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Beaky 09-12-2013 11:31 PM

Let me clarify - this is NOT what I want from Bon Jovi but I am not going to get what I want from them.

My point was, this song does what Jon tries to do with his introspective, acoustic, blue-collar, Bruce-lite and it does it better. It shows a promise that has been lacking from anything they've written together in a long time.

But as was pointed out, that's probably because BT wrote the lyrics!

jdanielross 09-13-2013 03:18 AM

The new song isn't great but it's so much better than CBAM (crap, IMO). Makes me think RS may have really needed to get another solo phase out of his system and instead was rushed back to "the machine." In hindsight, you can hear that sneer in his tone of voice in early WAN interviews and press.

This whole thing has shown me that I can appreciate a person's talent but understand the individual as a person could be a mess of a human being.

DestinationJovi 09-13-2013 05:25 AM


Originally Posted by nickolai (Post 1152253)
For Christ's sake, stop moaning like a little bitch. You're sounding like Eric with a K more and more and believe me, that aint good. One of the reasons why I dont go on here much is you. Highjacking threads with your constant whining, blah blah. Its too negative. Get a grip. Cheer up, get laid (if your old enough) and just chill the **** out. 1000 posts of just moaning. We get it that you love this band - as you tell us on every post. Be happy, smile and be constructive.

+1 :eggface:

TwinFan 09-13-2013 05:32 AM


Originally Posted by DestinationJovi (Post 1152285)
+1 :eggface:

+2 ;)

danfan 09-13-2013 07:26 AM


Originally Posted by nickolai (Post 1152259)
Sorry. I like him really. He knows that as well, just don't tell him - it'll go to his head.

Is it just me or is it incredibly boring on here at the moment. It's more boring mid tour than pre/post tour. Rolo's the only one providing a little bit of light/humour. Somebody do something....please.

I think it's pure and simple disappointment and frustration. This entire WAN experience has been nothing short of the darkest days in the band's history. I don't give a shit what Billboard Boxscore says or how much fun people say they are having at the shows. AS far as I'm concerned, it's like a married couple who fight constantly putting on a decent front at a family barbeque.

bonjovi821 09-13-2013 08:22 AM


Originally Posted by danfan (Post 1152288)
I think it's pure and simple disappointment and frustration. This entire WAN experience has been nothing short of the darkest days in the band's history. I don't give a shit what Billboard Boxscore says or how much fun people say they are having at the shows. AS far as I'm concerned, it's like a married couple who fight constantly putting on a decent front at a family barbeque.

I think I agree with you. Richie just happened to be the one to get up from the barbecue and walk into the deep end of the swimming pool.

Breaking Bad fans? Anyone? No?

steel_horse75 09-13-2013 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by Beaky (Post 1152273)
Let me clarify - this is NOT what I want from Bon Jovi !

Ive quoted this part as although I think the same - I do think solo albums should sound totaly different to what they do in their band.
So, good on RS for doing this song as its different to what BJ sound like. Im all for that. Id be gutted if BJ started to sound like this though.
Im not a fan of the fighter, not running and engine 19 - but as solo songs I can accept them - but I wont listen.
No point in JBJ and RS releasing songs where you think - this sounds like BJ.

jovifan93 09-13-2013 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by steel_horse75 (Post 1152291)
Ive quoted this part as although I think the same - I do think solo albums should sound totaly different to what they do in their band.
So, good on RS for doing this song as its different to what BJ sound like. Im all for that. Id be gutted if BJ started to sound like this though.
Im not a fan of the fighter, not running and engine 19 - but as solo songs I can accept them - but I wont listen.
No point in JBJ and RS releasing songs where you think - this sounds like BJ.

Agreed, except that The Fighter isn't a solo song and works perfectly as album closer IMO, just like Learn To Love...

Beaky 09-13-2013 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by steel_horse75 (Post 1152291)
Ive quoted this part as although I think the same - I do think solo albums should sound totaly different to what they do in their band.
So, good on RS for doing this song as its different to what BJ sound like. Im all for that. Id be gutted if BJ started to sound like this though.
Im not a fan of the fighter, not running and engine 19 - but as solo songs I can accept them - but I wont listen.
No point in JBJ and RS releasing songs where you think - this sounds like BJ.

Good point, well made.

I like this kind of music and can accept it, as long as it's solo stuff.

MrNickel 09-13-2013 12:34 PM

Reality check Lund,

100,000 views in over a month is not going viral. Miley Cyrus new video has 71 million in 3 days. Thats going viral.

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