the Tooth Fairy. Get over it people !!!"

Which makes me wonder: are they really having fun fu**in' with our heads? I'm really starting to think this way. Why on Earth did he like the comment of that person asking if it meant that Richie was coming back, then? And what about Obie? I'm just SO done! Unless Richie calls me on my freakin' cellphone to inform me he's back, I won't believe any of it. And even then, I'll have some reserves.

What an asshole. Doesn't he work for Bon Jovi? And isn't he Facebook friends with a bunch of Bon Jovi fans? Of course one would assume the post/video is about Richie! And to 'like' the comment specifically asking if he meant Richie = "yes, I mean Richie". Then hours later he chastises people for thinking it has to do with Richie? :rolleyes:

In other news, bravo to this person who tweeted this to Matt. LOL

@MatthewBongiovi: “@micelicharly: @MatthewBongiovi hey matt.. please, get a real job..

The Rock 05-22-2013 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by DestinationJovi (Post 1132220)
What an asshole. Doesn't he work for Bon Jovi? And isn't he Facebook friends with a bunch of Bon Jovi fans? Of course one would assume the post/video is about Richie! And to 'like' the comment specifically asking if he meant Richie = "yes, I mean Richie". Then hours later he chastises people for thinking it has to do with Richie? :rolleyes:

He went to school with Matt and helps with the fanclub. He is involved with Runaway Tours and now has taken over. Most of his friends on FB are Bon Jovi fans. He knows what he is doing, they all know what they are doing. He "liked" the comment regarding Richie and even didn't comment on someone who said you shouldn't post stuff like that because fans will think it's about Richie. Right then and there, he could have ended the wandering and said it's about the show but all he did was quote a line from the theme. Kept it going.

jessycardy 05-22-2013 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by The Rock (Post 1132249)
He went to school with Matt and helps with the fanclub. He is involved with Runaway Tours and now has taken over. Most of his friends on FB are Bon Jovi fans. He knows what he is doing, they all know what they are doing. He "liked" the comment regarding Richie and even didn't comment on someone who said you shouldn't post stuff like that because fans will think it's about Richie. Right then and there, he could have ended the wandering and said it's about the show but all he did was quote a line from the theme. Kept it going.

That's what I'm saying... I mean, I usually never assume the worst in people, but this is really turning into a big joke, only WE are the punch line. Either they're unbelievably clueless or they know what they're doing and are enjoying it. Either or, really.

DestinationJovi 05-22-2013 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by The Rock (Post 1132249)
He went to school with Matt and helps with the fanclub. He is involved with Runaway Tours and now has taken over. Most of his friends on FB are Bon Jovi fans. He knows what he is doing, they all know what they are doing. He "liked" the comment regarding Richie and even didn't comment on someone who said you shouldn't post stuff like that because fans will think it's about Richie. Right then and there, he could have ended the wandering and said it's about the show but all he did was quote a line from the theme. Kept it going.

Definitely knows what he is doing. And didn't back up his final comment that it has nothing to do with Richie by saying why he posted it. That's a pretty random theme song to post for no reason.

I say it's 100% Richie and he wanted to announce it without really announcing it, since it's not his place at all to do so.

Mysterytrain 05-22-2013 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1132260)
That's what I'm saying... I mean, I usually never assume the worst in people, but this is really turning into a big joke, only WE are the punch line. Either they're unbelievably clueless or they know what they're doing and are enjoying it. Either or, really.

Yes, and on Rob's Facebook page, he made a comment to an earlier post and said something like, "I thought, 'No one could make this post (about an X-Box) about Bon Jovi, and yet someone did!'

Well, HA, HA, and HA. People are desperate for a resolution to this, but we're being strung along on all sides.

jessycardy 05-22-2013 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by DestinationJovi (Post 1132278)
Definitely knows what he is doing. And didn't back up his final comment that it has nothing to do with Richie by saying why he posted it. That's a pretty random theme song to post for no reason.

I say it's 100% Richie and he wanted to announce it without really announcing it, since it's not his place at all to do so.

Judging by the situation in general and even more so by Richie's tweets from today, I'd say, if that post was indeed Richie-related, then it was only meant to screw with people's heads, because obviously we're nowhere near a comeback announcement.

Sissy3 05-22-2013 10:21 PM

I now realize Rob is the guy who once sent me a tersely worded pm on Backstage over a picture I posted of a rat at a computer. (Ya had to be there. ;)) I think the need to feel important and in-the-know is overriding their good sense.

jessycardy 05-22-2013 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by Mysterytrain (Post 1132281)
Yes, and on Rob's Facebook page, he made a comment to an earlier post and said something like, "I thought, 'No one could make this post (about an X-Box) about Bon Jovi, and yet someone did!'

Well, HA, HA, and HA. People are desperate for a resolution to this, but we're being strung along on all sides.

Crushgen24/88 05-22-2013 10:36 PM

The problem is that these people add Bon Jovi fans but then expect their pages to be personal. If you want to add fans, then you have to realize that most of them are only are your page for that reason, and are going to see everything you post through that one dimensional lense.

Before someone accuses me a being a hypocrite, this is different from the Ava situation in that Matt, Rob, etc. work for Bon Jovi as opposed to solely being family members/friends/etc. that fans seek out.

DestinationJovi 05-22-2013 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1132285)
Judging by the situation in general and even more so by Richie's tweets from today, I'd say, if that post was indeed Richie-related, then it was only meant to screw with people's heads, because obviously we're nowhere near a comeback announcement.

You're right. Especially with Jon's most recent comments regarding him too.

I guess with Obie's 6/6 claim and then that video, it was just hopeful thinking on my part.

Jonty 05-22-2013 10:38 PM

mediator required for these two during the 10 day break so he is back for the 3 big festival like gigs!!

Javier 05-22-2013 10:55 PM

I can't believe people really still care about Sambora, he's a dick, Jon's a prick but at least he's a prick shows up for the shows and does his job. Let Phil play the rest of the tour, he deserves the exposure and the cash...

jessycardy 05-22-2013 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by Javier (Post 1132312)
I can't believe people really still care about Sambora, he's a dick, Jon's a prick but at least he's a prick shows up for the shows and does his job. Let Phil play the rest of the tour, he deserves the exposure and the cash...

With all these dicks and pricks around, I'm surprised BJ doesn't really stand for Blow Job.

rolo_tomachi 05-22-2013 11:03 PM


Originally Posted by Javier (Post 1132312)
I can't believe people really still care about Sambora, he's a dick, Jon's a prick but at least he's a prick shows up for the shows and does his job. Let Phil play the rest of the tour, he deserves the exposure and the cash...

I'm sick of Phil and his solos shit.

milomom 05-22-2013 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1132313)
With all these dicks and pricks around, I'm surprised BJ doesn't really stand for Blow Job.


Well played. :D

Crushgen24/88 05-22-2013 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1132313)
With all these dicks and pricks around, I'm surprised BJ doesn't really stand for Blow Job.

Except lately you never know if they're gonna finish...

Javier 05-22-2013 11:07 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1132313)
With all these dicks and pricks around, I'm surprised BJ doesn't really stand for Blow Job.

Zing!! :D....

PatriciaSambora 05-22-2013 11:10 PM

Which makes me wonder: are they really having fun fu**in' with our heads? I'm really starting to think this way. Why on Earth did he like the comment of that person asking if it meant that Richie was coming back, then? And what about Obie? I'm just SO done! Unless Richie calls me on my freakin' cellphone to inform me he's back, I won't believe any of it. And even then, I'll have some reserves.[/QUOTE]

Yeah.. I'm starting to think the same... It feels like everyone here is making fun of fans and now I'm starting to be a little bored with this shit

Kryten2340 05-22-2013 11:21 PM


Originally Posted by Crushgen24/88 (Post 1132317)
Except lately you never know if they're gonna finish...

Yep, nothing ever comes off...

jovigirloz 05-22-2013 11:29 PM


Originally Posted by PatriciaSambora (Post 1132320)
Which makes me wonder: are they really having fun fu**in' with our heads? I'm really starting to think this way. Why on Earth did he like the comment of that person asking if it meant that Richie was coming back, then? And what about Obie? I'm just SO done! Unless Richie calls me on my freakin' cellphone to inform me he's back, I won't believe any of it. And even then, I'll have some reserves.

Yeah.. I'm starting to think the same... It feels like everyone here is making fun of fans and now I'm starting to be a little bored with this shit[/QUOTE]

I am getting the same feeling too. Is it their twisted way of keeping interest in the band, since everything else in relation to Bon Jovi seems to be boring and stale?

How can an organisation as big as them, have such a pack of twats working for them? Maybe Jon doesn't really care as long as the fans pay thousands for crap packages that include meeting his white mic stand and squeal when he shakes his ass..

nrm123 05-22-2013 11:33 PM

Richie is concentrating on his fashion career :eating:


KeepTheFaith2211 05-22-2013 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by nrm123 (Post 1132330)
Richie is concentrating on his fashion career :eating:

This can't be real?

Kryten2340 05-22-2013 11:37 PM


Originally Posted by nrm123 (Post 1132330)

Bullshit if you ask me. So he's bailed on the world tour to concentrate on his fashion career. Bollocks!!

PatriciaSambora 05-22-2013 11:37 PM


Originally Posted by nrm123 (Post 1132330)

I don't believe it, sorry

Javier 05-22-2013 11:38 PM


Originally Posted by nrm123 (Post 1132330)

:lol: that better be bullshit. " But Richie has hid say on whether he's replaceable, talking about the tour he tells MailOnline: '[The fans] have paid money to see Bon Jovi and right now, they are not getting the whole deal.' "

That's because you just said **** everyone and let down your fans you asshole!!

DestinationJovi 05-22-2013 11:40 PM


Originally Posted by Javier (Post 1132312)
I can't believe people really still care about Sambora, he's a dick, Jon's a prick but at least he's a prick shows up for the shows and does his job. Let Phil play the rest of the tour, he deserves the exposure and the cash...

I really hate the "Phil deserves it" stance. As pissed off as I am about how Richie has delt with this situation, I still want him back. Bon Jovi is incomplete without him.

Phil was hired to do a job, so he deserves nothing more than the paycheck he's getting. People act like Phil is the only guy who could step in to keep this tour going. I'm certain that is not the case. He gets paid for his work and he gets to tour South Africa and Europe first class all the way on the organization's dime. He's already getting what he deserves, handsomely.

Forget what you think Phil deserves. Fans deserve a Bon Jovi show with Richie.

PatriciaSambora 05-22-2013 11:40 PM

But.. That pic is a recent one? First time I see it and please, tell me is and old one

jessycardy 05-22-2013 11:43 PM


Originally Posted by nrm123 (Post 1132330)

How do the British say it? Ah, yes. BOLLOCKS. The UK press is REALLY starting to piss me off.

steel_horse75 05-22-2013 11:44 PM

That story better be bullshit

Living_on_my_Hair 05-22-2013 11:45 PM

Why oh why did it have to be The Daily Mail?! They even call him Job Bon Jovi in the first paragraph, waitago!

Most words we've had from Richie on the whole issue so far though, interesting...

Jon needs to stop talking about me publicly. I am fine working very hard on my fashion company Nikki Rich and this is a private matter.'

I don't have any major problems in life right now, I love my fans and I feel bad for them at the moment. Bottom line'
'My opinion is Jon wants to see if he can pull off stadiums by himself. He is making it very difficult for me to come back.'
He added: 'Enough with the trash talking!'

Yvonne 05-22-2013 11:47 PM


Originally Posted by PatriciaSambora (Post 1132339)
But.. That pic is a recent one? First time I see it and please, tell me is and old one

The picture is from today.

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