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Zeppo Jovi 09-12-2013 09:10 PM

Listened to Rarities-cd (These Days times). Sounded good but within these conditions felt a bit bad afterwards. Heaven help us all…

I hope they end the tour without adding any more dates. Then they should take whatever the time is needed to forget this mess, concentrate on other things than Bon Jovi and all four of them get their sh*t together (especially two of them).

Richie could do his solo stuff, Jon run his businesses and make his own solo album – so both could make independent decisions throughout the album process, learn and inspire from it and bring enthusiasm to the next album. Jon works his ass off to get his voice back to what it was few years ago (if possible, better be…) and sings a bit lower on his solo songs.

And when the time is right…
*they release an excellent non-pop album (although, as before, critics won’t admire them), and as on his solo, Jon nicely sings the new songs a bit lower than on the albums before and sounds pretty good

*they start a tour, but won’t book shows too tight so Jon’s voice can handle it and they stay eager to perform. Richie can continue his clothing adventure and take care of their tour clothing :)

*they don’t do 3 hour shows; they keep it into 1,5 hrs, 2 hrs max. It’s shorter but the tempo stays good, they push it to the limit every night - and they won’t dare to raise the ticket prices to the skies which would be possible since “re-union”. Because the change they also have to think again the set lists. People will understand how stupid it has been before to get mad because “we got only 2hrs 15 minutes and those got 2hrs 50 min”, and some old tours not so glorious start to look more shiny because the shows were so long

*Jon sings lower in concerts - not only the new songs but also some older stuff they’ve changed a bit. It disturbs people at first but since his solo and the new BJ-album they are already used to this "new sound"

*due to everything mentioned above they sound pretty damn good live again…

*…and then we will meet at the Olympic Stadium and have an awesome night, hopefully in summer 2016 or 2018 just in time to celebrate either Slippery or New Jersey…

We’ll see…
And sorry, I got a little carried away here with my thoughts/hopes :)

Rdkopper 09-12-2013 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by nickolai (Post 1152259)
Sorry. I like him really. He knows that as well, just don't tell him - it'll go to his head.

Is it just me or is it incredibly boring on here at the moment. It's more boring mid tour than pre/post tour. Rolo's the only one providing a little bit of light/humour. Somebody do something....please.

Sorry but still not feeling the love for either of them.

jessycardy 09-12-2013 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by nickolai (Post 1152253)
For Christ's sake, stop moaning like a little bitch. You're sounding like Eric with a K more and more and believe me, that aint good. One of the reasons why I dont go on here much is you. Highjacking threads with your constant whining, blah blah. Its too negative. Get a grip. Cheer up, get laid (if your old enough) and just chill the **** out. 1000 posts of just moaning. We get it that you love this band - as you tell us on every post. Be happy, smile and be constructive.

Yeah, it's too bad I take so much room when the board can be filled by constructive posts like yours. I'll let you know the day I start giving a **** about your opinion about what I should post or not. Until then, you could start following your own advice and get laid, rather than wasting your precious time with a whiny little bitch like me. So long.

Rdkopper 09-12-2013 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by Zeppo Jovi (Post 1152261)
Listened to Rarities-cd (These Days times). Sounded good but within these conditions felt a bit bad afterwards. Heaven help us all…

I hope they end the tour without adding any more dates. Then they should take whatever the time is needed to forget this mess, concentrate on other things than Bon Jovi and all four of them get their sh*t together (especially two of them).

Richie could do his solo stuff, Jon run his businesses and make his own solo album – so both could make independent decisions throughout the album process, learn and inspire from it and bring enthusiasm to the next album. Jon works his ass off to get his voice back to what it was few years ago (if possible, better be…) and sings a bit lower on his solo songs.

And when the time is right…
*they release an excellent non-pop album (although, as before, critics won’t admire them), and as on his solo, Jon nicely sings the new songs a bit lower than on the albums before and sounds pretty good

*they start a tour, but won’t book shows too tight so Jon’s voice can handle it and they stay eager to perform. Richie can continue his clothing adventure and take care of their tour clothing :)

*they don’t do 3 hour shows; they keep it into 1,5 hrs, 2 hrs max. It’s shorter but the tempo stays good, they push it to the limit every night - and they won’t dare to raise the ticket prices to the skies which would be possible since “re-union”. Because the change they also have to think again the set lists. People will understand how stupid it has been before to get mad because “we got only 2hrs 15 minutes and those got 2hrs 50 min”, and some old tours not so glorious start to look more shiny because the shows were so long

*Jon sings lower in concerts - not only the new songs but also some older stuff they’ve changed a bit. It disturbs people at first but since his solo and the new BJ-album they are already used to this "new sound"

*due to everything mentioned above they sound pretty damn good live again…

*…and then we will meet at the Olympic Stadium and have an awesome night, hopefully in summer 2016 or 2018 just in time to celebrate either Slippery or New Jersey…

We’ll see…
And sorry, I got a little carried away here with my thoughts/hopes :)

I agree with most of this especially the part about 3 hour shows. They should go back to the 18 song, 1hr 45min / 2hr sets and just go balls out. Too many fillers are putting me to sleep.

SuperBrad 09-12-2013 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by nickolai (Post 1152253)
For Christ's sake, stop moaning like a little bitch. You're sounding like Eric with a K more and more and believe me, that aint good. One of the reasons why I dont go on here much is you. Highjacking threads with your constant whining, blah blah. Its too negative. Get a grip. Cheer up, get laid (if your old enough) and just chill the **** out. 1000 posts of just moaning. We get it that you love this band - as you tell us on every post. Be happy, smile and be constructive.

Lol !! These sort of posts are what makes this forum interesting and fun . I called a chick a retard over on bswjbj last week and u would have thought i killed someone . They ALL turned on me ! Lol

Captain_jovi 09-12-2013 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by Rdkopper (Post 1152264)
I agree with most of this especially the part about 3 hour shows. They should go back to the 18 song, 1hr 45min / 2hr sets and just go balls out. Too many fillers are putting me to sleep.

Good call. My problem isn't that the songs are filler. I like them, I just don't need them for 3, 4, 5 tours in a row by this point. If they're not a single, and not a well known album track (other than being played show after show) then switch it up. The first timers won't notice, the casuals won't care, the diehards are attentive. Everyone wins. This isn't a popular opinion but I'm not including Captain Crash and We got it going on as those. Both get the crowd involved. I mean the Sleeps, and the Leavings and the Highways.

ezearis 09-12-2013 09:34 PM

I like Richie's new song, but it's nothing great, and maybe it's because I'm not american but I can't relate at all to the lyrics. Just a boring song, a nice one compared to the other crap lately released, but boring at the end.


Originally Posted by Rdkopper (Post 1152264)
I agree with most of this especially the part about 3 hour shows. They should go back to the 18 song, 1hr 45min / 2hr sets and just go balls out. Too many fillers are putting me to sleep.

They should keep it 3 hours, remove the fillers and add some good songs. I hate short sets, when Aerosmith left here I was like "That's all?".

nickolai 09-12-2013 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by ezearis (Post 1152267)
I like Richie's new song, but it's nothing great, and maybe it's because I'm not american but I can't relate at all to the lyrics. Just a boring song, a nice one compared to the other crap lately released, but boring at the end.

They should keep it 3 hours, remove the fillers and add some good songs. I hate short sets, when Aerosmith left here I was like "That's all?".

I dunno, ya know. Would you prefer an energetic 2 hour "Keep The Faith" tour set, or a mundane 3 hour set we're getting now. I'd have to go with Rdkopper on this one. And we know that they'd never replace the fillers with decent ones. Remember Jon saying on the Beautiful documentary that as well as giving the fans what he wants he wants to give himself what he wants too.

Spidey5150 09-12-2013 11:06 PM

Speaking of Aerosmith, I was just thinking how similar this tour has been to some of theirs, or other aging rock bands. Plagued by drama amongst band members and health issues forcing them to cancel/postpone tour dates.

As for Richie's new song, I like it okay. I'm not particularly blown away however. Much more authentic sounding than Come Back As Me or a lot of what is present on WAN though which I greatly appreciate.

ezearis 09-12-2013 11:22 PM


Originally Posted by nickolai (Post 1152269)
I dunno, ya know. Would you prefer an energetic 2 hour "Keep The Faith" tour set, or a mundane 3 hour set we're getting now. I'd have to go with Rdkopper on this one. And we know that they'd never replace the fillers with decent ones. Remember Jon saying on the Beautiful documentary that as well as giving the fans what he wants he wants to give himself what he wants too.

Well, Jon was energetic in all of the 3 hour set back in 2010. I don't think that cutting it short will improve it now as his voice isn't good enough or he doesn't move in all of the show.

Also, cutting it short would mean a greatest hits night after night after night. I can ever imagine it, no place for a surprise at all. I think that playing less shows would be more productive than cutting the shows short.

Jon needs to stop touring so much, I mean, why add another Chicago date when you've been there one month ago? The tour book for October is sick! Seems like they're playing almost every night, and in places where they've played not so long ago.

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