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JoviForever 09-18-2013 07:44 PM

I notice there is going to be an Official Bon Jovi Calendar for next year so if Richie is not included anywhere I guess the big question will be answered for all of us.

bonjovi90 09-18-2013 08:07 PM

Phil X just posted a pic of himself in the studio less than a few hours ago. Don't know if it's a current one, but if so we could start to speculate whether he's with the band or not since the thread ain't going anywhere anyway :P

DevilsSon 09-18-2013 08:09 PM

I don't quite get your post, semigoodlookin...


Originally Posted by semigoodlookin (Post 1152529)
A mental reply, and not because of what you said exactly.

You reply to me saying Sambora has a connection with the fans after I had also wrote this:

Where did I say that? I said the only reason one would think that, is because he was in BJ longer than Ace was in Kiss. I don't think that holds though but one could argue. I think Ace had a lot more of a connection with the fans when he left the band than Richie ever had or will ever have.

Given that, I don't quite get your point. I am not disagreeing with either of your statements. Fact is, however, that these things are all about perception, whether true or false. In my mind Richie's contribution to Bon Jovi is the reason I like Bon Jovi. But that's my mind, it doesn't matter. Certainly, in collective mass perception, at the time Ace left KISS he was more of an integral and irreplaceable part of KISS than Richie is today (or, in fact, has ever been). Yet Kiss went on and are still a massive band today. Does that make more sense?

nikos greece 09-18-2013 11:31 PM

i cant believe what we are talking here...never cared abou the kiss BUT all of a sudden richie is replacable???by who???they both handled the situation poorly and lost fans and credibility with this ongoing fiasco but ...if bon jovi are/were a band, at least on stage...richie was an integral part...i thought this was a taken and not sth we should debate about...jon may be the leader, maybe his ways is the reason for many mistakes but richie co wrote many many songs and a richieless bj would be like the "new" gnrs...which imo is a joke...guns n roses were with slash and the rest of the guys...deep purple were with ritchie blackmoore and so on...every other solution is sad, nostalgic and substitute

ps.richies tweet about tico...???what was that???he obviously could and possibly called why the use of the social media in a private matter???to show you care???
ps2. all these situations make me appreciate the led zeppelin approach...everyone was irreplecable...they lost the drummer...he was a superb musician but was the drummer and they still called it a day realising it wouldnt be the same...of course there have been several reunions but they showed respect to their music/legacy...
ps3.unfortunately i ve lost all respect about richie these days...its been 30 years of bj, 25 from new jersey and he is celebrating aftermath???wtf???1 year anniversary???of what???a mediocre album???
its sad these days to see how they ended up, after all these years...being out there and kicking asses live now we have sad band with a leader who pretends everything is fine and adds shows to raise more money

IML88 09-19-2013 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by bonjovi90 (Post 1152533)
Phil X just posted a pic of himself in the studio less than a few hours ago. Don't know if it's a current one, but if so we could start to speculate whether he's with the band or not since the thread ain't going anywhere anyway :P

Iceman 09-19-2013 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by IML88 (Post 1152556)

Phil X records a lot of songs for his own projects as well. I think it's much more likely he's working on The Drills' album than on Bon Jovi.


liljovi93 09-19-2013 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by JoviForever (Post 1152531)
I notice there is going to be an Official Bon Jovi Calendar for next year so if Richie is not included anywhere I guess the big question will be answered for all of us.

I haven't seen anything about an official calendar coming out. Where did you see that?

Slakk 09-19-2013 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by semigoodlookin (Post 1152518)
Jon has probably just drawn a line under this tour in a kind of "you donīt deserve to be here now" and would probably take him back for the next cycle.

I would not be so sure of that - Richie and his people have been fueling the rumor mill and Jon is a control freak. In order for Richie to come back:

A- Tico and David would have to force the issue (no Richie no Bon Jovi)
B- Jon would have to admit he needs Richie (not gonna happen)
C- Richie crawl back and agree (not gonna happen)
D -Richie, Tico, David and Jon get in a room act like adults and work this out

Pick which one you like

Stranger11 09-19-2013 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by nikos greece (Post 1152538)
ps.richies tweet about tico...???what was that???he obviously could and possibly called why the use of the social media in a private matter???to show you care???

I donīt see why this could be an issue. I can only imagine how Richie would have been bashed by many fans if he wouldnīt have mentioned Tico after his surgery.

rocknation 09-19-2013 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by Slakk (Post 1152575)
...Richie, Tico, David and Jon get in a room act like adults and work this out

Maybe some good can come of what happened to Tico -- hopefully, it's inejected everyone involved with a big dose of both reality and perspective.

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